The voice quickly came to the top of the two from far and near, hovering erratically.

"Huh?" Elder Meng's complexion changed slightly, the corners of his eyes twitched suddenly, his complexion became a little ugly, and the aura around him involuntarily began to fall back slowly, with a faint trace of unwilling anger on his face.

"Huh? This is..."

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and looked intently, only to see a sky blue figure standing in the air, leisurely floating above the mountain forest.

With a flash of thought in his mind, he immediately understood that there is no other woman who can have such a status in the sect and such a cultivation level except Yun Xianghan, whom everyone admires.

"What's Elder Yun's meaning?" Elder Meng's spiritual power receded, he forcibly put away his murderous intentions, and looked up coldly, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Elder Meng, the suzerain is in a hurry to summon us, why do you still have the mind to delay here?"

Yun Xianghan didn't say much, just said something lightly, and then disappeared into the air in a flash, but at the moment, he looked at Jiang Tian quietly, leaving a meaningful look in his eyes.

Jiang Tian couldn't help being stunned by it, and he didn't quite understand the meaning of that look.

In fact, as early as the day when he lit the Xuanyang Monument, this female elder had appeared leisurely, but she maintained a mysterious posture from the beginning to the end, making it difficult to figure out the depth.

The gaze left at this moment also made him a little confused, feeling very foggy.

What is the meaning of this mysterious and beautiful elder who is admired by everyone in the sect and drives countless male disciples crazy?

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, shook his head and smiled, suppressing his thoughts.

He and the other party have never met each other in life, and they haven't even said a word. One is an elder who has lived in Cangyun Sect for a long time, and the other is a young martial artist from Qingxuan City.

Maybe he thought too much?

Jiang Tian smiled and shook his head self-deprecatingly, but his expression became much more relaxed.

He knew very well that Yun Xianghan's appearance at this time, whether it was intentional or unintentional, whether it was accident or coincidence, was a good thing for him.

Because of this, Elder Meng would not dare to suppress him unscrupulously. After all, the sect also has its own rules.

What's more, Elder Meng is not an elder of Tianxu Peak at all. Even if Jiang Tian made a mistake, he should be dealt with by Tianxu Peak, or punished by the law enforcement elders of the sect. It was not Elder Meng's turn to act.

In fact, if it is only a small punishment, it is of course nothing, but if it is serious enough to see life and death, then it is another matter.

After all, Jiang Tian is the miracle of the creative sect, the genius who lit up the Xuanyang Monument. Such an existence already has a certain influence. ignore.

Elder Meng is naturally very clear about which is more important.

If Yun Xianghan hadn't passed by, he could of course suppress Jiang Tian unscrupulously, but now, once something goes wrong with Jiang Tian, ​​he can't get rid of the suspicion of abusing his power and acting on his behalf.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are lucky this time, don't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise... hum!"

Elder Meng waved his sleeves, left a gloomy look, turned and left.

But within a few steps, Jiang Tian's disdainful sneer and domineering declaration sounded behind him.

"Meng, let me tell you something. My current strength may not be enough to defeat you, but it won't take long. As long as I advance to the late stage of Chongyang Realm, you will be in bad luck!"

"What did you say?" Elder Meng suddenly stopped, turned and looked at Jiang Tian coldly, his eyes seemed to choose someone to devour.

"Dare you say it again?"

"Didn't you hear clearly, or is there something wrong with your ears?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes were extremely sharp.

If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back a hundredfold!

This is Jiang Tian's character, he will never be threatened by anyone, even if the other party's cultivation is far superior to him!

Elder Meng's reckless behavior has already violated the bottom line in his heart, that is, the current strength is not enough, and once he has enough strength in the future, he will definitely make this person pay the price!

"You... what did you say?" The corners of Elder Meng's eyes twitched wildly, the killing intent that had been forcibly suppressed just now showed signs of recovery, and the spiritual power in his body surged, almost unable to hold back.

"Meng, you may be able to show off your might today, but before long, you won't even be a fart to me. At that time, you'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands, otherwise there is only one end for you! "

The cold light in Jiang Tian's eyes soared, and the words settled on his right hand and pointed out, pointing straight to the mountain wall ten feet away.


Accompanied by a violent bang, the dazzling purple light blasted past, directly blasting the mountain wall into powder.

The rocks exploded, the spiritual power soared, the strong killing intent filled the void, and the ripples oscillated endlessly, as if declaring Jiang Tian's determination and will!

The corners of Elder Meng's eyes twitched, but out of various fears, he finally forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

"Hmph! Jiang Tian, ​​you're in big trouble, you... are dead!"

Elder Meng left a murderous look in his eyes, and looked at Jiang Tian as if he was looking at a dead person. The light in his eyes flashed away, and then he jumped up and rushed towards the main peak, Cangyun Peak.


Elder Meng plundered all the way, releasing the uncontrollable fury in his heart, which shook the void rumbling.

In the forest below, Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes extremely disdainful.

If Elder Meng had recklessly and forcefully shot just now, maybe there was still a slight chance to suppress him, but from now on, he will never have that chance again!

This person, Jiang Tian, ​​has already deeply remembered that today's threat will be transformed into actual actions in the future, and he will return it to the other party ten times and a hundred times!

On the square not far away, many disciples could not help but look at each other with different expressions when they saw Elder Meng dashing through the air.

"Hiss! Isn't that Elder Meng? Why does he look so angry?"

"My God! I've never seen him so furious. Who offended him?"

"Elder Meng has a violent temper, and he will repay any grievances. No matter who he offends, he will not have a good life after offending him!"

Everyone frowned and sighed, talking endlessly, deep in their hearts they had already sentenced the disciple who didn't know what to do.


"Damn it! This kid is really fucking dead!"

In Xun Yu's residence, the loud shouts echoed in the hall, and one palm slapped heavily, directly shaking the stone table beside him into powder.

Clap clap!

The gravel scatter wildly, beating Huang Junsong and others' clothes shaking and making noises.

"Brother Xun, calm down!"

"Brother Xun, don't worry, that kid has already offended Elder Meng, and his kung fu may have been severely injured at this moment!"

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