Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Disappointed

  He left the secret room, and the hall member immediately asked, "What did you find strange when you were in the secret room?"

   Xia Qingchen shook his head: "Everything is as usual."

   Hall members were full of surprises. There was such a huge problem in the stele that there could not be no problem in the secret room.

   "Don't go away first, maybe you will have something to ask you later." The hall member said and plunged into the secret room to check the situation.

   Xia Qingchen stood aside and carefully recalled whether the secret room was really a problem just now.


   At this time, a palm was shot towards Xia Qingchen's shoulder.

  Although he was thinking, he was still vigilant. He noticed a change in the airflow behind his shoulders and moved his body to the side.

   inadvertently, also used the body method.

  Because the body is too fast, in the eyes of outsiders, he does not move his steps, but his body changes instantly.

   The palm behind him was shot empty, making one of them stagger and almost planted forward.

   The palm master stabilized his figure, looking at Xia Qingchen with a surprised look.

   "Xiongtai, were you just now?" Yu Gugong withdrew his palms, his eyes showing doubt.

   Was that just the body method, or was it my own illusion?

   Xia Qingchen turned around and looked at him lightly: "What advice?"

   It is not a good habit to pat the shoulders of unfamiliar people. If it is in the wild, this action will be regarded as an attack.

   "Under Yu Gugong, dare to ask this son, do you really have no problems?" Yu Gugong clenched his fists.

   Xia Qingchen expressionless: "Which aspect do you say?"

   He also did not know why people outside said that there was a problem in the secret room.

   Yu Gugong pointed to the stele and said, "You see, all three rankings have abnormally dropped, which is definitely a problem in the secret room."

   So it turns out!

   Xia Qingchen is so funny, defeating you, is it an abnormal event?

   He couldn't help being disappointed with the so-called contemporary arrogance of Liangzhou List.

   is still a group of frogs at the bottom of the well. I don't understand the truth that there are people outside and people outside.

   He pressed the bridle of the hat, and said lightly: "They were defeated by me, and their rankings have dropped, isn't it normal?"

   said, then he took his hand outward.

  Yu Gongong was stunned, and then his expression changed greatly: "What do you say? I and the other two were defeated by you?"

   "Hehe." Xia Qingchen responded with a contemptuous smile: "Rather than having trouble with the secret room here, it is better to go back and find your own problem."

   Their problem lies not in strength but in vision.

   took a step forward from Gu Gong and dragged his palm to Xia Qingchen's shoulder and said, "Xiontai, please stay behind and make your words clear first."

   Yes, Xia Qingchen raised his right hand and flexed his fingers to reach out.

   A ray of thick star power hits the palm of Gu Gong.


  It seemed that Yu Gonggong was hit by the sky thunder, his body flew down, smashed **** the wall of the chamber, and made a bang!

  He ranked fifth in the Liangzhou list. He was just hit by the opponent and suffered such a heavy blow!

   Xia Qingchen re-handed down and stepped out without looking back: "Don't take yourself too seriously, the world is very big, and the Liangzhou list is nothing."

  Finally, in the horrified eyes of the crowd, they disappeared into their sight.

  It was difficult for Gu Gong to stand up, his mouth was full of blood, and his eyes were full of shock.

   The opponent's frightening shot, he felt the terrible star power far above his own!

  The rest of the light glanced at the stone tablet. The three reddish names stunned: "It's no problem in the secret room. It's him who has the problem...no, it's us who has the problem."

   He clenched his fists, and Xia Qingchen's words deeply hurt his self-esteem.

  Recalling that I always thought of myself, I felt that my decline in rank was by no means defeated, but that the secret room had a problem, and I was complacent.

   Such a self is really ugly!

   "Yu Gongzi, are you okay?" Zhao Yunshi asked with concern.

   Yu Gugong waved his hand, and his face was full of self-deprecating colors: "I'm fine, but I no longer have any face to point out Miss Zhao. Yu's practice is still not enough!"

   He couldn't help thinking that he was still blaming Mo Daolan for complacency and slacking practice.

   What is the difference between today's self and Mo Daolan?

   He clenched his fists: "Farewell."

  He just wanted to go back to the mansion at the moment and continue to practice hard, without a huge breakthrough, he would never go out.

   At this moment, when I heard the clerk who was rushing out of the house, Leng Su faced: "I'm checking the secret room, please be quiet outside!"

   can hear that his mood is not very good.

   There was a problem in the secret room. As a duty officer, he was responsible.

   What worries him even more is that the previous inspection did not detect any problems, and I do not know why it would cause disorder in the ranking of the stele.

   "Adult, this is the case..." a young boy kindly reminded.

   After hearing this, the hall member took a breath of breath: "You said, that one of the hats will be injured by Gu Gong?"

   He is not an uninformed person. On the contrary, he has been in the Liangzhou main hall for many years and has seen too many masters.

   One finger injured Gu Gong, what it meant, he knew better than anyone present.

   That means that there is no problem with the change of the stele.

  Because, that guy is a peerless master! !

   "You are all here!" The hall staff realized that things were not good and immediately came to the front desk to inform the maid of the secret room.

   "What? It happened?" The maid covered her red lips, and Xing's eyes were filled with shock.

   After a while, her eyes flickered: "I knew that this person was by no means simple! Well, I immediately went to notify the owner."

   She immediately set off and came to the backyard of the main hall, in front of a fire pond full of flames.

   The maid stood in front of the fire pond and bowed: "Master, something is wrong."


  In the pool of fire, the flames were rippling, and a towering figure covered with flames stood up from it, exposing the upper half of his body.

   "What's the matter?" said the master indifferently, with flames spitting between the openings and openings, which was particularly strange.

   The maid bowed and said, "There is a mysterious person, three masters in a row in the Liangzhou rankings, and they have won the first place."

   Fireman opened his eyes, a trace of Mars splashed: "Oh? Who is his last name?"

   "Leave a pseudonym for the heart." The maid said.

  The temple master was silent for a moment, and said, "That should be a foreigner."

   with his palm, took out a very hot flame seed from the fire pool and threw it to the maid: "Catch up and give it to him."

   "Yes!" The maid's palm gave an indifferent grip, so she was not afraid of hotness and held it in her palm.

   At that time.

   Xia Qingchen has left the tea time in Liangzhou main hall.

   He did not return to the military camp, but went directly to the Ling Palace.

  The barracks have many eyes and are not suitable for practicing martial arts. The Ling Palace is quite large and suitable.

   Moreover, they have not responded to the two things once explained to the Ling Palace, and Xia Qingchen had to ask.

   He looked left and right, turned into an alley, just fell off the hat, and put it back on again, and he did not return his head: "Are you looking for me?"

   He looked back slowly, a kind maid standing at the entrance of the alley with a smile.

   "At the order of the master of the palace, give a reward to the son of the heart." The maid smiled deeply.


  Xia Qingchen only remembered that the first place in the Liangzhou list seemed to have a reward for spying on the silver coffin.

   In front of the coffin, you can get a lot of insights.

   (two points and one change)

(End of this chapter)

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