Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0991 three-eyed snow fox

While Jiang Tian was practicing with peace of mind, above the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away, the two Tao brothers were fleeing wildly like headless chickens.

Every time they heard a monster move somewhere, they couldn't wait to rush over to check it out, but they were afraid of Jiang Tian's trap and didn't dare to approach rashly, it was really hard work.

However, after several days of continuous searching, they did not find any clues of what was going on. Instead, they were left with headaches and confused minds by the frequent changes of monsters.

"Damn it! This kid is such a goddamn ghost, it's been several days, and he hasn't found any useful clues!" Tao Hangang cursed angrily, his face extremely gloomy.

"Fifth brother, won't that kid really be eaten by monsters?" Tao Hanlie said with a frown.

"Impossible! If he is really eaten by monsters, there will be traces and special auras in the nearby mountains and forests. We have almost searched the mountains with a radius of two hundred miles. Have you ever found anything unusual? "

Tao Hangang frowned and asked back.

"It's true that nothing was found!" Tao Hanlie frowned and sighed, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, "Could it be that kid escaped into the hinterland of the mountain?"

The corners of Tao Hanlie's mouth twitched, and when he looked around, the sky ahead was surrounded by clouds and mist, and below the clouds were large rolling mountains. How easy is it to find someone in this environment?

Tao Hangang let out a deep breath, shook his head and said, "There is no way to find him this way. Even if he really fled into the deep mountains, we have no way of finding him."

"Then what should we do?" Tao Hanlie frowned tightly, cursing inwardly.

"What else can I do?" Tao Hangang smiled coldly, a gleam of wisdom flashed in his eyes!

"Can't he run? Let's stop him!"

"Braking with stillness?" Tao Hanlie's brows twitched thoughtfully.

"Lao Liu, don't you usually have a lot of crazy ideas, why are you confused now?"

Tao Hangang smiled strangely, with a slightly sarcastic look on his face, which made the other party very embarrassed.

"Okay, come with me now, I have a way to ensure that Jiang Tian can't escape our palms!"

"What kind of clever plan does Fifth Brother have, can you tell me first?" Tao Hanlie couldn't help but ask, his head swelled from the thought.

"What's the hurry? You'll know soon, come with me!"

Tao Han just stopped talking to him, and fled forward with a wave of his big hand, and the two of them left the forest far away.


A moment later, a figure flickered in the forest behind the two, and Liao Songyang, the chief guest elder of the Ba family suddenly appeared.

Frowning and looking at the direction where the two disappeared, his eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Hmph! Two idiots, who have been chased and lost, are still playing tricks here!"

Liao Songyang taunted the two of them as they walked away, and soon frowned again, scanning the surrounding mountains and forests, his eyes were blank.

He followed the two all the way from afar, trying to use their strength to find Jiang Tian, ​​but after following for a few days but found nothing, the depression in his heart can be imagined.

"That's unreasonable! Could it be that the kid just disappeared out of thin air?"

Liao Songyang gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, staring intently at the vast mountains and forests in front of him like a sea, he couldn't help but feel disturbed for a while.

After contemplating for a moment, his figure moved and fled far away in another direction.


"Quick! There!"

"Good guy, I finally found it after so much effort!"

A few high-pitched shouts suddenly sounded from a certain valley deep in the southern mountain range, and several figures quickly swept into the depths of the valley, showing excited eyes towards a dense bush in front of them.

These people were all wearing blue brocade robes, with a uniform moiré pattern embroidered on the chest, and a red flame-like mark embroidered on the left sleeve.

Each of them has an extraordinary aura, and the leader has reached the level of the Profound Realm, and his cultivation base is very powerful!

"Very good! It's not in vain for us to follow up for a few days!"

The leading blue-robed warrior smiled proudly, his brows shining brightly.

An oppressive aura suddenly gushed out, pressing hard towards the bushes in front, and the surrounding void was forced by its coercion, sending out rumbling and low-pitched roars.

"Hiss! Brother Qu's strength is really getting stronger and stronger!"

"My God! Senior Brother Qu just advanced to the Profound Realm level last year. In less than a year, his strength has advanced so quickly. It's really shocking!"

"Needless to say, Senior Brother Qu is the number one genius in our sect. The whole sect can't find a second person like him!"

Feeling the powerful aura of Senior Brother Qu, everyone flattered wildly. Of course, there were also some people who sincerely admired him.

After all, this Senior Brother Qu's strength is indeed very strong. He entered the Profound Realm when he was less than thirty years old. Even if this kind of talent is placed in the Canglan Three Sects, it is quite a genius.


After the powerful coercion rolled over, the vines in front of them collapsed one after another, and the giant trees couldn't bear the impulse of spiritual power, and their roots broke with a loud "click".

After a rumbling noise, the dense bushes in front of him were instantly flattened, revealing a hidden cave.

The hole is less than half a foot wide and high, but it did not originally exist. There is a row of newly dug earth and rocks piled up in front of the hole, obviously just excavated!

"Senior Brother Qu, you've worked hard, let us do the rest of the work, and you can do the trivial things yourself, right?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Qu, just look at our place next!"

Several fellow disciples surrounded him one after another, casting adoring and flattering gazes at Brother Qu.

"You..." Senior Brother Qu shook his head, but the joke stopped suddenly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and a slight undetectable strangeness flashed in his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he waved his hand and said: "Hehe, since that's the case, let you come, I will hold you back to prevent accidents."

"Hahahaha! Senior Brother Qu, don't worry, if something goes wrong, wouldn't the rest of us be living for nothing?"

"Hey, Senior Brother Qu, don't underestimate us. Although our strength is far inferior to yours, it is still enough to deal with the things in this hole!" A long-faced disciple blinked and laughed.

"Don't be wordy, Senior Brother Qu is not underestimating us, but telling us to act cautiously, don't make mistakes at the last moment, let's do it!"

A slightly older disciple frowned and waved his hand, signaling his companions to hurry up and act.

The crowd didn't hesitate anymore, two of them guarded the entrance of the cave from left to right, another two walked into the cave shortly, and the remaining two were full of spiritual power, pointing their swords at the entrance of the cave to prevent accidents.

In order to track down the things in the cave, they have been busy for several days. If Senior Brother Qu was not present, they might have failed. At this time, they must not allow any mistakes.

Senior Brother Qu's eyes swept over several fellow students, and he couldn't help frowning slowly, and a strange look flashed across his brows again.

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