Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0980 struggle is useless

"You are so naive as to dare to make a fool of yourself in front of the old man's vision of the Xuan Realm with a mere vision of blood in the Chongyang Realm!"


Before the words fell, the void shook violently again, and the nine rounds of purple blazing suns burst into purple light, releasing a majestic and domineering aura, which made the corners of Liao Songyang's eyes contract and his face changed!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

A flash of shock flashed in Liao Songyang's eyes. He couldn't believe that Jiang Tian, ​​who was in Chongyang Realm, could release such a terrifying breath.

For a moment, there was even a trace of uneasiness in his heart, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph! A mere junior at the Chongyang Realm, no matter how outstanding your aptitude is, in front of the majestic Profound Realm powerhouse, there is still only one way to die!"

Liao Songyang shook his head and sneered, the contempt that had just disappeared returned to his face again, looking at Jiang Tian with disdain in his eyes.

"I've been chatting with you for so long, it's time to end! Jiang Tian, ​​go to hell!"

Liao Songyang smiled ferociously, and was about to launch the final attack.

However, at this moment, Jiang Tian yelled violently and urged him from afar!

"Strangle the fingers!"


There was a violent loud noise suddenly, and the giant monster's hand bones that had been wrapped by the two silver giant hands suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and the golden light exploded, penetrating the wrapping of the silver giant hands impressively, carrying a terrifying The breath broke free!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

The corners of Liao Songyang's eyes twitched violently, and he was shocked in his heart.

He never expected that under the coercion of his profound realm, those two magic weapons could break free!

"Damn it! Boy, this old man will tear you to pieces!"

Liao Songyang's eyes showed endless killing intent, and his whole body was almost berserk.

Watching the two glaring golden lights fly backwards and fly towards Jiang Tian again, he seemed to see the family and power he was about to create fleeing far away, and all the beautiful pictures began to become turbulent, the pride of being about to get it Achievements become unreal!

This is something he cannot accept no matter what. Once the floodgate of desire is opened, it will never be closed again. He has longed to monopolize the power, and no matter what, he does not want to let himself go back to the Bashi family's way of relying on others and obeying orders all the time. in people's days.

Jiang Tian took back not only two magic weapons, but his great achievements and ultimate hope in the future!

He wants to stop this kind of thing even at any cost, and take down the magic weapon no matter what!


Liao Songyang roared crazily, exuding a terrifying aura around him, he stepped out and rushed towards Jiang Tian.


The blue crystal blade swung wildly, drawing more than a dozen terrifying light blades in the void, as if the claws of an ancient monster were clawing at Jiang Tian!

"Damn it!"

Facing such a terrifying offensive, Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart was full of shock.

This is definitely the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered in his life. The strength of a strong person in the profound realm plus the full attack of that heavenly magic weapon is definitely not something he can resist head-on right now.

Jiang Tian couldn't help but pulled back and swept backwards. At the same time, the purple light all over his body was bright, and the nine rounds of purple blazing sun in the void above shook violently, releasing a majestic and domineering aura.

"Strangle the fingers!"

Boom boom boom boom boom...

There was a burst of explosions in the void, and the two giant monster hand bones that he had just taken back attacked again, resisting the attack of the blue crystal blade at an incredible speed.

After leaving behind a series of terrifying explosions, Jiang Tian was finally thrown into the air by the terrifying coercion, and fell tens of feet away.

Even with the help of two giant monster hand bones, he was still no match for Liao Songyang, a strong man in the Profound Realm. Before he landed, his face changed drastically, and blood spurted out of his mouth.


Jiang Tian forcibly stabilized his body, still swayed a few times after landing, and passed out.

Liao Songyang wanted to blast him to death at all costs. The power of the blow just now was really terrifying, but fortunately he tried all means to block it.


Although the giant monster's hand bones blocked the attack of the blue crystal blade, its own spiritual power also dropped, and it flew back to Jiang Tian staggeringly, obviously not as fast as before.

A trace of deep horror flashed in Liao Songyang's eyes, and soon a look of joy appeared on his face.

Jiang Tian was obviously at the end of his strength, as long as he continued to attack, he would be able to win within a short while.

"I can't be so entangled anymore!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes extremely solemn.

The strength of the opponent is more terrifying than he imagined, if he continues to entangle like this, he must be the one who suffers.

At this moment, he felt unprecedented pressure.

Although he can easily crush and even sweep quasi-xuan realm masters at the level of Chongyang realm, but in front of real profound realm experts, especially those who hold heaven-level magic weapons, his fighting power is still not enough look.

He deeply felt the gap between himself, the gap between Chongyang Realm and Profound Realm cannot be bridged by simply using aptitude and magic weapons!

Jiang Tian quickly swallowed a few pills, circulated his spiritual power and waved his arms in the air, and the giant monster's hand bones attacked again!

"Strangle the fingers!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The golden light flickered wildly in the void, and the two giant monster hand bones strangled towards Liao Songyang again at an astonishing speed.

But this kind of attack was already within the expected range of the opponent, and it was only blocked by the blue crystal sword several times.

But at the same time, Jiang Tian called out the Chixue Sword Essence again, and slashed at the opponent with the "reverse sword" technique.


The reverse sword rushed out, slashing towards Liao Songyang's vitals from bottom to top, the speed was unbelievably fast, completely unexpected!

"Hmph! Boy, no amount of struggle is useless in front of this old man's formidable strength!"


The blue crystal blade danced again, and a huge blue light shone in the void. Liao Songyang blocked Nijian's surprise attack without too much effort.

"Hahahaha! Do you think you can...huh?"

Liao Songyang's wild laughter stopped abruptly. He suddenly discovered that Jiang Tian took the opportunity to escape after successive fierce attacks, and he was about to leave the enveloping range of the silver light net!

"Damn! You can't escape!"

Although Liao Songyang was furious, he was not in a hurry. There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

With a sudden wave of his right hand, the huge silver light net covering a radius of two hundred or so was shaken violently, and a giant silver palm above Jiang Tian instantly appeared, bombarding him involuntarily.

"Swallowing finger!"

Jiang Tian slammed with fingers together, and after the huge purple finger shadow was struck out, it was forcibly scattered by the giant silver palm.

Jiang Tian couldn't help but use the bones of the giant monster's hand to meet the giant silver palm, and at the same time, urge Chixue's sword marrow to slash out towards the void in front of him.

Ten zhang ahead is the boundary of the giant silver light net, as long as he breaks through this boundary, he can breathe a sigh of relief.


The giant monster's hand bones collided with the silver giant's palm, and a terrifying wave of spiritual power erupted, almost knocking Jiang Tian to the ground.

Fortunately, with the protection of the body of the tyrannical dragon, Jiang Tiancai was able to get rid of the impact of spiritual power and continue to speed up his mad escape.

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