Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 795: Kick to the iron plate (four more)

   He jumped off the monster, walked down with his hand, and looked directly at Xia Qingchen: "How can you say that it is also a hero of triumphant return, you treat it this way, aren't you afraid of the cold of the world?"

  The soldiers immediately stopped, saying one after another, "Master Yu has learned a lot!"

   Yu Guitian's face was even deeper with a smile than a smile, and then the words changed: "Of course, to treat such a person, of course, it is a more rigorous way, so that everyone in the world will not dare to be cold!"

   He pointed to a piece of mud on the ground and grinned: "Come on, give us Master Xia a try!"

   Three months!

  Full three months!

  No one knows how much Yu Guitian wanted to kill Xia Qingchen.

   At the beginning, Xia Qingchen held a sword and pen, causing him to kneel in front of the whole army and became a joke of the Northwest Army.

   This account, he has always kept in mind, never forget it for a moment.

  Now, I finally waited until the day when the sword and pen failed.

  He didn't wait much for a quarter of an hour, so he immediately led the people to come.

   Several guards stepped forward immediately and trapped Xia Qingchen.

   Fang Cuihong and other Bai Xiaoqi saw this, all angered: "Bold! Dare to be rude to Master Xia?"

   Yu Guitian didn't raise his head, he hummed: "In front of Ben Wan Xiaoqi, how many of you have Bai Xiaoqi interrupted? Kneel, then shut up!"

  Chen Xiangdong is showing a fierce look. When he stepped forward, he kicked Fang Cuihong kicked to the ground: "Keep me kneeling with something that is not self-controlling, and talk a lot. If you violate your superiors, military law is important!"

   Fang Cuihong rubbed her hot abdomen, climbed up with pain, and knelt down again.

   Military rules are more important than everything. As a soldier, she can only carry it out-even if she is extremely resistant!

   The other Bai Xiaoqi also had a strong hatred, but they could not exceed the military regulations.

  Hui Guitian looked at Xia Qingchen again, and said with a smile: "Xia Qingchen, have you ever heard that the taller you stand, the heavier you fall? How proud you were, how tragic today is!"

   He had already said that Xia Qingchen should not be too premature.

   Today is the time to let him pay the price a hundred times!

   Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Hui Guitian, luck can only be a moment, not a lifetime, that arrow did not kill you, you should be far away from me, instead of running in front of me."

   Mentioned the arrow, and the scars on Yu Guitian's face twitched, causing a slight pain.

   A trace of anger circulated in the eyes.

   The so-called new and old hatred is nothing more than true!

  Hui Guitian coldly said: "Xia Qingchen, don't think that you can make a contribution in the mine, you think it can be compared with my Yu's line. The end of Li Forestry is your tomorrow!"

  He waved his hand and said coldly: "Come on, let our Xia adults have a taste of the earth's feces!"

  Several guards like tigers and wolves pounced, and Xia Qingchen would be captured on the spot.

   Xia Qingchen's expression was calm, and her feet remained motionless, only star power flowed, condensing into a huge airflow vortex on the body surface.

   Several guards rushed in, all swept by the swirling airflow, falling in all directions.

   Seeing this, Yu Guitian is not angry but happy.

  He is not afraid of Xia Qingchen's resistance, he is afraid of finding Xia Qingchen's handle.

   Come today, would he just let Xia Qingchen eat mud?

   What he wanted was to find Xia Qingchen's charge.

   now has-blatant disobedience!

   This crime should be exploited in the lightest position. As for the heaviest one, it is the Yu family's vein to supervise the palace. Will it be difficult for Xia Qingchen to make a death sentence?

   "Come on! Xia Qingchen's blatant disobedience, sin plus one, immediately capture, if you dare to resist the spot kill!" Yu Guitian's eyes flashed with excitement.

  The remaining soldiers rushed up, including Chen Xiangdong!

  The latter grinned secretly and rushed over hiding among the soldiers.

  The soldiers' blades attacked the vortex of the airflow, and even the penetration was difficult, and they were shocked.

  Chen Xiangdong's eyes flashed a bit of cunning, hidden in the soldiers, and suddenly grabbed a flying spear and thrust into it.

  He exists in the late stage of the mid-star position, and it is not difficult to pierce the vortex of Xia Qingchen's random airflow.

   Sure enough!

   The spear entered in no time and stabbed Xia Qingchen's vest without warning.

   As a magnificent Qian Xiaoqi, such a sneak attack can hardly be justified.

   It's a pity that his every move was seen in Xia Qingchen's eyes. His fingers flicked gently, and the airflow outside his body suddenly exploded.

   A strong shock wave exploded all the guards under siege.

  Chen Xiangdong was not spared, and even people were taken away with guns.


   There was a muffled noise, and many guards were injured.

  Only Chen Xiangdong is better, a roundabout in the air, can hold his body.

   But before Chen Xiangdong fought back, a residual image struck. Xia Qingchen stepped 1,200 feet in one step.

   With a palm of his hand, he grabbed Chen Xiangdong's long spear and pierced through Chen Xiangdong's abdomen with the force of Changhong, and then threw it out.

   The spear came out and took Chen Xiangdong's man to shoot Baizhangyuan, nailed to the flagpole of Yunlan Group!

  Chen Xiangdong was nailed to it, and he uttered a tragic cry.

  From the siege to being nailed to the flagpole, it took only three breaths before and after.

   "Xia Qingchen! How dare you murder the general of the military palace? You are guilty!" Yu Guitian's eyes were excited, and she even wanted to laugh.

   Li Forestry came to the end, he dare to be arrogant, he really didn't know life or death!

   Now that the iron evidence is in front, the palace master cannot save him!

  The star power of Fei Yutian’s star position is condensed on the palm of his hand, and there is a majestic look on his face: "You wait for the heartbroken mad, killing innocent people indiscriminately, everyone will be blamed!"

   said, he flew past alone.

   "Bone peeling and splitting claws!" Yuguida will never conceal his chance.

  Bone peeling and splitting claws is the ancient Xuan-class high-grade martial arts collected by the Yu family.

  Once shot, it must hurt the bones and meridians and cause disability.

   He put this style on Xia Qingchen, obviously with the attitude of taking his life!

   Xia Qingchen withdrew his broken sword with no expression on his face: "Man and sword unite."

   raises the broken sword and turns into a twelve-foot sword shadow, slashing down from the top.

   Sword power is powerful, and there is no difference.

   Yu Yitian was not afraid, sneered: "In front of the big star position, the middle star position is as small as a ant, no matter how strong it is."

   lifted his claws and actually grasped the slashed sword.

  However, without waiting for him to hold firmly, the sword gas was suddenly sharp and suddenly pressed down!

   Yu Gui was shocked in his heart and immediately backed away.

   is still a little late!

  The sharp sword gas was severely cut, and the five fingers of Yu Guitian's right hand were cut off!

   "Ah!" The so-called ten fingers together, the finger is the most sensitive place of human touch.

   Five fingers cut off, and the pain can be imagined!

   In the distance, Xia Qingchen held the broken sword and stood still in place.

   A gust of wind blew him off.

   A strand of hair floated in front of her eyes, and her quiet eyes reflected Yu Guitian's face like the liver color of a pig, and howl.

  The coat is floating, like a fairy step.

   The figure of a broken sword in his hand is like a fairy in the sky that is not stained with dust.

   "I said, you should hide, good luck will not always accompany forever." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

   Yu Guitian raised his eyes, his eyes finally revealed a little horror: "Why is your star power now stronger than me?"

   But he is a big star, Xia Qingchen District, a thousand snapper ride, at most the pinnacle of the star position, right?

   But his star power is not as good as Xia Qingchen.

   "You may have misunderstood something, I, in fact, have always been stronger than you." Xia Qingchen said lightly, sweeping the sword off his palm.

   A sword whirl out, and the five broken fingers that Yu Guitian was bending over were all crushed into blood mist.

  With Yu Yu's family connections, it is not difficult to find an expert who puts his fingers on.

   However, I must not be able to find the magician who broke my finger to be born again.

   wiped off his finger, and Yu Guitian has been a crippling since then.

   "Ah! Xia Qingchen!!!" Yu Guitian's eyes widened, his eyes burst, his mouth roared, and the look was like a beast that eats people: "I want you to die! I want you to die!!!"

   "Come here, spread my name, Zizi Tiantuan leads the army to surround the rebel Xia Qingchen!"

   He screamed the roar from the bottom, his voice capped the entire Northwest Army!

(End of this chapter)

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