Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0914 you stop him, I go to the elders!

The four teamed up just now were all killed by Jiang Tian with one move. Wouldn't it be courting death for the three of them to stay?

However, they are no longer allowed to back down when things are in front of them, so they can only bite the bullet and go on.

"Damn it!"

"kill him!"


The three swung their long knives and slashed across the air, trying to keep Jiang Tian from getting close.

But they didn't know that Jiang Tian didn't care about these things at all. Facing the attack of the three, his figure just flicked and passed by, and appeared in front of them in an instant.


The Wild Dragon Fighting Fist erupted again, and the three of them uttered horrific screams and died in an instant!

Jiang Tian shook his head and snorted coldly, strode forward, and swept into the depths of the valley.

"Hiss! This kid's strength is really extraordinary, it seems that Brother Tao made the right choice!"

"Don't talk so much now, follow up!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian solved the seven warriors blocking the way, Tao Heng and others who were hiding aside came out, looked at Jiang Tian's back with fear, and followed with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Jiang!"


Qi Yurou finally caught up, and after entering the valley, he saw the corpse hiding on the ground. He looked up and saw that Jiang Tian and the others had entered the depths of the valley, and immediately followed without hesitation.


"Where's the elder?"

The gray-robed warrior rushed into the valley, and saw two guarding companions in front of a dark cave.

"The elder is in the cave!"

"Eh? Chai Song, didn't you stay outside? Why did you come here? Did something happen?"

The two companions looked at each other in confusion.

According to the elder's instructions, Chai Song should guard the entrance of the valley to prevent people from making trouble. He rushed in so hastily, and he still had a serious expression on his face. Could something really be wrong?

The two of them were also startled, realizing that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Chai Song nodded heavily, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Go and notify the elders, someone broke in..."

"No need!"


Before the words were finished, a cold shout suddenly sounded, and a figure rumbled through the air, with an unbelievably fast speed, and landed in front of them in a blink of an eye.

"Hiss! Who is it?"

"Bold! How dare you trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon and Tiger Sect, don't you want to live?"

The faces of the two warriors sank, and they immediately scolded angrily. They looked at Jiang Tian with a ferocious face, showing an incomparable killing intent all over his body.

However, Cai Song's face became more and more ugly, obviously very afraid of the coming person.

Seeing Jiang Tian rushing in, he didn't understand the situation outside. The two of them almost came to the depths of the valley. Obviously, the three companions couldn't stop Jiang Tian for a while.

"Yes...it's him, that is, he broke through the guards on the outside. I'll inform the elders, you two must stop him!"

Chai Song reacted quickly, turned around and swept into the cave as soon as his eyes rolled, leaving two companions there who couldn't recover for a while.

"How could he break in so easily?"

"Aren't there eight people outside? How could he... hiss, could it be?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly realized that they were all overwhelmed by Chai Song after arguing for a long time!

At this point, anyone who is not a fool can understand that Chai Song first ran in from outside the valley in a panic, and then rushed into the cave in panic after seeing this strange warrior from outside. What does this mean?

This shows that the cultivation base of the visitor is definitely higher than them, and it must be difficult to deal with!

The faces of the two froze, and at the same time they felt bad, but they didn't dare to disobey the elder's order, so they could only bite the bullet.

"Early stage of Chongyang Realm?"

"so far so good!"

After seeing Jiang Tian's cultivation, the two couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

No matter how powerful a martial artist at the early stage of Chongyang Realm is, it won't be too scary, right?

The two yelled violently and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

"Boy! Go to hell!"

"This is not the place for you!"


The two shot with all their strength, and in an instant, more than a dozen sword lights slashed at Jiang Tian with a loud rumbling sound.


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and didn't want to talk to the two of them.

Stepping out step by step, Zhou Feng raised a glaring light like a purple dragon, and the powerful coercion suddenly dissipated, directly shaking the attacks of the two to pieces!


The spiritual power scattered in the void, and the two warriors on the opposite side were stunned!


"how so?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and the powerful coercion had already swept in, directly shaking their feet off the ground, screaming and vomiting blood, and both of them slammed upside down on the giant tree beside the cave.

bang bang!

The two fell to the ground with screams, and their breath became chaotic, but Jiang Tian didn't kill any more, just observed the surrounding situation with a frown.

There is no other way out here, and just now Chasong rushed into the cave without saying a word, it seems that there must be someone else inside.

And at this moment, there was a loud rumbling noise from under the ground!

"Goblin beast?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the goblin beast had encountered some obstacles and did not run too far for a while.

Looking up, there is a big mountain lying in front of him. Facing the hard rock, it must be a little troublesome with the power of a goblin beast.

Jiang Tian immediately decided to go into the cave to explore!


Jiang Tian stepped out, and rushed into the cave with a rumbling muffled sound.

The two Dragon and Tiger Sect warriors struggled to stand up, their faces filled with horror!

What is the origin of this young boy who is only in the early stage of Chongyang Realm, and why is his strength so terrifying?

At this moment, they fully understood why Cai Song rushed into the cave in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to ask them about the situation in the cave.

Obviously, this young man Di Chasong has an irresistible terror in his heart, otherwise, he would never be so abnormal.

A master at the peak of Chongyang Realm was forced into such a panic by a junior at the early stage of Chongyang Realm, one can imagine the fear in Chai Song's heart.

However, the situation in the cave is also extremely complicated, even weird and unpredictable. Can this young man really please him after entering?

Of course it's impossible!

The two looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads and sneering.

"Hmph! I have to say that this kid's strength is really amazing, but with the elders around, he can only seek his own death if he enters the cave!"

"That's good, it saves us trouble!"

The two shook their heads and sneered, secretly rejoicing.

If the young man hadn't entered the hole quickly, but had chosen to entangle with them, they might have died at this moment.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but feel relieved, and they were very grateful!

It seems that today's luck is pretty good. Meeting such an astonishingly powerful master only suffered a little internal injury, but was not completely injured.

It's risky, it's risky!

The two smiled at each other, sighed helplessly, and the surprise of the rest of their lives filled their hearts.

But the next moment, their faces darkened, and they frowned again.

"Quick, catch up!"

"Huh? Where did that kid go?"

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