Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0928 see how long you last

Boom boom boom!

The dazzling golden light flashed three times in a row, and the astonishing spiritual power erupted wildly, tearing a gap in the big gray hand that was clenched tightly.


Jiang Tian was overjoyed, and quickly recalled the Chixue Sword Essence from the air.


Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with Chixue Jiansui flying back, so he immediately put it away.

But the golden light was still suspended in the void, guarding against Mu Lun's movements.

"Good boy! This is more to my liking!"

Mu Lun was not surprised but delighted. When Jiang Tian repelled the dark red aura earlier, he was deeply impressed by this magic weapon, and he couldn't help but feel even more eager to see it again.

He was very surprised, where did a boy with a meager cultivation get so many powerful and weird magic weapons?

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that these things will soon become Mu Lun's possession!

"Hahahaha! Boy, you don't need to do anything now, these things will soon belong to the old man!"

Mu Lun laughed wildly, and the breath in his body rose sharply, shaking out a magic talisman with his right hand, which turned into a spiritual restraint behind him, temporarily blocking the attack of the dark red aura.

He turned his head and smiled sullenly, watching Jiang Tian's expression become extremely greedy.

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, his heart froze, and he secretly exclaimed that something is wrong!

Without the restraint of the dark red aura, Mu Lun's gestures must be more calm, which is not a good thing for him.

Mu Lun's greedy eyes seemed to be staring at an ancient fierce beast, which gave him an extremely terrifying feeling.

Qi Yurou was so frightened that she froze, her body stiffened, and her spiritual power was stagnant.

"Junior, I assure you, those who oppose this old man will never end well!"

Mu Lun sneered, grabbed his right palm out from the air, and grabbed the bone of the giant monster's hand impressively.

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, his spiritual power surged wildly, and a flash of determination flashed between his brows.

Even if the opponent is a strong person in the Profound Realm, he will not be afraid, let alone shrink back casually, not to mention that there is Qi Yurou behind him who needs his protection.

"It's too dangerous here, Senior Sister Qi, step aside and let me deal with this person!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and warned in a deep voice.

"But..." Qi Yurou frowned, her face was pale and bloodless, and she blamed herself immensely.

If it weren't for her, Jiang Tian would not be so constrained even if he lost to the opponent, but now, she has indeed become a burden.

Although she intends to share the burden for Jiang Tian, ​​the fact is ruthless. Even if she tries her best, she will not be able to help at all, and will even drag Jiang Tian down.

"Junior Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Qi Yurou gritted her teeth and sighed, and stepped back quickly to make room for Jiang Tian.

"Strangle the fingers!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian pressed his right hand across the air, and the giant monster's hand bones radiated golden light and rushed towards Mu Lun's palm print.

Boom boom boom!

The violent loud noise shook the hall, and there were waves of spiritual power in the void, which shocked Qi Yurou behind.

Jiang Tian still didn't flinch, he urged the giant monster's hand bones with all his strength, and strangled Mu Lun's condensed palm print.

Under the attack of Hanging Sky Finger, the gray palm print instantly severed three giant fingers, turning into three balls of spiritual power that rolled in the void.

But with Mu Lun's sneer, he moved again from the air, and the three groups of spiritual power quickly rewinded and turned into three giant fingers to receive them back.


The violent loud noise came out again, and the giant palm slammed down on the giant monster's hand bone without hesitation, grabbing it straight, and it was about to fall backwards right now.

"Damn it!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and he channeled enough spiritual power in his body. In an instant, circular dazzling purple lights surged up, gathered on his right arm, and followed him to point, and slammed out from the air !

"Swallowing finger!"


A pillar-like purple finger shadow pierced through the air, bombarding the tightly held gray giant palm like lightning, tearing it open a crack!

"Huh? What kind of exercise is this!"

The corners of Mullen's eyes shrank, and he was suddenly surprised.

He didn't expect that Jiang Tian could break his palm print with bare hands. Although he didn't completely tear it apart, he was surprised enough to be able to do this with the opponent's cultivation level.


Accompanied by a bang, the giant monster's hand bones erupted with a burst of madness, and it forcibly broke free from Mu Lun's palm.

After getting rid of the confinement, it seemed that he was going to fly back to Jiang Tian, ​​but in fact, he drew a dazzling golden light in the air, and suddenly twisted down wildly.

The sky-hanging finger showed its power again, taking advantage of Mu Lun's absent-mindedness, he slammed it five times, smashing the gray palm prints into pieces!

"Hmph! How unreasonable!"

Mu Lun's face darkened, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he flicked his right hand out of the air like an understatement.

The spiritual power that had been twisted by the heavenly fingers shook violently, and instantly rolled back like drowning in a boiling pot, condensed into a giant gray palm and slammed towards Jiang Tian at an astonishingly fast speed!


The giant palm slammed down, but was blocked by a group of golden light that suddenly lit up.

In a critical moment, Jiang Tian urged the giant monster's hand bones to block the opponent's astonishing blow.

But even with the defense of the giant monster's hand bones, the powerful spiritual power still surged towards him everywhere, knocking him back a few feet, the breath around his body trembled violently, and his blood was turbulent. , I'm afraid he has been seriously injured.

A strong person in the Profound Realm really has extraordinary means!

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the churning spiritual power, his expression became extremely dignified.

Qi Yurou behind was so frightened that she couldn't speak, her face had turned pale and bloodless.

The blow just now, if she had already been bombarded to death by Mu Lun's terrifying punch, let alone fight back, she wouldn't even have the power to protect herself.

However, Jiang Tian was able to attack and defend. Although he was at a disadvantage, he did not completely lose his ability to protect himself.

This scene shocked her deeply. If she hadn't known Jiang Tian beforehand and had some understanding of his cultivation, she would even have thought that he was a master of the quasi-mysterious realm!

"Good boy, how long can you last?"

Mu Lun shouted angrily, and shook his right fist again.

His attack seemed violent, but in fact it didn't take much effort for him. Several shots were taken lightly, but for Jiang Tian, ​​it was like facing a formidable enemy, and he couldn't afford to miss at all.

It can be seen from this that there is a huge gap in the cultivation bases of the two sides!

Mu Lun shot at will with little consumption, but Jiang Tian needs to use magic weapon to resist with all his strength, and he barely walks on thin ice. What kind of gap is this?

But there is no way. After all, there is a huge gap between the two sides. This is the crushing of power attributes. This is a huge difference in strength, which cannot be easily made up by a few magic weapons.

"Boy, I have to say that your strength really surprised this old man, but if it's just like this, then you still don't have the slightest chance. What other means should you use quickly, otherwise this old man will send you on your way!"

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