Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 195 Bloody Night (Part 2)


Luo gently picked up the knife on the ground and threw it at the masked man forcefully.

The latter hastily blocked, barely pushing the flying throw away, and the sparks that shot out illuminated Luo Tang's dull eyes.

The next moment, Luo Qingqing had rushed to the door of the house.

Enemies push those beneath them out, trying to block her movement.

But Luo Weiwei was a little faster than him, and directly pressed her broken five fingers against Luo Tang. The heart-pounding pain didn't make her hesitate at all—she was pushed back by a stronger force, and the masked man was pushed back, and Lost balance while leaning back.

Luo gently raised his good hand, and smashed the opponent's throat with one punch. The force was so great that she even felt the recoil from the dirt ground.

Whether this person had been hiding in the house before and did not go to the room where she was held with the other two companions, or whether he entered the house through the wall from a blind spot later, these are not important anymore. Under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible for them to have the time to check all the rooms one by one.

Luo gently returned to his fellow doorman, leaned over and hugged Luo Tang.


The neck was cut in half, and only a small piece of flesh was connected together. Blood kept gushing out from inside, forming a pool of blood under her body.

This is the fatal blow.

Even those who are sensitive can't survive in such a state.

Luo trembled slightly and reached out to cover it, but she didn't do it after all-reason told her that doing so was futile.

Luo Tang's eyes had completely dimmed, and her mouth opened and closed slightly, as if repeating a word.


Luo bit her lips tightly until the tingling pain reached her heart before she forced herself to let him go.

And Luo Changtian!

She hurriedly moved to the other person's side to check his breath.

Although it is very weak, there are still some ups and downs!

The short blade was not taken out, it was still stuck in Luo Changtian's chest at this moment.

What should she do? The murder weapon cannot be moved, otherwise it will easily cause heavy bleeding. Yes...the bleeding must be stopped first, and then go to the doctor. By the way, didn't Luo Changtian say that there is a dense forest connecting the river to the east? If you walk along the river, you will definitely meet a village or a town, and you may find a doctor there.

Luo gently opened Luo Changtian's robe, groped around his waist for a while, and found a pack of emergency medicine. This is what the Luo family will carry when they go out. It contains hemostatic powder, antidote, tonic and bandages. It wasn't until she picked up the medicine bottle that she realized that her hands were shaking so badly that she could hardly sprinkle the powder around the wound.


Luo bit his palm lightly to stabilize the movement. After spreading the styptic powder and tying the bandage, she lifted Luo Changtian's hands and walked out of the room.

The courtyard was quiet, and it was not known whether all the masked people were dead, or the rest did not dare to set foot in the courtyard. Out of safety considerations, Luo Qingqing still decided to climb over the wall and leave.

Taking one last look at Luo Tang, she carried Luo Changtian up the dirt wall.

Then there are paths, mountains, and woods.

The pain from the waist made Luo Weiwei feel that it was a bit difficult to breathe, and the rapid consumption of strength made her footsteps unstable, and she almost fell down several times along the way. If she could, she hoped to lie down now and never get up again, but she knew that she couldn't do this because she still had other people on her back.

Luo slightly felt that his consciousness was divided into two sides.

Part of it is reason, telling her clearly what to do is the most correct choice. For example, they couldn't stop at the scene, they couldn't find a place to bury Luo Tang, and they couldn't even look at him more often.

On the other side, it was completely stuck in the scene where Luo Changtian and Luo Tang were attacked.

She could only keep shouting in consciousness.



Please, don't move your hands———

After running for an unknown amount of time, a river finally appeared in front of Luo Qingqing.

Quick, come to someone, anyone is welcome!

She gritted her teeth and started running along the river. The straw sandals on her feet were not suitable for strenuous walking, and they finally fell apart at this moment, so she stepped on the pebbles and dirt with her bare feet, and even though there were stinging pains from time to time, she did not slow down her pace.

Until two figures appeared at the end of the field of vision.

See if they are dressed like travelers, but like locals living nearby.

Luo gently stopped them with a hoarse voice.

"Help me...I need a doctor! Please help him - I'll pay you, money or anything else!"

One of them was an old lady carrying a bamboo basket. She supported Luo Qingqing in surprise, "Little girl, are you...have you encountered a robber?"

Another person dropped the firewood in his hand, "Let me see."

"Please...save him." Luo gently murmured repeatedly.

"Don't worry, if you can save us, you will definitely save us. My wife is Orion. Although he is not as good as a doctor, but if he is injured..." Halfway through the speech, the old lady was suddenly stunned, because she saw the big wound on Luo Qingqing's waist. It was astonishing, obviously not something ordinary people could bear.

"Girl," it was Orion who also spoke, "Let's put him down."

"Save him..."

"I would, but...he's dead."

already dead.

These words exploded in her mind like thunder.

The separate consciousnesses of the two sides are remixed here, and become a blank.

Luo gently felt that all the strength in his body was taken away, and his legs could no longer support his body.

The breath that had been holding her back finally dissipated.

She fell to her knees, then fell headfirst to the ground.

"Hi, are you okay?"

"Little girl, cheer up—"

It was the last cry she heard before consciousness faded.


This is an unnamed village located beside the Yuejiang River.

There are several villages like this in the most dangerous section of the Yuejiang River.

The namelessness is their biggest feature - because the water here is very fast, there are few boats coming and going. There are high mountains on both sides, which collapsed from time to time, and the size of the village could not be expanded, and there were only twenty or thirty households living there. Due to the remoteness, the government is not even willing to send people to collect taxes, and the villagers can't grow rice and food, and basically live by fishing and hunting.

The only connection between this place and the outside world is probably the rare medicinal herbs in the mountains. Every time before the mountain is closed by heavy snow, everyone will gather four or five people to carry the medicinal materials collected in a year to a nearby town to sell, and buy some new year's goods at the same time.

This kind of closure makes any changes in the village become a topic that everyone talks about.

And the old lady of the Duo family brought back a city resident, which became something that was always mentioned in the recent chats.

Not only adults, but even children.

Erhu climbed on the window of A Duo's house, peered into the house, and through the torn window paper, he vaguely saw a white figure.

"Ah, I found it! Erhu is indeed here." Suddenly, there was a chattering sound behind him.

"You peeked at that big sister again!"

"Be honest, have you taken a fancy to him?"

"Huh, what nonsense?" Er Hu stared, "She is so old, how could I fall in love with her! I just want to see... what people in the city are like!"

"She's not too old," Liuya yelled, "and it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful big sister."

"People from the city, there are always some differences."

"Hey, why have you all seen it? I want to see it too."

"Be quiet!" Mrs. Duo stuck her head out of the room, "If you want to make trouble, go to another place and stop disturbing others' rest!"

The little ghosts immediately shrank their heads.

"Grandma, it was Erhu who took the lead. He was peeping at Big Sister under the window!" Liuya reported.

"Can't you be curious!" Erhu pouted his neck, "My father always said that the city is good, and life in the city is enviable, so I just want to know where it is!"

"Envy? Hey... she is not worthy of your envy." The old lady Duo sighed, "Poor girl, but she encountered such a disaster at such a young age. Not to mention the death of her relatives, she even lost her eyes. In this city Not everything is fine."

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