Would a woman of Quasi-Profound Realm with good looks be willing to follow a junior at the early stage of Chongyang Realm and be his concubine?

Of course not!

Then there is only one reason, that is, that person hid his cultivation and changed his aura!

Judging from the experience of blood and tears in their fights with Bai Yangyu, this is exactly his usual trick.

After all, when chasing and killing this person before, they suffered too much. There were a few times when they were able to succeed, but they were tricked by him at critical moments and slipped away by various means.

This time, even if the other party said that they would not be confused again, they had only one thought in their hearts: kill Bai Yangyu, and avenge the dead brothers!


The spiritual power surged wildly in the void, and the silver-white sword light rushed down from the sky, leaving Jiang Tian almost nowhere to hide.

"It makes no sense!"

Seeing this formation, Qi Yurou was also unambiguous, and with a coquettish drink, she swayed and directly faced the opposite person, entangled with him with all her strength.

The sound of rumbling cracks kept going, and there were waves of powerful spiritual power fluctuations in the mountains and forests.

At the same time, Jiang Tian and the other two have also started to fight.

It's useless to talk too much, since the other party has identified him as an enemy, it's useless to explain, since the other party has already made a move, then the only thing to do now is to use strength to speak.

Facing the storm of sword intent pouring down his head and face, he just shook his head and smiled coldly, showing no trace of fear at all.

The breath in the whole body suddenly exploded, and the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly rippled away!


From a distance of more than ten feet, the storm of sword intent that was pouring down was abruptly stopped, and then it was swept away by that powerful pressure!

"Huh? Why is he so strong!"

The corners of the eyes of the black-robed "seventh brother" shrank, and his heart skipped a beat.

Although his cultivation base is the weakest among the five, judging from the past experience of fighting, the gap between him and Bai Yangyu is far from that big.

The opponent relied on all sorts of insidious and strange means to gain the upper hand repeatedly, but this time, his attack was undisputedly swayed by the opponent, and he was shocked by the huge gap in cultivation!

"Sure enough, hidden cultivation! This person has always been insidious and cunning, seventh brother must be careful!"

The black-robed warrior who was following up darkened his face, and also noticed something different.

He is ranked fifth among the crowd, but according to his experience, the former Bai Yangyu did not have such a strong cultivation base, but this person disappeared for a long time, and it is not impossible for him to increase his strength now.

Thinking of this, he roared angrily and dashed forward, swiping a huge mace with his finger!

The Quasi-Profound Realm cultivation base was rippling, and a bronze-colored stick shadow more than ten feet long suddenly appeared in the void, curled up with rolling spiritual power and smashed down wildly, letting out a beast-like roar!


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, swung his right fist, and blasted towards the huge stick shadow.


The Crazy Dragon Fighting Fist let out a dull roar, and the purple shadow of the fist bombarded out like a giant dragon, directly dispersing the shadow of the mace, causing it to spread out in messy waves.

"Hiss! How is it possible?" The corners of the eyes of the old fifth in black twitched, and he felt a burst of shock in his heart.

"how so?"

"His strength...why is he so strong?"

The faces of the black-clothed boss and the second boy who were standing behind the formation changed, and they looked at each other subconsciously, deeply shocked.

At this moment, they found that the strength of this long-sought enemy had exceeded their expectations.

The two suppressed the shock in their hearts, and quickly calmed down again.

No matter how strong the opponent's cultivation base is, it is impossible to defeat the five of them teaming up. In this way, the opponent will still be alive or dead!

"Fourth brother, you deal with that concubine with all your strength; Second brother, let's fight together, we must kill this enemy!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Amidst the angry shouts, the black-clothed boss and the second child's breath soared, and they swung their knives and rushed forward.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and the two joined the battle group to attack with all their strength. Suddenly, a situation of four people besieging Jiang Tian was formed!

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Qi Yurou had just stepped into the Quasi-Profound Realm, and was somewhat uncomfortable with the surge in spiritual power. She was a little messy when dealing with an opponent. Seeing Jiang Tian being besieged was really heartbreaking.

But no matter how anxious she was, she was powerless, and she couldn't get rid of her opponent's entanglement for a while.

"Hmph! What a good concubine, she misses you so much when she's about to die!"

The black-robed fourth child shook his head and sneered with contempt on his face.

"Damn it! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

Qi Yurou scolded coquettishly, and her aggression rose again and again, but the two were equal in cultivation, and in terms of actual combat experience, the other side even won a lot, and she couldn't take advantage of it at all.

The two fell into a bitter battle on one side, and on the other side, Jiang Tian faced the siege of the four people without any fear!

"Three at the Quasi-Profound Realm and one at the peak of the Chongyang Realm, you all think highly of Jiang, but even so, you still can't take advantage of it!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, and the spiritual power in his body suddenly surged, and the powerful coercion swayed across the air, making the four people on the opposite side stagnate!


"What a strong spiritual power!"

"What kind of opportunity did he get, and why did his strength soar?"

The faces of the second, fifth and seventh children in black robes all changed, they were horrified.

"Leave him alone, I will kill him no matter what today, to avenge my third, sixth and eighth brothers!"

The black-robed boss yelled angrily, forcibly breaking through the barrier of spiritual power, the spiritual power surged all over his body, and he slashed wildly with his knife.

The three of them did not hesitate, and each shot with all their strength, attacking Jiang Tian with a desperate attitude.

In an instant, the sword, light and sword shadow slashed down wildly, and the mace's fangs and giant club rolled up with layers of fluctuations, followed by a roar.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, his eyes brightened, his whole body's spiritual power swelled, and the mad dragon fist slammed out.


The violent loud noise shook the void, and the sword shadows and knife light cut out by the second, fifth and seventh black robes collapsed instantly. collapsed.

"Damn it!"

"Why is his cultivation so strong?"

"How can this be?"

The corners of the eyes of the second and fifth children in black robes twitched wildly, and their faces became extremely ugly.

They never expected that the cultivation base of "White Goat Feather" would reach such a level, far stronger than they imagined. As a result, although they had the upper hand in numbers, it would not be so easy for them to seek revenge.

The face of the black-robed Lao Qi sank, he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"Second brother, fifth brother, don't be afraid, we have so many people, are we still afraid of him? Even if I die today, I will avenge my third brother, sixth brother and eighth brother!"

The black-robed old seven's spiritual power soared wildly, dancing the long sword in his hand like crazy, and threw himself at Jiang Tian desperately.

"Seventh brother can't!"

"Damn it! Fight him!"

Seeing the fearless behavior of the black robed seventh child, the expressions of the second and fifth black robes changed, and they immediately threw away all worries and rushed forward, swiping the heavy knife in their hands and sparing no effort to attack Jiang Tian.

"Baiyangyu, even if your cultivation base has improved greatly, you will not escape death today!"

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