Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0920 copper pot magic weapon

"Is it finally all right this time?"

The two of them wiped off the cold sweat from their foreheads, stopped involuntarily, but there was still great panic in their eyes.

Just now, they witnessed the horror of this dark red aura with their own eyes. Several companions were swept by it one after another. They didn't even have the slightest self-protection power, and they died instantly without even struggling. It was really terrifying!

Even in the ancient books that recorded ancient strange events, they had never seen such a terrifying scene, it was even more bizarre than a dream.


The bronze jug let out a dull roar, and finally swallowed the last trace of dark red aura.

As the white-haired and gray-robed elder moved a little further away, the huge cork closed tightly with a "bang", and the whole body shrank rapidly and was about to fall backwards.

"Hmph! But that's it... huh?"

The white-haired and gray-robed elder smiled coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, but he stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The bronze-colored magic weapon that used to drive Youxin like an arm and a finger, but now the kung fu is not listening!

"Hiss! How could this happen?"

The white-haired and gray-robed elder gave a cold shout, and urged again with his right hand. The bronze wine jug shook its whole body a few times, and managed to fly back about ten feet, but it froze again.

Not only that, it even stays at Zhang Xu and no longer shrinks, which is really weird!

"It makes no sense!"

The white-haired and gray-robed elder's face darkened, and he couldn't help being furious.

Raising both arms together, billowing spiritual power swept out from the air, rolling towards the flagon wildly.


Under his frantic urging, the bronze jug finally reacted again, the whole body trembled violently, and began to shrink again.

At the same time, it flew towards him at an unusually slow speed.

"Huh?" The white-haired gray-robed elder frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The situation in front of him was somewhat different from what he had expected. Although he had doubts, it was not a big problem after thinking about it.

He relaxed, shook his head and sighed, ready to put away this magic weapon.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


Accompanied by a terrible roar, the bronze flagon burst open after a violent struggle!

Fragments shot out like sharp arrows, raging the void with terrifying spiritual power.

There were two whistling sounds, and the two Chaisong and Song, who had been hiding more than ten meters away, screamed in pain, and their bodies froze in place.

"Hiss!" Jiang Tian looked at it from a distance, and his eyelids twitched.

A ray of dark red spiritual light has penetrated into the bodies of the two along with the fragments of the magic weapon that passed through the body.

Whether it was the heavy physical injury or the attack of the dark red aura, the two of them could not avoid it, and they died on the spot!

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

Purple light flashed all over his body, blocking more than a dozen fragments from the oncoming shot.

However, the dark red aura carried by the fragment was not affected, but it began to corrode his purple aura after a short pause, making a "sizzling" noise.

"Damn it!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, and he was shocked in his heart. He realized that he was still too careless, and he even gave the dark red aura an opportunity.

The situation was extremely dangerous, and he didn't have time to think about it. He shouted angrily, and purple light surged all over his body, slowing down the penetration of the dark red aura.

At the same time, with a flick of his right hand, the Chixue sword marrow lay in front of him.


Jiang Tian's aura surged and flashed out like lightning, and he saw a palpitating scene in a blink of an eye!


The unstoppable dark red aura rushed down and hit the Chixue sword pith, instantly making this strange long sword flash wildly, and the aura became turbulent.

"It makes no sense!"

The Chixue Sword Essence has long recognized the owner, and Jiang Tianli felt telepathic when the sword body was attacked. Although the red two-color light on the sword body was turbulent, it was being attacked strongly, and the consequences if it continued were unimaginable.

After realizing something was wrong, Jiang Tian immediately recalled Chixue Sword Essence, and at the same time waved his right hand, a dazzling golden light blasted out.

This time, he learned the previous lesson and no longer let the magic weapon come into direct contact with the dark red aura, but released a violent spiritual power from the air.


Amidst the terrifying explosion, the void trembled wildly, and powerful spiritual power burst out, forcing the dark red aura back abruptly.

"so close!"

Jiang Tianxia consciously raised his hand to touch it, and a layer of cold sweat was already oozing from his forehead, and his back was also a little cold.

"Huh?" The white-haired and gray-robed Elder Mu, who had been dealing with the dark red spiritual light, finally noticed something strange, turned his head and glanced, and a majestic look flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Tian frowned, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he didn't answer the other party.

This can't help but make the old man surnamed Mu feel unhappy, but his biggest trouble right now is the dark red aura, but he doesn't care about Jiang Tian flawlessly.

However, the opponent's method just now still surprised him, and he was very surprised.

"A kid at the early stage of Chongyang Realm can forcibly escape the attack of this thing, and he has such a powerful magic weapon. What is his background?"

The corner of Elder Mu's mouth moved slightly, and the strange color in his eyes flashed away.


Without the confinement of the magic weapon, and without the containment of the two Chongyang realm warriors, the dark red aura surged and began to attack Elder Mu with all its strength.

Even though Elder Mu showed the formidable means of a strong person in the profound realm, he still had some difficulty in the face of this strange and terrifying existence.

"Damn! How unreasonable!"

Elder Mu shot furiously, cursing continuously, still unable to get rid of the entanglement, but gradually under the pressure of the dark red aura, and became timid.

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and his heart was full of doubts.

What kind of existence is it that can suppress a strong person in the profound realm to such a state?

"Boy! This old man is Mu Lun, the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect. Help me take down this beast quickly, and there will be a great reward!"

"There must be a big reward?"

Jiang Tian couldn't stop sneering when he heard the words, it's already this time, this Elder Mu Lun is still so arrogant?

From his words, it is not difficult to see that he obviously placed himself in a high position, full of condescending arrogance to Jiang Tian.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your proposal." Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, unmoved.

"You..." Mu Lun's face darkened, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly.

He didn't expect that this kid would not agree to it. You know, he took out his identity as the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, and he is a strong person in the profound realm. As long as he is not a fool, it is impossible to refuse such a request.

After all, whether it is the promise of the Dragon and Tiger Sect or the majesty of a strong person in the profound realm, they cannot be resisted.

However, this stranger at the early stage of Chongyang Realm is so ignorant, he doesn't give him the slightest face, and even directly rejects his request, it is unreasonable!

"Boy! How dare you disobey the old man's orders?" Elder Mu's face was gloomy, but he still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, but there was a faint sense of majesty and domineering around him.

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