Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1585: Quibble

Moreover, Huang Zhongting didn't care about Sunzi's life and death at all, only caring about Xia Qingchen's life!

"Grandpa, did you listen to me?" Huang Wending shouted angrily.

Huang Zhongting only recovered from the surprise when Xia Qingchen returned. He looked at Huang Wending and asked with a near-doubtful look: "Why?"

Based on his knowledge of Xia Qingchen and his grandson, Xia Qingchen will never pursue Huang Wending for no reason.

Huang Wending must have done something that Xia Qingchen could not tolerate!

"He wants to kill me, there is no reason." Huang Wending answered angrily.

Grandpa not only did not show any intention of shielding him, but also questioned why he was chased by Xia Qingchen.

How could it be as if he deserved it?

"Lie!" Huang Zhongting is a mature man who knows his own children and grandchildren a lot, and he knows that he is concealing his eyes.

"To tell the truth, Xia Qingchen doesn't kill you, I will destroy you myself!"

Huang Wending's eyes revealed a deep resentment and hatred towards Huang Zhongting. Grandpa doesn't like himself, it always is!

In his heart, it is not as important as an outsider to be a grandson!

Isn't Xia Qingchen highly talented, give him a long face?

The more I thought about Huang Wending, the more I hated it, and felt that Huang Zhongting was old and confused.

The last sentence made Huang Atrium's cold face flash a touch of emotion.

Although he does not want to admit it, there is really no one in the younger generation of the contemporary Huang family.

Even the middle-aged generation, only Huang Conglong can carry the tripod.

Huang Wending really can't die.


A clear arrow slashed across the sky and shot Huang Wending directly.


Huang Zhongting sighed silently, stepping forward reluctantly, before the arrow.

Under the powerful moon force, the arrows shattered into powder on the spot.

Then, Xia Qingchen stepped on his sword.

Looking at the Huang Family Lord who sheltered Huang Wending, he was not surprised. Every time he tried to kill Huang Wending's father and son, they were all protected by the Huang Family Lord.

Without him, Huang Wending died long ago.

"Princess Xia, I'm glad you are still alive." Huang Zhongting is really happy-whether it is from the mainland's standpoint or grandpa's standpoint.

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Your children and grandchildren may not be happy."

Huang Zhongting stood upright and clenched his fists: "Dare to ask, where did Ding'er offend you?"

In fact, he still cares a bit.

In any case, Huang Wending was his grandson, and he was chased and killed in public, which was too much to put him in the eye.

Xia Qingchen asked: "Oh? He hasn't told you yet?"

After seeing them chatting a few words, I thought Huang Zhongting had already asked what, and found nothing.

"Or tell me personally, your words are more credible." Huang Zhongting said.

Xia Qingchen said bluntly: "If I tell you, your sons and grandchildren, took my father Xia Yuan away, life and death are unknown, do you think I should kill him?"

Hearing the words, Huang Atrium, who had a musty heart, turned around immediately.

A pair of old eyes burned with anger, like an angry lion staring at Huang Wending.

The latter was guilty, but insisted: "He has no evidence, all nonsense..."


But he could not be tolerated, Huang Zhongting slapped a sturdy slap in the face, pumped Huang Wending with blood on the spot, and took out several teeth.

"Sinner!!!" He was furious.

Earlier, when their father and son ran to Xiahou House to play with right and wrong, he had already dissatisfied him and punished him on the spot.

The result is good, their father and son do not know how to repent, but intensified and do such shameless things!

Huang Wending looked wronged: "Grandpa, I really don't have..."


Huang Zhongting stepped on his chest and stepped it out of a pig-like scream: "Still quibbling?"

He wondered why Xia Qingchen would pursue Huang Wending for no reason. It turned out that his father was taken away.

This kind of hatred that doesn't belong to the sky, who hasn't chased and killed it?

As for Xia Qingchen and Huang Wending who are lying, do you need to ask more?

"Where is that big beast?" Huang Zhongting roared and asked.

Huang Wending hardened his neck: "I don't know!"

"Humph!" Huang Zhongting picked him up and threw it to Xia Qingchen: "Kill it, it's a funeral for your father!"

Xia Qingchen was unkind, clasped his heavenly cover with one palm, pinched with five fingers, and immediately squeezed his skull.


After a cry, Huang Wending finally yelled in fear: "Grandpa, save me, I am your grandson!"

Huang Zhongting turned coldly: "It's a pity to die!"

Now, Huang Wending finally realized that he was in a desperate situation.

Feeling Xia Qingchen's five fingers more and more hard, screaming in horror: "Wait, my father is in Liangzhou City!"

Liangzhou City, where is not only the center of the royal family of Liangjing, but also the old nest of the Yu family.

Huang Zhongting turned around and said to Xia Qingchen, "Xia Gongzi, the old man went to Liangzhou City himself to bring back the evil animal!"

"As for your father, the old man can't guarantee that he is still alive."

"It's just that if he is still alive, I hope you can raise your hand once."

In the end, Huang Zhongting was still soft-hearted and wanted to give Huang Conglong and his son the last chance.

Xia Qingchen pinched Huang Wending and said, "Huang Family Master, do you still expect such people to lead the Huang Family in the future?"

A despicable and shameless person who has no bottom line in action will only lead the Huang family that has fallen into ruin!

"He is by no means a qualified heir to a family head!"

Did Huang Zhongting know his grandson's virtue?

But he had no choice.

"Be sure that your father is alive and dead, please stay alive." Huang Zhongting pleaded again.

Xia Qingchen nodded: "Good!"

However, he raised the Dayan sword and cut it with one sword.

"Don't!" Huang Atrium wanted to stop it from being too late. He only heard a scream, and Huang Wending's right index finger flew up with residual blood.

Subsequently, a frozen jade box put this piece of finger up.

Xia Qingchen threw the jade box to Huang Zhongting: "Bring Huang Conglong and tell him that my father had any damage. What he saw was not his son's finger, but his head!"

Huang Atrium caught it, and sullenly flew towards Liangzhou City.

This time, he had to show the color of the evil animal!

Xia Qingchen pursued Huang Wending all the way. How could such a huge movement hide the overcrowded barracks?

Swish swish—

Several strong figures came one after another.

"Xia Qingchen?" Ye Jiazhu was the first to come over and see Xia Qingchen, it was hard to believe his eyes.

Then King Zhongyun arrived and saw Xia Qingchen. He immediately stepped forward and couldn't help but laugh with surprise: "Xiahou! You are too surprised for this king! Yuezun personally pursued and killed half a month. Are you still alive?"

Subsequently, many masters arrived, and they were all shocked and ecstatic.

During the bustling, the night house host greeted Xia Qingchen into the Chinese military account.

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