Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 532 Starfire

After listening to Momola's narration, everyone fell into silence.

For a while, there was only the crackling of firewood burning in the iron barrel.

The swaying firelight casts shadows on people's faces with uncertain light and shade, just like everyone's mood at this moment.

After a while, the middle-aged man who greeted Momola first said in a low voice, "I am willing to do this. But it is impossible to recruit 80% of the hired workers."

"Yes." The others couldn't help but echo, "If you don't go to the factory, you won't even have your daily rusks. What if Baiguoyuan refuses to accept it?"

"If you can't find another home, everyone will starve to death."

"And do we really have the ability to shut down factories? Can they hire people?"

Hearing everyone's uneasiness, Momola felt the same way.

In fact, this was also her doubt when facing Xia Fan.

No matter how you look at it, hired workers are the most humble and vulnerable group of people. They are precarious and depend on the factory for their lives. Compared with those gangsters, their only difference is that they do not want to commit crimes. Other than that, their status and reputation are basically the same. level.

After all, who has the ability to live a good life, who will come to be a hired worker?

We all had no way out to get to where we are today.

But according to Xia Fan's words, they are not really that insignificant, they just haven't realized their own strength yet.

"On this point, the ambassador is willing to help." Momola replied, "He can take part of the money to ensure that the strikers can eat bread."

Everyone was in an uproar.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Doesn't this mean that if we don't go to work, we still have something to eat?"

"Then what's good for him? Isn't this a waste of money!"

Momola shook her head, "I'm not sure about the ambassador named Xia Fan, but I can still trust the half-beast Miss Li beside him. She said that in the Eastern Continent, half-beasts and humans are protected by the same law, and Employed workers are one of the most important components of a city, and their salary level will not be much worse than that of ordinary officials."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This really made them unimaginable.

After all, in the Holy Wing Islands, those who can mix with the lord, even if they are not descended from dragons, their status is much higher than that of ordinary people.

“They also said that education is not the privilege of the upper class, and that workers also need to receive a comprehensive education. It’s not that we don’t have the ability to learn, it’s just that this qualification was taken away by the factory.”

"The place you mentioned... I'm afraid it's not the kingdom of heaven."

Someone murmured.

"Actually, it wasn't like that at the beginning. The East called half-beasts demons, and dragon descendants are also demons. As long as they are demons, they will be ruthlessly hunted down and killed. The situation is even worse than ours. But after a desperate struggle, their treatment There have been earth-shaking changes, so we have to fight and use practical actions in exchange for fairer treatment!"

Momola had never been to the East, but there was a convincing force in the words of the half-beast girl. Thinking about it now, it's probably because the other party is obviously of the same kind, and the temperament displayed in every gesture is far from that of a half-beast like her.

It was as if Li had really experienced these things.

The flame in the barrel seemed to be a little stronger.

"Is it all right to go on strike?"

"Yes, as long as we let go of the work in hand, the factories will realize their mistakes. Because only in this way can their interests be truly shaken!"

"Then what about hiring another person in charge?"

"It's too late." Momola's thinking became more and more clear, "It is difficult to preserve the drunken fruit for more than three days in this weather. If you don't make jam in time, all of them will rot. We must first unite as many people as possible." , and then take action on the day when the new goods arrive in Hong Kong. If more than 80% of the people can be recruited, Baiguoyuan will not be able to take care of it in three days. In the face of such a loss, he will negotiate with us."

"The next purchase will be two days later." The middle-aged man said, "I estimate that there are between six and seven hundred workers in Baiguoyuan, mainly divided into movers, production workers and packers. We must recruit them all. That's not enough people."

"I can go find the horn, he is very prestigious among the movers, and he is a half-beast like me, so he should stand on my side. But that's not the point..." Momoola said here and looked around the crowd, " The key to this matter is not how difficult it is, but your thoughts and determination. I don’t want to see innocent people being flogged again. I don’t want Lars and Mollier to happen again. I don’t want to be trampled under my feet anymore! What about you?”

"Miss Momola, we're with you!"

"I can contact the Packers, their shack is next door to us."

"If you can kill the arrogance of the steward, that's not bad, I've already disliked them!"

"That's right, the worst thing is to quit your job."

The worries of the daily rations were relieved, and everyone's response was obviously much more enthusiastic.

"Very well, then it's a deal!" Momoola said with her tail raised, "Let's contact people first, and keep quiet for now. Wait until the day when the cargo ship arrives at the port, and then act together. If Baiguoyuan doesn't admit its mistakes for a day, we will Do not return to work for a day!"

"If you don't admit your mistakes for a day, you won't resume work for a day!"

"If you don't admit your mistakes for a day, you won't resume work for a day!"

The flames surged violently, and countless sparks exploded in the barrel, as if witnessing their oath.


"What exactly do you want to teach Momola?" Olina Okan stared at Xia Fan and said, "This is a pool of muddy water, there is no need for you to step into it."

Momora's departure did not interrupt everyone's discussion on this matter, especially the dragon girl, who expressed difficulty in understanding Xia Fan's approach-in her opinion, everyone's ultimate goal is to get in touch with the Son of the Holy Spirit, and then save the ice. Ning Wanjun in the seal. As for how the employees in the factory are doing, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with saving lives, and it is easy to cause trouble for themselves.

"Is helping innocent victims count as stepping on muddy water? I don't think so." Li folded his hands on his chest and said, "If everyone is indifferent to the plight of others, you can't get together the tuition for your brother, right?"

Olina choked immediately.

That was definitely something she couldn't refute.

Although she also provided Xia Fan with a dedicated express delivery service, Longnu knew in her heart that the value of two thousand gold kerns was much higher than this price.

"I'm at least... a dragonborn..."

"But in Qiguo, they all belong to demons." Li directly cut off the topic.

"Okay," Xia Fan smoothed things over, "I know that you are actually worried about the rescue plan, not that you have no sympathy for Momola and the others, otherwise you wouldn't come out to testify when I talked about Jinxia's changes No one can guarantee whether this will happen, but as long as a kindling is planted, it will become a prairie fire sooner or later, which is why I decided to help them."

He paused at this point, "In addition... in the cargo ship entry and exit records provided by Latherin, there is also a place that I am more concerned about."

"Oh? What is it?" Li asked.

Xia Fan showed the list that he had been looking at just now in front of the three of them, "Here - Baiguoyuan has also registered for Eastern Voyage."

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