Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0923 insidious despicable

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"It's Junior Brother Jiang, that's great!"

Qi Yurou didn't think much when she heard his voice, instead she was pleasantly surprised and accelerated again.

The voice of surprise has not yet settled, and the person has already arrived in front of Zhan Fei.

"Hey! Zhan Fei, are you here too?"

"Hey, yes, I'm guarding the exit for Junior Brother Jiang!"

Zhan Fei smiled slyly, and quickly greeted Qi Yurou, with an imperceptible hint of sinister flashing in his eyes.

"Be careful Zhan Fei!" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he shouted angrily.

Qi Yurou was taken aback when she heard the words, a little confused!

Why is Jiang Tian so anxious, why did she tell her to "be careful of Zhan Fei"?

Could it be...

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't worry, I'm here, I guarantee that Junior Sister Qi... can't escape!"

Zhan Fei's expression turned ferocious in an instant, and while Qi Yurou was shocked, he grabbed her and threw her back fiercely.

He himself took advantage of his body and swayed towards the exit.


After killing Zhuo Yang, the black shadow in the rear rushed towards Qi Yurou, who was still in shock. The situation was extremely dangerous!

"It makes no sense!"

Although Qi Yurou was staggered by Zhan Fei's conspiracy, she still had the strength at the peak of the Chongyang Realm. After realizing that the situation was wrong, she forcibly stabilized her body. The black shadow on the opposite side rushed out.


The dull roar echoed in the hall, setting off strong fluctuations one after another.

However, this level of attack did not have much impact on the black shadow at all. It just let its body shake slightly and resumed its forward momentum, and it had already arrived in front of Qi Yurou in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, with a chill in his eyes.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he could no longer hesitate.

After all, Qi Yurou didn't know how scary this black shadow was, and thought it was just an ordinary warrior. If she realized it, it might be too late.

With a flash of lightning in his mind, Jiang Tian disappeared in place in an instant. However, the black shadow was still too close to Qi Yurou, even if he burst out with all his strength, he couldn't stop it.

However, of course, he didn't only have this means. Facing this dangerous scene, he acted extremely decisively.

With a violent shout, Ling Kong waved his right hand, and Chi Xue's sword essence was thrown out instantly.


The ear-piercing sword howl suddenly sounded, and the red and white sword rainbow disappeared into the void as soon as it flashed.

A moment later, the dazzling sword rainbow flew to the only gap left between Soi Ying's and Qi Yurou... With a "chick", it slashed past!

"Ah!" Qi Yurou's complexion changed wildly, and she exclaimed in shock, her heart was horrified!

The dazzling sword rainbow seemed to pass by her eyes wildly, if there was even a deviation of one finger, it would cut her straight, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

If she didn't trust Jiang Tian enough, she even thought that the other party wanted to plot against her!

Qi Yurou didn't even care about the black shadow on the opposite side any more, the surge of spiritual power in her body abruptly stopped her castration, she gasped, and there was a huge wave in her mind.

But after this sword rainbow passed by, the black shadow that was rushing towards it with its teeth and claws was instantly thrown down, and then a ball-like object rolled to the side.

Qi Yurou subconsciously turned her head to look, the corners of her eyes twitched suddenly, her face turned pale!

That ball-like rolling object is the head of Sombra!

"Hiss!" Qi Yurou gasped again, horrified in her heart, and was too impressed by Jiang Tian's methods.

You must know that the moment just now was extremely dangerous, and even a strong person at the Quasi-Profound Realm couldn't help her with such lightning-fast kung fu.

But Jiang Tian did it, and he controlled the sword rainbow so exquisitely that even she, who is accustomed to using swords, was deeply shocked by it!

His kendo attainments are truly astonishing!


Jiang Tian was so fast that he seemed to turn into a phantom, and landed next to Qi Yurou the next moment.

"Junior Brother Jiang..."


Jiang Tian didn't say much, and snorted coldly, the cold light in his eyes soared, and he swung the Chixue sword marrow with his right hand and slashed forward wildly in the void.


The dazzling sword rainbow erupted again, as if an extremely fast rocket illuminated the dim space of the hall, and a dazzling brilliance instantly crossed the void, piercing through Zhan Fei's body with a "poof".

"Insidious and despicable, death deserves more than punishment!"

Chi Xue's sword marrow flew back in an instant, Jiang Tian shouted angrily, and the sword light with his right hand disappeared in front of him.

"Senior Sister Qi, are you alright?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, what happened, that person just now..." Qi Yurou finally came back to his senses, staring at Jiang Tian in a daze, with an incomparable shock still remaining in his mind.

Jiang Tian's method really opened her eyes, but it shocked her even more.

However, she had just arrived here, so she still didn't understand the situation here.

Why was that black shadow not afraid of her attack just now, and why did Zhan Fei want to run away in such a hurry?

There are also two dark shadows entangled with Tao Heng not far away, who are they?

All kinds of questions came to mind, Qi Yurou felt a little messy.

Jiang Tian frowned, and said solemnly: "Senior Sister Qi, the situation here is a bit weird, you must be careful of those gray-robed warriors, they have lost their humanity and turned into monsters who are not afraid of death. They are useless at all, unless their heads are forcibly beheaded to kill them completely."

"What? How could this happen!"

Qi Yurou's face turned pale when she heard the words, she had never heard of such a thing, at first she thought Jiang Tian was joking, but how could he make such a joke under such circumstances and atmosphere?

With a flick of his mind, Qi Yurou knew that the other party was indeed not joking, but that the situation was really weird, otherwise he wouldn't have shot so violently just now.

Thinking of this, Qi Yurou's heart tightened, and she was a little scared for a while, but Jiang Tian's warning warmed her heart inexplicably, and she felt great.

Is Junior Brother Jiang caring about her?

Does he really care about her safety?

Qi Yurou lost his mind for a moment, making Jiang Tian's heart wrinkle.

"Senior Sister Qi, the situation here is complicated, you must be vigilant at all times, and don't be distracted!"

Jiang Tian's serious admonition made the other party's face turn red suddenly, and he looked extremely shy.

Jiang Tian didn't bother to pay attention to these things, the situation in the hall was so dangerous, and there were Tao Heng with ulterior motives, two gray-robed monsters, and a strong man in the profound realm.

There is also a strange dark red aura of unknown origin, everything is too sinister, and he can't help distracting.

"There is also that group of dark red spiritual light, don't be contaminated by it, even if there is only a trace, it will be fatal!"

"What?" Qi Yurou couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes when he heard Jiang Tian's warning, completely shocked.

What the hell is this place, and why are there so many weird situations?

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