Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0933 Mutation Resurrection

This is a magic talisman that he acquired at a great price. It is said to come from the ruins of a certain ancient strongman. To him, it can be said to be a treasure at the bottom of the chest.

However, it was this life-saving method that he was proud of, but it was completely ineffective under the attack of Huo Ling Shengzun, which really shocked him!

"Damn! Damn!"

Mu Lun roared sharply, knowing that he couldn't hold on anymore, if he didn't escape in time, the consequences would be disastrous!

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and gave Jiang Tian a hard look, leaving a resentful look in his eyes and fleeing wildly.

"Boy, the old man has written down this account. As long as you are still in Canglan Country, you will never have a good life in the future!"

Mu Lun ran away furiously while swearing, and when he was about to escape out of the palace gate, his face suddenly flickered, and he swung his palm with a red flame palm print.


Chi Yan is like a flaming meteor, but the direction is not Jiang Tian, ​​because he knows that Jiang Tian cannot be hurt, the target of this attack is Qi Yurou who is standing aside!

Not to mention that this woman is now so frightened by all kinds of scenes that she can't resist Mu Lun's attack even if she tries her best. Once she is hit, she will definitely die.

At the very moment, the sound of cold drinks suddenly sounded, and a figure pierced through the air, appearing in front of Qi Yurou in time to block him.


Jiang Tian didn't have time to activate the magic weapon, so he could only use the "Swallowing Finger" to point at the red flame palm print.

The huge purple fingerprint passed through the air and hit the target instantly. However, Mu Lun had already calculated it. This palm seemed solid, but it was actually a deliberate method.

With a bang, the whole body of the red flame palm print exploded, turning into a flame of tens of feet in size and covering it wildly!

"Damn it!" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

Mu Lun's attack was too abrupt, and the Holy Lord Huoling couldn't help at this time. Once the red flames were completely swept away, how could Qi Yurou survive?

At the critical moment, Jiang Tian let out a loud shout, and the purple light all over his body surged wildly, and without any explanation, he formed a purple light group several feet in size and covered Qi Yurou in it.


Chi Yan crazily swept down the mantle, aggressively eroding the purple light on his body.

Not far away, Lord Huo Ling hurried over, but even so, the situation was very critical.

Because in such a short period of time, it is difficult for the Holy Spirit of Fire to completely isolate those spiritual flames. Jiang Tian may not have a big problem, but Qi Yurou will be seriously injured even if he does not die, and his martial arts will be useless from then on!

Jiang Tian didn't have time to think about it, he shouted angrily and directly pulled Qi Yurou into his arms and hugged him tightly, purple light flashed wildly all over his body, forming a powerful shield.


At the same time, the Holy Lord Huo Ling rushed towards him with a dull roar, and swallowed up those red flames in a short time!

Surrounded by violent flames, Qi Yurou's delicate body was tightly held by Jiang Tian. She raised her head to look at the man who was close at hand, and there was a strange light flickering in her eyes!

At this moment, she even hoped that these red flames would never fade away. In that case, she could stay in this moment forever, and there would always be a pair of powerful arms to escort her, and there would always be a stalwart man she could rely on...


"Damn you! Next time I see you, I will definitely burn you to death!"

The spiritual power gradually dissipated in the void, and the Holy Lord Huo Ling cursed angrily, but Mu Lun had fled wildly and disappeared without a trace.

"It's over!" Jiang Tian let out a sigh of relief, and gently opened Qi Yurou in his arms.

"Senior Sister Qi, are you alright?"

Qi Yurou's eyes were absent-minded, and she was still immersed in wonderful fantasies, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

Her body still maintained the snuggling and curled up position before, and if Jiang Tian hadn't supported her with her arms, she might have fallen down.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "Ahem, Senior Sister Qi, Senior Sister Qi?"

"Huh?" Qi Yurou woke up suddenly, her face turned red, and she made eye contact with Jiang Tian, ​​almost ashamed.

"Ahem! I'm fine now." Jiang Tian frowned slightly, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

After a brief silence, Qi Yurou suppressed his distracting thoughts and looked puzzled.

"Junior Brother Jiang, who was that Profound Realm martial artist just now?"

"It's the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect!" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Today's matter, of course, can't be forgotten like this. One day, he must make Mu Lun pay the price!

Qi Yurou pondered for a moment, then suddenly shook her head and smiled wryly, with a face full of self-blame.

"Junior Brother Jiang, it's all my fault. If I hadn't tried my best to invite you to form a team, I wouldn't have encountered so many dangers..."

"Senior Sister Qi, don't say that, no one can predict these things, you have nothing to blame yourself."

Before the other party finished speaking, Jiang Tian waved his hand to comfort him.

"Having said that, I still feel sorry for it after all."

Jiang Tian shook his head and said: "If I hadn't tracked down the goblin beast, I wouldn't have come here, let alone met people from the Dragon and Tiger Sect, but everything is over, don't think about it anymore, let's..."


Suddenly, the whole hall trembled wildly, as if it wanted to collapse.

At the same time, there were bursts of dull roars under the ground, as if something terrible was about to move!

"What's going on?" Qi Yurou's pretty face sank, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

The scene just now had frightened her too much, but now there was another change, she was almost frightened, and her mind tensed up instantly.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, concentrating on feeling for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and sneered.

"Hmph! There's nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!"

"Huh?" Qi Yurou was a little puzzled when she heard the words, but judging by Jiang Tian's reaction, doesn't the sudden change in front of him seem to be a bad thing?

Jiang Tian didn't say much, and was about to swipe in the direction of the mutation after taking a few steps, but he frowned just after taking a few steps.

On his shoulder, Tunling Mouse had already fallen asleep at some point, and its two little claws clasped his clothes tightly so that it did not fall down.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised when he looked at it intently!

At this moment, this little beast exudes a strange aura, as if it is becoming stronger and stronger as time goes by.

"Could it be the effect of that dark red spar?"

Jiang Tian's eyes moved, and he couldn't help thinking secretly.

Although I don't know the details of the dark red spar, the existence that can make the Holy Lord of the Fire Spirit and the Spirit Swallowing Mouse compete for it must not be a mortal thing.

From the looks of it, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse had a great chance this time!

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed, he didn't think about it any more, and turned it over with his right hand and directly took it into the Zixuan Realm.

At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the Holy Lord of Fire Spirit, who was unwilling to be wordy, was put into the storage ring.

The next moment, he stepped out of the spot where his figure disappeared in an instant!

"Junior Brother Jiang..." Qi Yurou's pretty face darkened, feeling very uneasy.

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