Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 89: Yin Soldier's First Kill

   Chapter 089

   "My little master greets your eight generations of ancestors..."

   Chen Mo secretly complained in his heart.

   The camp safety zone is equivalent to the Novice Village. The monsters outside the Novice Village should be the lowest level.

   However, this **** of the game world is just the opposite. The camp safety zone is surrounded by LV6 groups of high-level monsters, which means that all special enrollment students will face the crazy pursuit of monsters as soon as they leave the camp.

   Don't experience a battle royale, don't even want to find a monster that suits your own strength.

  LV4, this is the hunting monster suitable for first-year special enrollment.

   Relying on the information provided by the plants, Chen Mo walked flat in absolute darkness, avoiding all monsters and roadblocks, and easily traversed more than 30 kilometers, and finally began to appear level LV5 monsters in the surrounding area.

   Chen Mo turned his head and looked back, spotlights flashed from time to time in the dark.

These are all movements caused by Khaxiu. It seems that they have already encountered the monsters of LV6. Basically, all the light spots appear once but not the second time. Because the carders who encounter the enemy have obviously found that they are incapable of the enemy, so they don’t. Entangled with the monster and ran away.

   Chen Mo stopped, he decided to kill monsters and level up in the monster area of ​​LV5.

   Marionette card has powerful control ability, but the frontal killing ability is not that powerful.

   So Chen Mo activated the small land card and connected with the land jurisdiction through the small land card.

   One hundred Yin Soldiers, who were on standby in the land legal domain, immediately followed the small land card and descended next to Chen Mo.

   was originally the ghost of LV9, but only LV6 was transformed into Yin Soldier.

   The small land card only has six purple stars, and of course the Yin Soldiers made cannot exceed LV6.

However, this does not mean a loss, because the process of transforming ghosts into Yin soldiers, in addition to forming the Yin soldiers one-to-one, also mixes incense willingness to build the equipment on the Yin soldiers, and every fully armed Yin soldier does not Lose to the lord monster of the same level.

   "Go, kill all creatures that are close to you within a kilometer."

   Chen Mo ordered.

Upon hearing the order, twenty Yin soldiers armed with shields and armor walked in the front row, followed by sixty Yin soldiers armed with bows and arrows and twenty armed with spears. Their bodies were able to go straight through the surrounding area regardless of physical collisions. plant.

   Chen Mo followed, and soon encountered the first type of monster.

   His eyes can't see, but Yin Bing's eyes ignore the darkness and can see things in the dark.

  As a small land god, his spiritual consciousness can enter the Yin Soldier.

So Chen Mo saw that it was a group of sixteen monsters like porcupines. An individual was two meters long with spikes on its back. He saw the nearby Yin soldier thrusting the dirt under his feet with his hooves. He took a closer look at the top of his head. Wearing a health bar and monster name.

  【Bloodthirsty Porcupine: LV5 Elite Monster】

  【Bloodthirsty Porcupine: LV6 Lord Monster】

   There are a total of 15 elites in a lord boss, not even an ordinary monster.

Twenty shield soldiers use shields to form a wall, and sixty archers behind them draw their bows at the same time. The arrows condensed by pure yin air fly in a straight line and are completely unaffected by gravity. They pass through the plants along the way and fall on the bloodthirsty porcupine. Body.

   was just a volley, and all bloodthirsty porcupines except the lord monster were killed in seconds.

   After all, this is equivalent to sixty LV6 lords, and an average of four teamed up to kill an LV5 elite. If this fails to form a spike effect, the small land card will not be worthy of its value compared with the difficulty of manufacturing.

   Sixty archers took arrows again, and the bloodthirsty porcupine lord who had not been attacked just now was about to die.

This kind of Yin Qi arrows of Yin Soldier possesses the characteristics of penetrating most substances, and can directly attack the soul. It doesn't seem to hurt the soul. In fact, the soul has been shot. However, this time all 60 Yin Qi arrows have been shot. They were blown up in the air.

  Because of the bloodthirsty porcupine lord, red blood mist is steaming all over his body at this time.

   Part of these blood mists came from themselves, but more from the 15 dead bloodthirsty porcupines. All of their blood gathered on the lord, part of which was integrated into the spikes on the back and shot out and partly exploded the Yin Qi arrows.

   The pure bloodthirsty porcupine's spikes undoubtedly can't attack the Yin Qi arrow at all.

   But the blood mist blended into it can cause direct damage to the Yin Qi in the Yin Qi Arrow.

The bloodthirsty porcupine roared angrily and rushed towards the camp of the Yin soldiers with a **** fog, but within two seconds of a distance of more than 100 meters, the archers shot six volleys in the middle, all of which were spiked by the bloodthirsty porcupine lord. To intercept.

   The bloodthirsty porcupine lord rushed to the front, and charged straight forward and hit the forward platoon of shield soldiers.


   The bloodthirsty porcupine lord knocked down and retreated, his body rubbed on the ground and finally retreated and hit a tree.

   Instead, the shield soldiers who were hit by the front did not retreat even one step.

   "No need to keep your hands, free to attack."

   Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction and ordered.

   LV6 Yin Soldier Archer, how could it not be a LV5 bloodthirsty porcupine lord.

   He just tried to test the basic qualities of the Yin Soldiers, so he ordered the Yin Soldiers not to use skills, only regular basic attacks, otherwise the lonely bloodthirsty porcupine lord would not even want to rush to the shield soldiers.

   The ban was lifted and the Yin soldiers began to fight freely.

  Because the distance is too close, all the archers stopped ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only one shield soldier left the team and faced the bloodthirsty porcupine lord.

The shield of the shield soldier can freely change its shape and can also seal the monster’s soul. The shield can be a buckler or a tower shield. At this time, the tower shield that builds a defensive barrier is switched to a buckler. The three flared triangular shields on the buckler follow. The shield soldiers flew up and down to block.

   All the backstabs fired by the bloodthirsty porcupine lord were blocked by the bucklers in the hands of the shield soldiers.

At the last moment when he rushed forward, the shield soldier leaned over and hit the chin of the bloodthirsty porcupine lord from below with the shield in his hand. Three shield spurs directly penetrated the chin. The barbs on the shield spurs made the bloodthirsty porcupine lord unable to stab the shield at all. Pull out from the chin.

  The bloodthirsty porcupine lord kept screaming, but the shield soldier squatted on the ground motionless.

   Despite the constant struggle of the lord monster, in the end, most of his jaw was torn off by the barb of the shield thorn.

The moment the chin was torn off, the shield in the hand of the shield slammed the bloodthirsty porcupine lord’s chin position, and the bloodthirsty porcupine lord hit the head high and the front body was vacated. The last short body came to the bloodthirsty porcupine lord’s abdomen without spikes and held the shield towards Previous top.

   During this process, the buckler spines on the surface of the buckler shrank and the chin on the top had fallen off.

The bloodthirsty porcupine lord who fell from midair was immediately pierced by three shield thorns in his abdomen, and his internal organs were torn apart by the barbs of the shield thorns while he was struggling. The blood was sprayed to dye the Yin soldiers red, and at last he saw the soul of a bloodthirsty porcupine. The phantom was pulled out of the corpse and plunged into the shield.

   At the same time, the bloodthirsty porcupine's carcass also disappeared.

   All the bloodstains disappeared one after another, and the destroyed plants around him also resumed with Landing. Only three light clusters remained in place. Chen Mo could not think of a surprise. This was the drop caused by killing monsters in this transformed game world.

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