Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0968 murderous

Ba Tianxiong was still in a rage, his face was flushed, his expression was extremely furious, murderous intent surged all over his body, he wanted to kill Liao Songyang to vent his anger.

However, the elders of the family who were seated on the left and right were still awake and would not let him mess around right away.

The great elder of the Ba family, an old man in green robe with white hair but strong breath, coughed lightly and spoke solemnly.

"Brother Tianxiong, since the matter has already happened, don't act blindly and restlessly. Presumably, Elder Gu received a message from Ba Ying in private, and he didn't dare to refuse it. In the end, he made his own claim because he was eager to make contributions to the family, otherwise there would be no such thing. And all of this, in the final analysis, cannot be entirely blamed on Elder Liao."

Liao Songyang's heart relaxed when he heard the words, and he cast a grateful look at the Great Elder Ba Junshan.

With his statement, Ba Tianxiong will give some face, otherwise, if the other party really loses his mind, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not do excessive things.

But if Ba Tianxiong really wants to do that, of course he can't let the other party slaughter him. After all, he didn't start the matter, so he can bear some joint and several responsibilities at most.

Although Ke Qing's bowl of rice looks beautiful, he will inevitably face various risks and bear various responsibilities. If it is just ordinary punishment, he may be able to bear it, but if the other party wants to take all the anger on him... Hmph, he Of course, I won't just take all the orders in a daze!

Liao Songyang took a deep breath and silently nodded to the Great Elder to express his gratitude.

Great Elder Ba Junshan shook his head and sighed secretly, cast a comforting look at him, but secretly complacent in his heart.

Don't look at what he just said lightly, but it is enough to make Liao Songyang feel enough gratitude to him. In the future, he will be more obedient to him in family matters, and the benefits are too numerous to enumerate.

Although he, as the elder of the family, seems to have a high position and authority, but in fact, with Ba Tianxiong, a powerful patriarch, in power, he doesn't have much real power in many things.

But if this chief guest minister can stick to him and do things for him, the benefits will be countless!

This kind of network accumulation seems to have no clear benefits, but it might be useful at any time.

It's a pity that he is old and doesn't have too much desire for family power, otherwise, taking advantage of the opportunity of family turmoil, he might really be able to do something great!

Some small thoughts flashed through his mind, Ba Junshan shook his head and exhaled sullenly, throwing away these distracting thoughts.

"The Great Elder is right! Patriarch, let's focus on revenge. I think it's better to let Elder Liao take action and make up for the mistakes!"

"Well, I think it's feasible!"

Many family elders nodded one after another, suggesting that Liao Songyang be allowed to handle this matter with full authority.

Hearing what everyone said, Liao Songyang naturally couldn't be ambiguous. For him, this was a good opportunity to recover the adverse effects of this incident.

"Patriarch, please give an order. Liao must take back the murderer's head and avenge Young Master Ba Ying. He will die!"

"Hmph! To put it nicely, the other party is just a junior at the Sunshine Realm. How much effort do you need for a strong person at the Profound Realm to make a move?"

Ba Tianxiong was still furious, but his attitude eased a little. After all, the pain of losing a child is not so easy to bear.

But under everyone's persuasion, he finally changed his tone and accepted the proposal of the Great Elder Ba Junshan.

Perhaps this is the best way right now.

"If the master has no objections, I think this is the way to go about it?" Grand Elder Ba Junshan nodded slowly, looked at Ba Tianxiong, and asked for his opinion.

Ba Tianxiong frowned for a moment, and said coldly: "Since the great elder said so, I will give you a chance, but if you want to catch me alive, I will personally kill Jiang Tian and avenge Ba Ying!"

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will leave this matter to Liao!"

Liao Songyang was overjoyed and immediately took orders to leave.


Dow family.

Murderous intentions surged in the meeting hall, the head of the family, Tao Penghai, and the elders of the family gathered together, discussing the matter of revenge for Tao Heng.

"This Jiang Tian actually did such an evil thing, it's heinous!"

"As long as the Patriarch gives an order, we will kill the Cangyun Sect and avenge Young Master Heng!"

"Patriarch orders!"

A group of family elders were filled with righteous indignation, gritted their teeth and shouted angrily, and the hall was filled with murderous aura for a while.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you must die!"

Patriarch Tao Penghai held a messenger talisman in his hand, his eyes burst with cold light, and his whole body was full of murderous intent!

"Everyone, calm down! As far as I know, the members of the Cangyun Sect are very defensive, and that Jiang Tian has already joined Tianxu Peak's sect. According to the news from the Cangyun Sect, this person is notoriously protective and selfish. It may not be possible to make important people public.”

The great elder of the Tao family, a white-haired elder in a white robe frowned slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

It is not difficult to understand the mood of revenge, but the matter is not due to them. As one of the three major sects of Canglan, the Cangyun Sect has a very strong background, how can they allow outsiders to attack their disciples casually?

But it might not be so easy to ask someone from the sect in the name of the family.

Because the enmity between Jiang Tian and Tao Heng was, in the final analysis, a personal fight between disciples, without iron-proof evidence, it was impossible for Cang Yunzong to believe their words casually.

Considering various factors, if they want to take revenge, they can only bypass Cang Yunzong and attack Jiang Tianxia directly.

Only in this way is the most feasible strategy!

Although Tao Penghai was extremely furious, he still hadn't lost his composure. He also felt the same way when he heard the elder's words.

If he were the elder of the Cangyun Sect, he would not be able to easily hand over his disciples to be slaughtered by outsiders.

"The Great Elder is right, but although the matter is troublesome, revenge must be reported. According to the description in the summons, Jiang Tian's aptitude is amazing and his strength is quite strong. Even before he entered the sect, he created a miracle in the history of Cangyun Sect!"


"Hiss! Is the guy surnamed Jiang so powerful?"

"Isn't he just a junior in Chongyang Realm, how capable can he be?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, their eyes flickered, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Tao Penghai shook his head and sighed, shook the communication talisman in his hand, frowned and said: "This person only had a moon-grasping level of cultivation before entering Cangyun Sect, but it was any shallow moon-grasping level that lit up the Xuanyang Monument! "


"Huh? No! Every time Cangyun Sect recruits disciples, many people will light up the Xuanyang Monument. Is there anything unusual about that?"

"That's right, didn't Tao Heng light up the Xuanyang Monument when he joined the Cangyun Sect?"

Everyone frowned, puzzled.

Tao Penghai shook his head slowly, frowned and said, "Everyone doesn't know! The Xuanyang Monument of Cangyun Sect will wake up every fixed time, that is, when accepting disciples. At that time, as long as most of the warriors with good qualifications can Its lit, if only that, of course no surprise!"

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