Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Yin Yang Er Ding

  The ancient Lingdan Xia Qingchen naturally knows that this dan does indeed have the magical ability to recall the memories of bloodline ancestors.

   However, the demands on refiners are extremely high.

  Don't look at the ancient spirit pill is only quasi-spiritual pill level, but at least the alchemy level can only be successfully refined.

   The so-called alchemy tower is higher than the existence of the alchemy master, such people can easily refining the spirit pill level medicine.

  The master alchemy level of the three masters of Red Dust Master is still far from the level of refining the ancient spirit pill.

  Forcible refining. If it fails, the consequences can be significant.

   "Oh? What does Grand Master Xia have to point out?" Grand Master Hong Chen grinned, his eyes very contemptuous.

   Xia Qingchen leaned on the stone pillar and said lightly: "In addition to the insufficient level, you have problems with the materials you searched for, and some of them are not owned by the ancient side of the ancient spirit."

   "If I guess right, Danfang is incomplete, is it the Danfang you take for granted?"

   heard the words, and the faces of the other two Grand Masters were slightly stiff.

   It really is so!

  The Gu Ling Dan Dan found at the time, only the main material can be seen, and there are several kinds of auxiliary materials that are incomplete, which they summed up based on their own experience analysis.

   Grand Master Red Dust has no alien color, saying: "I am not good enough? Ha ha, Grand Master Xia, may you come to find an alchemy master stronger than me in the cold environment?"

   She saw contempt in her eyes: "Or, do you really consider yourself a human being?"

   After listening to the irony of the sentence, Xia Qingchen looked calm and said, "As an alchemist, it is better to be humble and cautious. With your mind, it is not suitable for the development of alchemy."

   can really accomplish the great cause, or do not regret such a persistent person.

   Grand Master Red Dust attaches too much importance to fame and fame on this earth, so it is difficult to achieve great merits.

   Before the voice fell, he heard a slightly indifferent voice: "Xia Qianxiaoqi, you passed."

   Xia Qingchen looked around according to the sound, but was a young man in Jinyi next to Jin Jiao. His eyes were deep and indifferent, his face sullen.

   He is not someone else, but Niseko.

  The military palace drama has become so unpredictable that this second son can't get away from it.

   His eyelids drooped slightly, looking at Xia Qingchen with a drooping look: "What qualifications do you have to comment on Grand Master Red Dust? It's awful, you can't match the single hair of Grand Master Red Dust!"

   This is not generally unpleasant, but very unpleasant.

  The second son of Tangtang, when he said this in public, his inner dissatisfaction with Xia Qingchen, no, was hostile, and was clearly visible.

   Xia Qingchen but killed Yu Guitian, it was against Niseko, he was not hostile.

   Xia Qingchen didn't take it for granted: "If the second son is not blind, he should be able to see that it is Grand Master Red Dust who wants me to give me advice. I give you serious advice, and you say I can't control it."

   "As a second son, can you do things fairly, instead of favoritism yourself?" Xia Qingchen pointed out.

  In the eyes of Niseko, there was a flash of murderous opportunity, so dare to criticize him in public?

   But Yu Guang glanced at the nearby Jin Jiao and quickly quelled his murderous intention.

  Disputes in public will only make my father more and more disappointed in himself, and not worth the loss.

   It's not too late to clean up the little man Xia Qingchen when there is a chance.

   "Teached." He said without a panic, and continued to drink tea as if nothing had happened.

   Grand Master Red Dust saw that the second son was deflated, and his heart was even more angry. He smiled and said: "Grand Master Xia has a high vision, and he can't look down on the old man. It is better to be trained by this Grand Master Xia Xia."

  Who knows, Xia Qingchen thought without hesitation: "Okay! If I refine it, there is still a possibility of two points of success."

  Although he has never reached the realm of Thai fighting, but he is very experienced and tries to refine it, he still has a certain chance of success.

  The words made Master Hongchen's words lingering, Xia Qingchen really dared to take over!

  At this moment, a few impatient voices came from the Jinjiao: "Xia Qingchen, don't talk anymore as a layman, Master Red Dust, Alchemy!"

   paused, the cool king said again: "Come here, take Shuanglongding out."

  Shuanglong tripod?

   Grand Master Red Dust and Qi Wang are all excited.

   There are two things that the alchemist dreams of in the cold environment——Shuanglong Ding!

  Shuanglong Ding is the first cool king. It collects the best gods created by Gengjin in the world and is divided into Yang Ding and Yin Ding.

  The secret medicine made from this tripod is often of high quality. If you are lucky, there is still a chance that the secret medicine will be improved by one grade to reach the level of quasi elixir.

   However, Shuangding is always hidden deep in the Liangwang Mansion, and no outsiders are visible at all.

   After listening to Xia Qingchen's doubts, Liang Wang was worried, so he temporarily changed his mind and gave them Shuanglong Ding to refine.

   "Thank you Liangwang!" The two of them thanked excitedly.

   There are Ssangyong Ding refining, they can refine a better medicine.

   Soon, one black, one white and two engraved alchemy dragon sculptures were sent in.

   Grand Master Red Dust chose the black Yang Ding, while the medicine king chose the white Yin Ding.

   stroking Yang Ding, Master Red Dust’s mouth twitched, and said, “The medicine does not regret, the cool king is so generous, you should not live up to his expectations, you must make a decent secret medicine.”

  Drugs do not regret and are unmoved, and have devoted themselves to alchemy.

  Everyone looked away and secretly applauded, this is the gesture that a true alchemist should have.

  Which Grand Master Red Dust has been chattering to show his superiority just now?

   "Hehe." Grand Master Chen Chen sneered: "A stupid bird is a stupid bird if he flies first.

   She waved her hand and took a deep breath: "Go!"

  The two sides began to refine immortality simultaneously.

   The people present naturally compared the two parties.

   Grand Master’s technique is relatively more sophisticated. Many materials are thrown into the Dan furnace at a glance, and there are masters in the room.

  It's a medicine that doesn't regret it. Every material should be kept in the palm of your hand, and the amount will be determined into the Dan furnace.

   "How can the alchemy level of the medicine king not go back and forth?" A palace owner who had seen medicine do not regret alchemy, frowned slightly.

   "Well! It is backward! At that time, its level was almost the same as that of Grand Master Red Dust, but it was almost impossible to produce a quasi-linguistic pill. It was not seen after many years. How did it become so rusty?"


   They didn't notice it at all, and the medicine didn't regret every time they picked up the material, a glimmer of golden light flashed in his eyes.

  After half an hour, the materials of both parties have been put into the Dan furnace.

   Next is the most important Danhuo control, this fire control is good or bad, is the key to Chengdan.


   The red fire under the red furnaces of both sides immediately burned up, burning the materials in it crackling.

   bursts of green smoke, slowly from the smoke hole of the Dan furnace.

   Compared to Yang Ding, Grand Master of Red Dust, the smoke is very thin and light.

  Yin Ding, who did not regret the medicine, gave out a very strong black smoke, which was both pungent and glaring. After a while, the entire Taihe Temple was plunged into a dark and dense fog, and many people choked continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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