It’s funny indeed.

It even surprised Ye Jun.

In the main god space, there are actually one world coordinate after another, although they are all very weak worlds, and even this Tokyo ghoul can be regarded as a relatively powerful world found in the main god space.

But this can also be regarded as a surprise for Ye ~ Jun.

Because he can let this main god space help him find the world-

And what surprised Ye Jun the most was that this main god space actually discovered the Hokage-world.

In other words, the reincarnation people found by Metkay are all from this main god space.

“Let me think, well, there are still a few good worlds, Sadako, mountain village old corpses, and grudges, all of which are good worlds, although they are not powerful, but after all, they are special, they belong to the horror type of world, maybe they can be handed over to the academy and traded with the horror academy.”

Ye Jun touched his chin and muttered.

There are not many horror types of worlds.

Most of them are blended with other genres.

Just like in the world of fantasy genre, there are also horror elements.

This is not a simple horror world.

The real horror type world is that all the extraordinary powers in it are related to the horror element.

Such a world is what the horror school needs.

Because through these worlds, the horror academy can simulate a suitable world development plan, after all, the development of terrorist civilization is very difficult, and it is not so easy to develop a completely terrifying world with order and rules.

At least in Ye Jun’s opinion, these three worlds, if nothing else, may not be of too high value to the fantasy academy.

But for the horror academy, it still has a lot of value.

Based on this, it should be able to interest fantasy schools, after all, it is also good to exchange benefits with horror schools and squeeze a wave of horror schools.

Moreover, these three worlds are of little value to themselves, and exchanging them is also the best choice.

The mind moved.

Ye Jun marked the three worlds, and then commanded the Lord God. “Increase your efforts and invade the Hokage world.”


Because he was invaded by Ye Jun’s will, the main god space was basically equivalent to Ye Jun’s slave, and he agreed without any hesitation about Ye Jun’s orders.


Ye Juncai threw it and put the main god space back into its original universe.

He also counted on this main god space to help him find the world, and staying by his side could not complete this task.

Then, Ye Jun once again set his eyes on the world of Tokyo ghouls in front of him.

Just now, the connection was cut off by the main god space, and those reincarnators seemed to be a little flustered and overwhelmed. But maybe they were released by Ye Jun and recovered, and these reincarnators were calm. Nervous. Ye Jun touched his chin and muttered. “This world, it is weak, it does not help Valoran much, but for the deep sea world, it may be possible.” Childbirth.” In that case, let’s start a world war. ”

After having a decision.

Ye Jun’s thought moved slightly.

Those few reincarnators suddenly disappeared, and it seemed that they had obtained some task and returned to the main god space.

And immediately afterwards, Ye Jun’s eyes widened, and the deep sea world behind him was revealed.

In the deep sea world.

At this time, White Star has become the true king of the deep sea, and millions of sea creatures are the children of White Star.

Originally, the deep sea world did not have so much life, but the fertility and development of marine life was too fast, and the number of sea beasts was large and grew quickly.

Although the number of fish people is still rare, there are tens of thousands.


Deep Sea World.

Somewhere in a trench.

White Star is constantly instructing his people to build an undersea palace in this trench.

But at this time.

Bai Xing turned his head sharply and looked in one direction.

There is a crack in the seabed there, and the crack is expanding.

She got the will from Ye Jun, and immediately bowed slightly, revealing a respectful look. “Do your will, master.”

Finish speaking.

The white star erupted into a wave of fluctuations.

Throughout the deep sea world, countless creatures at the bottom of the sea have felt this fluctuation, which is derived from the fluctuations and orders of the king of the deep sea.

They followed this command, let go of everything that was present, and converged in front of the white star.

Flower ∪

Dense, dark, and terrifying.

And most of them are huge sea beasts with hundreds of meters.

“The great Creator has opened the war of the world for us.”

At this time, Bai Xing, instead of innocence and kindness in the pirate world, looked at the people in front of him with a cold and indifferent face, and shouted. “We need resources, we need to become stronger, and this world war is the first step for us to become stronger, get ready, we will invade another world and plunder everything.”




The fish roared excitedly.

The sea beasts roared.


The killing intent erupted, following the will of the white star.

When the crack expands to a certain extent, White Star orders directly. “Go!”

Then, she swam directly towards the crack, followed by millions of deep-sea beings behind her.

Tokyo Ghoul World.

The world channel was forcibly opened by Ye Jun.

In a certain city.

A huge crack comparable to a tall building was opened.

At the same time, under the stunned gazes of countless people, turbulent sea water gushed out from it, like a disaster, sweeping the entire city.

With the sea, countless sea beasts rushed out of it, destroying everything in sight.

The war of the worlds has begun again.

Bai Xing passed through the crack, looked at the city in front of him that was gradually filled by the sea, raised his arms, and slowly spoke. “Kill!”

“Plunder knowledge.”

“Plunder of resources.”

“Plundering everything can lift us.”

The voice fell.

The fish and sea beasts roamed wildly around.

This side of the world.

The fluctuations of the Origin Heavenly Dao consciousness emerged.

One after another, the high-ranking people in the Tokyo Ghoul World, and even the strong, seemed to have been connected, revealing shocked looks.

“War of the Worlds?”

“Are other worlds invading our world?”

“What’s going on?”

“Quick, get ready now, quick! And! “_

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