Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 56: Void Exploration Card

   Chapter 056

   Mu Rou heard her sister Mu Yao's screams, her distressed tears almost fell.

   In the end, there was really no choice but to raise his hand to knock Mu Yao stunned.

   The deceased Su Sheng can resurrect a person from death, and only a small part of the memory of a period of time before death can be retained.

Obviously, Mu Yao inherited the painful memory of the entire head being corroded after committing suicide and swallowing the acid ball. This painful memory is another side effect of the deceased Su Sheng. This side effect Mu Yao also knows how she Would you choose such a painful self-killing method?

   Mu Rou can conclude that Mu Yao must have committed suicide under control just now.

   The first person she suspected was Mu Fangge, but after thinking about it carefully, Mu Fangge had no reason to do this.

Grandfather didn’t know her talent card. If he knew it, he would have forced her to drop out of school and put her under house arrest. Then he blessed the deceased Su Sheng every day to Mu Fangge, so that even Mu Fangge who was afraid of death would have the courage to leave the Nether Academy and look outside. Chance.

   She knew Mu Fangge very well, if he knew the existence of the deceased Su Sheng, he would definitely do so.

   Activate the special student card, and Mu Rou wants to report the attack on Mu Yao.

   However, when she lowered her head, Mu Rou saw the corrosive acid on the floor after Mu Yao's body was corroded.

   I saw the bubbles formed by the corrosive acid corroding the floor, and they formed the word Tano in a flash.

This made Mu Rou unbelievable and at the same time frightened. How did Chen Mo know that she had the Dead Susheng talent card, how did she manipulate Mu Yao to make her commit suicide, and how did she know that she planned to use the dead Susheng to get rid of the status of a slave. ?

   She didn't understand all of these, but she knew that she had to make a choice now.

   To truly become Chen Mo's Tanu, he still fought desperately.

   If she was the only one, she would definitely choose the latter, but she sighed helplessly when she looked at Mu Yao who was lethargic.

   During the two years before going to school, Mu Yao was bullied a lot at home alone.

She only learned about this later, but it has already caused a lot of harm to Mu Yao, which made her feel a little guilty towards Mu Yao in her heart, so even the world lord can let Mu Yao go, how can she bear to see her continue now? Hurt.

   reached out and grabbed the mental bricks belonging to Chen Mo placed on the table, and Mu Rou took in the spiritual mystery and began to build the void pyramid.

   Before a few bricks were condensed, the door of the dormitory was knocked.

   Mu Rou went downstairs to open the door, but saw Chen Mo outside, stretched out her hand to pull her away and walked into the dormitory.

   "How many points do you have now."

   Chen Mo asked after sitting down in the living room.

   "More than sixty thousand."

   Mu Rou endured the anger of punching Bian Chen Mo in the nose.

   "Log in to the points mall and replace all of them with engineering props and alchemy materials. I will give you the list through the communication card now."

   Chen Mo activated the communication card and exchanged void shock particles with Mu Rou.

   The exchange was over, and Mu Rou silently logged in to the points mall to redeem everything while watching the list sent by Chen Mo.

   Within a quarter of an hour, the goods have arrived.

   Murou moved the goods into the living room, and Chen Mo took the storage card and walked to the second floor.

   Mu Rou hurriedly followed, but saw that Chen Mo had grabbed Mu Yao's belt and held her in his hand.

   "Go to the starting point of the void shuttle."

   Chen Mo said without question.

   "You want to explore the void?"

   Mu Rou couldn't help asking.

   "Not bad."

   Chen Mo responded as he walked.

   "Can you let my sister stay?"

   Mu Rou couldn't help asking.

   "What do you mean?"

   Chen Mo coldly snorted.

   Thinking of the pain that Mu Yao had suffered not long ago, Mu Rou didn't dare to say more, for fear of angering Chen Mo.

   She can only keep thinking, what exactly did Chen Mo use to control Mu Yao?

   Not long after Mu Yao woke up, she was thrown to the ground by Chen Mo, struggling and struggling immediately. Mu Rou quickly stepped forward to help Mu Yao and explained to her in a low voice that Chen Mo was taking them to explore the void.

  The three people walking on the road didn't even notice the presence of them out of thin air.

The virtual **** followed Chen Mo calmly. He shot a ray of light at Chen Mo’s card apprentice wrist wheel, and activated a hidden function of Chen Mo’s special student card, which is the momentary response that is passively triggered when encountering a fatal danger. City function.

   To activate this function, it is necessary to integrate more power of the return card into the special student card.

This is a protection for Chen Mo. From the moment he became a professional card maker to show his talent, the level of attention he received in the academy has not lost that of the chief students of each grade, but it has not yet reached the full year of freshman enrollment. Many special treatments that should be enjoyed cannot be given to him now.

  Because, strictly speaking, freshmen who have been enrolled for less than a year are not regarded as real students of the void college.

   Eligibility to enter the Void Academy does not mean that you are finally eligible to stay.

   Being able to come in just means that the talent is up to the standard, but if you don’t know how to cherish your talent, you don’t know how to make good use of the resources of the Nether Academy, and if you fail to pass the freshman assessment at the end of the school year, even if you have the best talent, you will be expelled from the Nether Academy.

   If Chen Mo were not planning to explore the void, he would not activate the hidden function of the special student card now.


   "Void exploration is really dangerous."

   Mu Rou couldn't help but reminded.

"I know."

   Chen Mo answered casually.

   Of course he knows the danger of exploring the void, but he has a book of destiny to find relatively safe world fragments.

Not to mention Mu Rou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Her dead Su Sheng is simply the best talent card for cannon fodder, making good use of her cannon fodder can definitely play a big role, let alone she is very good at fighting Five-star card apprentice, he will be quickly resolved by Mu Rou in a head-on fight.

   When he finds the world fragments and finds the world lord, he can hide behind and pick up ready-made ones as long as he wants to.

   Of course, he would not treat Sister Mu Rou wrongly. If the world's source power is superfluous, he would not mind cultivating them, so that the quality of their Void Pyramid should be as black as possible. It is not necessarily a bad thing to become his tower slave.

   The three came to the teleportation point of the main campus, although it was dark, it was still overcrowded.

   Almost all the card masters come and go, and occasionally there are card disciples who are also multi-player teams.

   Void Academy encourages the five-star or above card students to explore the void, even if a team of five is formed, they are eligible to rent the Void Shuttle.

   Mu Rou had an experience in this area, so she quickly applied for a few void exploration cards.

The Void Exploration Card is a must for exploring the void. In fact, it is equivalent to a signal device. If you find valuable world fragments, you can locate it through the Void Exploration Card, and then the power of the card world will spread along the coordinates to view the world The condition of the fragments.

   If the world fragments are very strong, the card world will send the card repair reincarnation or seize the house for this kind of world.

If the world fragment is weak, you can apply for the card world to suppress the world fragment. Of course, this application is not free. At the same time, the ownership of the world fragment is already attributable to the card world, but the discoverer has priority exploration and subsequent unlimited exploration rights .

   If you do not use the power of the card world to suppress, then you must use your own power to suppress and conquer the entire world fragments.

   Chen Mo collected the Void Exploration Card and released the Void Shuttle at the stop of the Void Shuttle.

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