Qi Yurou twisted her delicate body, and still unremittingly threw herself at Jiang Tian, ​​trying to express some kind of instinct.

"Senior Sister Qi calm down!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, he let out a cold snort from the end of his nose, and raised his right hand to point out again.

This time, the target is not the center of the opponent's eyebrows, but several important points on the opponent's shoulders and chest.

Bang bang bang!

After a few loud bangs, Qi Yurou's delicate body froze, and she stood upright on the spot, staring blankly at Jiang Tian with her small mouth wide open, trying to speak but unable to speak.

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, but his hands didn't stop, his figure flashed behind the opponent, and he raised his palms and pressed them directly on Qi Yurou's back.

The powerful spiritual power spewed out, directly blasting into Qi Yurou's body and began to suppress the opponent's bloody spiritual power!


Qi Yurou's brows twitched, and it was quite painful at this moment. After all, Jiang Tian's spiritual power was too strong. Although he deliberately restrained himself, forcibly intruding into her body still brought her a little pain.

But she also knew that Jiang Tian was helping her solve the predicament, but in this way... Thoughts flashed in her mind, Qi Yurou's mind gradually recovered, but there was a faint resentment in his eyes.

Why did Jiang Tian use this laborious way to help her out of trouble instead of another way?

Qi Yurou bit her lips lightly, a trace of regret welled up in her heart, and sighed secretly, allowing Jiang Tian's powerful spiritual power to gallop in her body, completely letting go of the trace of vigilance in her instinct.

Yes, who would be willing to use this "thankless" way to help her?

Maybe it was Jiang Tian, ​​who was unwilling to take advantage of her at such a time, isn't that very commendable?

But why, did she feel regret or even unwillingness in her heart?

Qi Yurou's pretty face flushed slightly, and with Jiang Tian's help, the hotness in her body was gradually calmed down, and her delicate body no longer trembled.

After a while, Jiang Tian let out a sigh of relief, and moved his palms away from Qi Yurou's back.

"Senior Sister Qi, how are you doing?" Jiang Tian came across from her and asked intently.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Jiang, for your help! I didn't expect the effect of the 'Demon Heart Blood Lotus' to be so... violent, thanks to you being there this time, if it were someone else, I'm afraid the consequences..."

Qi Yurou couldn't continue talking, her face was as red as an attractive big apple, and the corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and her heart felt strange.

"Ahem, since it's fine... Huh? Senior Sister Qi's cultivation seems to have reached the bottleneck, and it looks like she will break through soon. Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. I think it's now. You go all out to break through, and I will do it for you." You protect the law one or two!"

There was a strange light in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he said with a little joy.

"This...wouldn't be too good?" Qi Yurou's face was embarrassing, with a look of embarrassment.

She is really embarrassed to ask Jiang Tian to protect her, but the opportunity to advance is rare. If you don't follow the trend, you will not only miss this great opportunity, but if it is serious, you may even leave a huge hidden danger.

Therefore, she herself tends to advance on the spot and hit the bottleneck with all her strength.

"It's nothing bad. Anyway, everything is over now. There are only you and me here, and no one disturbs you. It's an ideal place!"

"Alright then!" Qi Yurou nodded heavily and took a deep look at Jiang Tian.

"It's not too late, Senior Sister Qi doesn't have to hesitate, let's advance quickly!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, and swiped out directly, leaving a large space for the opponent.

Qi Yurou smiled at Jiang Tian, ​​and then without hesitation, she sat cross-legged and began to guide her spiritual power to attack the bottleneck of her cultivation.

Right now, her cultivation is at the peak of the Chongyang Realm, and the next step is the Quasi-Profound Realm.

Once she breaks through to this realm, she will have the opportunity to challenge her inner disciple qualifications, which is indeed an opportunity not to be missed for her.

She slowly closed her eyes, her gaze swept over Jiang Tian, ​​but a trace of reluctance flashed deep in her pupils.

If she had a choice, she would rather stay in the outer gate for a longer period of time, so that she could see Jiang Tian from time to time and exchange ideas with him.

And once promoted to the inner sect, such opportunities are bound to be greatly reduced.

In fact, with Jiang Tian's current strength, it is not a problem to be promoted to the inner sect, but the key is that the opponent's entry time is too short, and according to the rules of Cang Yunzong, it seems that he has not yet qualified to attack the inner sect disciples.

This made her somewhat hesitant, but for warriors, after all, only cultivation is the right way, and she naturally understands which one is more important than the other, and of course she will not be confused about this matter.

Moreover, with Jiang Tian's strength, it will be a matter of time before he is promoted to the inner sect.

Taking a step back, even if she is promoted to the inner sect, it doesn't mean that she won't see Jiang Tian in the future.

Thinking of this, Qi Yurou's heart suddenly cleared up, she was no longer fettered by various thoughts, she quickly threw away distracting thoughts and began to advance with all her strength.

"It can make a warrior at the peak of Chongyang Realm reach the critical point of advancement in just a few moments, the efficacy of the Demon Heart Blood Lotus is really against the sky!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

In fact, he also used up part of the medicinal power to suppress the restlessness in Qi Yurou's body just now, if not for this, the speed of this woman's advancement is bound to be faster, and her strength after the advancement will be even stronger.

But it's a pity that warriors have different aptitudes. Although this woman has such a great opportunity as the demon heart blood lotus, her aptitude is obviously not strong enough to fully absorb the powerful spiritual power.

The current situation is actually the most ideal result for her!

If it wasn't for Jiang Tian's presence, at this moment, she might have been injured internally by the violent surge of spiritual power. Unless she was lucky enough to be safe, she would only be self-defeating and face huge troubles.

"It's a pity that half of the Demon Heart Blood Lotus is still a bit lacking in efficacy for me, but..."

Jiang Tian sighed leisurely, but a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although half of the demon heart blood lotus has limited effect on him and failed to make her break through to the middle stage of Chongyang Realm in one fell swoop, he has already taken the body of the goblin beast into the Zixuan Realm, and he only needs to purify and devour it at the right time to get another A little chance.

"The goblin beast absorbs the essence of the earth for many years, and its earth attribute spiritual power is extremely pure. Its blood essence should not disappoint me, right?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, the light in his eyes flashed away, and a strong expectation arose in his heart.

But right now with Qi Yurou present, it's not suitable for performing that kind of secret technique, after all, it's the biggest secret in him.

Although Qi Yurou has already seen many of his secrets, compared to the blood talent of the Manbei Shenlong, they are all inferior.

Furthermore, he also believed that after so many things and this tribulation, this woman would never betray him casually.

This is his intuition, and if he can't trust this woman, he won't defend her and help her several times in succession.


Qi Yurou sat cross-legged, Zhou Feng's spiritual power surged wildly, and his cultivation level continued to rise.

After a long time, a thunder-like roar suddenly sounded, reverberating in all directions in the hall.

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