Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 797: Filled with indignation

   "Dare to ask the superintendent, what crimes should this crime be in accordance with military regulations?"

   Yang Zhongguo's eyes narrowed even deeper. Of course he would not convict Yu Guitian, but because of his many eyes, he couldn't openly say anything that violated the military regulations.

   He said righteously: "If so, it should be brought back to the inspection hall for a good review."

  As for how to review after taking it back, is it not his sentence?

   "As for you!" Yang Zhongguo stared at Xia Qingchen, his eyes very venomous: "Don't think that you can do anything by relying on the three sons."


   Xia Qingchen heard the out-of-string voice: "It turns out that you were the old thing that convicted me last time."

   He was also wondering why the military palace wanted him even when the facts were not clear.

   It turned out that there were people from the Yu family who helped.

   Yang Zhongguo chuckled and contemptuously said: "You don't want to be too premature, Li Linlin can be punished with death by me. Do you think you can escape?"

   He raised three fingers: "Two days! As long as two days, Yang must place a death penalty for you! Unbelief, we will wait and see!"

  The monitoring of the military palace is completely under the control of the Yu family.

  If the Supervision Hall puts out all its strength, what is the difficulty of placing a death penalty for a Qian Xiaoqi?

   said, Yang Zhongguo helped Yu Guitian to leave.

  The latter wiped the dirt at the corner of his mouth and cast a vicious glance at Xia Qingchen: "Xia Qingchen, let's feel the horror of the Yu family!"

   "The thing you should regret most in your life is to be an enemy of my Yu family!"

   Xia Qingchen's face was no different color, and the other party was taken away by the supervisor. He could not stay only with the commander Jin Ling.

   He looked at Yu Guitian calmly and said calmly: "Nine months left."

  Before March, he stood at the peak of Tianyueling. He once said that he must be in the vein of Yu Yu one year later.

   One year left before the one-year period.

   Yu Gui was stunned, and I didn't know what it meant for nine months, but Xia Qingchen's breezy, fearless attitude made him difficult to calm his hatred.

   "Huh! Without pretending to be calm, you will soon know how large the energy of the Yu family is." Yu Guitian smiled coldly, and under the protection of the supervisor, led the defeated soldiers and withdrew.

   Xia Qingchen collected the golden order, his expression was plain and normal, and said to himself: "I will die without knowing, but also mourn."

  Hui Guitian thought he could live for a hundred years, but he didn't know that from the moment he chose to be the enemy of Xia Qingchen, his life was counted down.

   "You continue training." Xia Qingchen walked out of the camp if nothing happened.

  He came to the north of the city, an impressive mansion in the downtown area.

   colored tile glazed, carved dragon and painted Phoenix, Zhuqi red door style is extraordinary.

   It's just that the gate is now closed and a seal is attached, with only some tolerances in and out.

   "What a terrible na, who offended the Zhou family in the end, was wiped out overnight, and it is said that the three-year-old kid never let it go."

   "Zhou Bendao rebelled against the mine, and fought in the mine. Probably a person of righteous indignation could not see him. Let him be his nine people!"

   Xia Qingchen's eyes shone coldly.

   Yugui is so cruel!

  Before Zhou Bendao was about to die, he worried that after his death, the clan would be suppressed by the Chou.

  He expected that Han Guitian might stand by, so he branded Xia Qingchen's plum blossoms, in retaliation for Han Guitian's unsympathetic indecision.

   However, what Zhou Bendao couldn’t think of was that Yu Guitian not only stood idly by, but also worried that Zhou’s family would involve him, so he wiped out Zhou Zhoudao’s entire family and will never suffer from future troubles!

   "Zhou Bendao, have you been blind for several lifetimes before choosing to follow such a wolf-hearted person like Yu Guitian?" Xia Qingchen sighed.

   has paid for many years, instead of not getting rewards, it has caused the family to be wiped out by allegiance.

  Wife and children, no one is spared!

   "Hui Guitian must be removed!" Xia Qingchen was even more determined.

   However, before that, he needs to go to the northwest of the city.

  Zhou Bendao handed him the plum blossom imprint before his death, saying that Yu Guitian Ruo ruthless, he went to the coffin shop in the northwest, where the old coffin repairer would give him a surprise.

  I don't know what Zhou Bendao wanted to leave for Xia Qingchen before he died.

   At that time, the Northwest Barracks.

Soon after Xia Qingchen left the camp, a heavily armed 10,000-strong army flooded into the camp of the Northwest Military Region.

  The grandness of its lineup attracted Zhao Fei moth to change color, and immediately summoned a large army to go.

   Looking far away, the army of thousands of people is carrying a bright banner of the Palace of Supervision.

Yang Zhongguo, who returned and returned, led the army to monitor the palace, and the army suppressed the situation.

   Zhao Fei Mo felt that something was wrong with the major event, Shen Sheng asked: "Without the order of the military palace, you led the army into the military area without permission, but you want to provoke a civil war?"

   See in different military regions that large-scale soldier transfers must be approved by the palace master.

   Otherwise, it is extremely easy to collide with each other and eventually evolve into a war.

  Yang Zhongguo sat on the back of the monster, a pair of unyielding looks: "Sinister Zhao Fei Mo, listen!"

   His sleeve robe flicked, and a scroll burning red flame slipped from the sleeve robe, suspended between the two armies.

  The red text shot from the scroll was projected to the ten-footed sky.

   Everyone looked up and exclaimed.

   That was actually the autographed will of the Deputy Palace Master!

  The level of deputy lord of the palace is between the lord of the palace and the commander-in-chief. Is it their purpose to compete?

  The army of the Northwest Military Region turned over the monsters and knelt on the ground to listen.

  Yang Zhongguo murmured: "Crime minister Zhao Fei Mo suppresses his fellow Zhao Jinfeng, fights for his family property, and punishes him for planting, and is imprisoned. He has been detained in the military area.


  Zhao Fei Mo raised his head and said, "It will be wronged in the end! It is clearly framed by someone out of context!"

   At the beginning of the intra-ethnic struggle, it was clearly Zhao Jinfeng suppressing their mother and daughter. Xin had to listen to Xuelou's help before hugging her ancestral house. Why did she suppress Zhao Jinfeng?

   As for the imprisonment of Zhao Jinfeng, it is even more nonsense!

  As a non-military person, Zhao Jinfeng acted in the army by her name. She was imprisoned only by the idea of ​​destroying her relatives.

   has turned into stolen jail now!

  Yang Zhongguo was indifferent as usual, saying: "The Supervision Hall will not let a bad person go, nor will it injustice a good person. Now the Supervision Hall just doubts you. As long as you cooperate with us, I believe that the Supervision Hall will give you a clean innocence!"

   He waved his hand, and a line of guards held the shackles forward.

   Zhao Feixiu clenched his fists and pressed against the idea of ​​resistance.


  How clear is Li Forestry?

   He is still a famous family, full of loyalty, but how about that?

   But the more this is, the more Zhao Fei Mo can't act lightly.

  The end of Li Forestry is ahead, and Zhao Fei Mo must never follow suit.

  The guards easily shackled Zhao Fei moth, tying his hands firmly back into the prepared prison car.

   "Sir!" Wan Xiaoqi, who was under his command, filled with indignation and said: "Sir Superintendent, there must be someone who is stolen and framed. We only know one thing about Zhao Jinfeng and can testify for General Zhao!"

(End of this chapter)

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