Jiang Tian waved his hand and said: "This matter is not too difficult, as long as you concentrate your strength on a certain kind of spiritual power, make it break through first, break that layer of barriers, and everything will come naturally!"

"Is Mr. Jiang able to do something?" Shang Yunfei took a deep breath, his eyes flickering strangely.

He naturally understands this method, and has tried several times, but unfortunately due to various reasons, he has not been able to achieve what he wanted.

"Since I pointed out your problem, there is naturally a solution."

"Hiss!" The corner of Shang Yunfei's mouth twitched, and a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart.

Under the astonished gaze of the other party, Jiang Tian shook his right hand and took out a fist-sized crimson spar.

As soon as this stone cube appeared, it emitted intense fluctuations of fire-attributed spiritual power, which made Shang Yunfei's eyes twitch wildly, and he was shocked!

"This is?" Shang Yunfei stared wide-eyed, his eyes could no longer leave the crimson spar in Jiang Tian's hand.

The intense fire spiritual power emanating from the spar made his whole body restless, and he felt like he was about to move!

"This thing is the red flame spirit crystal, which is a rare spirit crystal formed under special conditions. It is considered a rare thing. I believe it can help you."

With a shake of his right hand, Jiang Tian threw the Red Flame Spirit Crystal directly to the opponent, as if it was just an ordinary object.

Although his action was understated, it really scared the other party!

"Hiss!" The corners of Shang Yunfei's eyes twitched, and his expression changed.

Fearing that the spar would fall on the ground and be damaged, he stretched out his hands and snatched it off without any explanation, and began to look at it intently as if he had found a treasure.

"Red Flame Spiritual Crystal! Is this the legendary Red Flame Spiritual Crystal?"

"What? There really is such a spar!"

"Hiss! Is this the scarlet flame spirit crystal that can't be found in Canglanfang City?"

"let me see!"

Seeing Shang Yunfei gaining the treasure, several people behind him rushed up to watch without any explanation, all of them were radiant, their eyes were full of envy.

They have only heard of the spirit flame and spirit crystal in ancient books or some rumors, and have never actually seen it. At this time, they couldn't help being surprised when they saw it.

"Hehe, this is not an ordinary product, it is at least the best of the Scarlet Flame Spirit Crystal!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, nodded and said.

He still has a lot of spars like this, but he doesn't want to just throw out one and make Shang Yunfei, who is in the Quasi-Profound Realm, ecstatic.

"Okay, there are still a few yuan here, which should be enough for you."

Jiang Tian flipped his right hand and took out a few pieces again and threw them to the opponent.

Shang Yunfei took a deep breath, unable to resist the excitement, he nodded and bowed to Jiang Tian repeatedly.

Today's misunderstanding, the other party not only didn't care about it, but also became friends with them, and now they gave away such a rare treasure, which really made him feel guilty.

"Young Master Jiang, it's a pity that we have nothing to repay..."

"That's not necessary, it's just a few spirit stones, nothing more."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, not paying attention.

In fact, if he hadn't understood the deep hatred on the other party, and was moved by the friendship of several people who would never give up at the critical moment of life and death, he would never make friends with the other party, let alone be so generous.

Although these few scarlet flame spirit crystals are like treasures to Shang Yunfei, they are nothing to him at all.

Jiang Tian glanced at several people, and couldn't help nodding and smiling.

It has to be said that it is good for him to make friends with such a few powerful masters.

"The cultivation bases of you are not weak, you just need to accumulate strength, and then use some natural treasures and elixir to assist, I believe that the advancement is not far away!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry! Once I advance to the Profound Realm, I will be able to hunt and kill level five monsters. Then their elixirs and natural treasures will be indispensable!" Shang Yunfei nodded heavily and assured.

"Don't worry Mr. Jiang, don't worry big brother, we will never slack off!"

Everyone nodded one after another, feeling extremely excited.

Shang Yunfei had already seen the opportunity to make a breakthrough, so they were naturally not far behind.

Especially Li Xiang, who has the lowest level of cultivation among the few, although she is only at the peak of Chongyang Realm, she has already reached a certain bottleneck, as long as she works harder, she can break through to the level of Quasi-Mysterious Realm.

Therefore, among the few people, her mood is particularly urgent.

"Okay, I can only help you so much for the time being, go back and practice hard, remember to use your brains when you act in the future, don't be deceived by others, and don't be dominated by hatred all the time and lose your mind!"

Jiang Tian's exhortation made several people turn red and embarrassed.

After a while, Shang Yunfei put away the Scarlet Flame Spirit Crystal, and left with a few people.

"Let's go too!"

Jiang Tian drove the flying boat and took Qi Yurou to flee in the direction of Cangyunzong.


The flying boat roared among the clouds, Qi Yurou and Jiang Tian stood on the deck looking ahead, thinking.

"Junior Brother Jiang, this matter is not just a simple misunderstanding. Could it be related to Tao Heng?" Qi Yurou muttered, frowning in thought.

This time out, he was ambushed by Ba Ying when he first arrived at the Bloody Blood Mountain Range, and he was blocked by Shang Yunfei when he left. All this cannot be explained by "coincidence".

Behind this, there must be a conspiracy!

"Senior Sister Qi is right, the Bloodbath Mountain Range is so big, the appearance of Shang Yunfei and the others is definitely not just a coincidence!" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered thoughtfully.

"It seems that Junior Brother Jiang has already guessed something?"


Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and several faces flashed in his mind.

When he first arrived in Canglan Country and entered Cangyun Sect, he didn't cause much trouble.

There are only a few people who have grievances with him, and they can be counted with one slap, and they can be guessed almost without thinking.

Jiang Tian was contemplative, smiled coldly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He just didn't expect that in a small conflict, the other party could make such a cruel attack and use such a vicious conspiracy to deal with him. This is really a shame!


In the outskirts of Bloodstaining Mountain Range, in a hidden mountain forest, an old man in gray robe flew out of the cave, his eyes flashed coldly!

"Hmph! A little Sunshine Realm martial artist has made this old man fall into such a big stumble, damn it!"

The gray-robed old man was none other than Mu Lun, the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect who was forced to retreat by Jiang Tian in the underground palace a few days ago.

After leaving the underground palace, he didn't just run away, but found a stone cave in the outskirts of the Bloody Blood Mountain Range to hide, silently recovering from the injuries in his body.

In the underground palace, although he was not seriously injured, it was not too easy, which made him brood, and whenever he thought of Jiang Tian, ​​his teeth itch with hatred.

However, when he thought of the magic weapons in the other party's hands, the greed in his heart surged wildly, and he couldn't suppress it no matter what.

"A junior in Chongyang Realm with an unknown background, where did he get so many amazing magic weapons?"

"Also, what is the origin of that astonishingly powerful spirit fire and that lightning-fast monster?"

The corners of Mu Lun's eyes shrank, and the light flickered in his eyes, and he became interested in Jiang Tian.

"Hmph! As long as you are in Canglan Country, don't even think about escaping from the old man's palm!"

The cold light flickered in Mu Lun's eyes, and after a moment of contemplation, he suddenly rose into the air and rushed towards the outside of the Bloody Mountain Range.

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