Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 888: Undead Scepter

   Those who can achieve this step, cultivation base will never go low, at least there should be a realm of the middle moon, and the tenth palace master!

   "Smelly kid!!" The barbarian came slowly, staring at Xia Qingchen with evil spirits, and said: "Laozi shot you!"

  He still has to move forward, but he is stopped by the silent middle-aged man behind him: "Stop it, others have shown mercy."

   Just now Xia Qingchen fully shot, the barbarian could be shocked to death as soon as possible.

   The middle-aged Yun Danfeng looked at Xia Qingchen lightly and cast a trace of apology: "My servant is ignorant, please forgive me."


   The strength of the barbarian is at least the big star level.

   What kind of characters are the strong stars willing to bow their heads as slaves?

   Even if it is Xiaoyue's top strong, no one wants it?

   can be imagined for its strength.

   The barbarian immediately shrugged his waist and retreated behind the mysterious strong man, the atmosphere did not dare to pant, and he looked very awed.

   Xia Qingchen negatively said: "This place is a cold place, not Lounan, please restrain your servants."

   "Sorry." The other party smiled lightly and paused. He said: "Is your lord the local master?"

   As a barbarian, his mind is very delicate, speculating Xia Qingchen's identity.

   "Exactly." Xia Qingchen said: "What are you doing here?"

   The other party said with negative hand: "In the wilderness, come to the cold area to find a suitable spiritualist, refining a nirvana for me. There seems to be no suitable spiritualist in your palace. I wonder if you can point me to the clear road. Who should I look for?"

   They first arrived, quite strange to the necromancer in the cold environment.

   Xia Qingchen's trick: "Give me the drawings."

  The wilderness looked at Xia Qingchen and said, "Although I am from Lounan, I also know that the older the spiritual master is, the deeper the qualifications are. The lord really understands nirvana?"

   Doubtless suspicion.

   Xia Qingchen's palm stretched out: "Bring it!"

  Hardly hesitated, he escaped from his arms again, with white bones engraved with ten small paintings.

   The screen is full of various strange and small patterns.

   For example, one of them is a sculpture of a **** scene where a person is hanged upside down and then cut by a person.

   And above the bones, there was a piece of bloody, incomplete small letter carved on it.

   It seems that this is a drawing of a ninja, but the defect is serious and it is impossible to refine it.

   No wonder Li Zicheng resigned his request.

   "If you do not understand, please help us find an experienced spiritualist." Huang said.

   Xia Qingchen shook his head and said lightly: "No need to look for it anymore, except for me, probably no one can refine what you want."

   Huang was surprised and laughed: "It's really interesting for you young people in the cold."

  'S words are disapproving and exceptionally clear.

   If Xia Qingchen hadn't heard it, she only looked at the bones and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, there are still people who want to refine the scepter of the undead. People are really a forgetful creature."

   Undead Scepter is a dark ninja that can summon the dead, up to level five!

   Once urged, all dead creatures in the underground can be resurrected, and they can obey the orders and be controlled by them.

  Two thousand years ago, there was a king who had mastered the scepter of the undead.

  He summoned tens of millions of underground undead to fight the world and kill hundreds of millions of souls.

   And the hundreds of millions of souls, again dominated by them, continue to fight.

   The king's ambitions expanded and wanted to be the gods that dominated the world, so he vowed to kill all creatures and let them all become undead under control.

   A hundred years later, there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and there are ghosts and spirits everywhere.

   The world is almost reduced to the world of undead, human beings are on the verge of destruction!

   Fortunately, Ningshuang Tianshen traveled the world and found this matter, destroying the king with divine power, and destroying the undead scepter.

   Only then can human beings multiply and regenerate, avoiding the extinction disaster.

   Now two thousand years have passed, and some people have paid attention to the scepter of the undead. The lesson of extinct genocide was completely forgotten by mankind.

   "How do you know that it is the scepter of the undead?" The wild eyes suddenly squinted, and the whole body subconsciously released a powerful aura that was breathtaking.

  Although it was put away in time, it still made the hearts of those present beating.

   is Xia Qingchen. At that moment, there is a sense of depression in the heart being pinched.

   This person is deep in cultivation, beyond imagination!

   Xia Qingchen put down his bones and looked at him calmly, saying: "The undead scepter is not something that can be created on earth, and it will definitely destroy the world."

   "Let's go, this thing, our Ling Gong can't be refined." Xia Qingchen said.

  Famine stared at Xia Qingchen deeply, and said, "But, you said just now that no one except you can be refined."

   Xia Qingchen lightly smiled: "Do you believe it?"

  Huang wanted to believe, but looking at Xia Qingchen's young face, he sighed: "Please also point out a clear way, if someone can refine it, he must pay a lot of money."

   Apparently, he did not believe that Xia Qingchen could be refined.

   Xia Qingchen calmly said: "Same thing, I don't want to repeat it."

   This thing, never reproduce the world.

   Otherwise, it will fall into the hands of caring people, it must be a genocide!

   said silently: "We need the scepter of the undead, but not to harm people."

   Xia Qingchen shook his head: "Send off."

  No matter what it does, the scepter of the undead should not reproduce the world.

  The wild stared at Xia Qingchen deeply, and silently said afterwards, he said: "I can find a spiritual master in Zhongyun Realm to refine it."

   "Anyway." Xia Qingchen didn't care.

   So, the wild and barbaric talents went away.

  Li Zicheng personally watched them leave, and then ran back, anxiously saying: "Adult, that undead scepter is not a good thing to hear. If this group of barbarians are refined from Zhongyun Realm, wouldn't it be a scourge?"

   Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Come on, no one can refine it."

   There is only a piece of incomplete refining method on the bone, and no one can refining it.

  Not to mention, even if someone can refine it, is the material of the Undead Scepter so easy to obtain?

  To refine this scepter requires ninety-nine bone marrows.

   In the world, want to find the remains of ninety-nine gods, is simply a dream.

   "Oh, then I'm relieved." Li Zicheng was quite comfortable.

   Xia Qingchen looked at him and said, "Have you done the two things you were told?"

  Li Zicheng slapped his head and said: "Ouch! Look at me! I have done everything, and I'm preparing to send someone to inform adults."

   Xia Qingchen lit up: "Say!"

   "The first thing the adults instructed was to refine the blood snake sword." Li Zicheng took out a space ninja: "After months and days of uninterrupted smelting, it has been successfully smelted and proposed the most precious blood snake stone among them."

   "Sir, please look over."

   Xia Qingchen took the sweep, revealing a trace of satisfaction.

  However, in the space nirvana, there are ten egg-sized blood stones, which are pure blood snake stones.

   "Several special ninjas can be refined." Xia Qingchen murmured.

  He is about to practice brand new martial arts, and he needs special ninja equipment. The blood snake stone came at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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