A week ago.

Upon returning home, Park Hyunsoo immediately put the refrigerator aside and checked the black hole.

I thought it had disappeared because it was Chungyeong's image world, but somehow the black hole remained.

He went inside to find out why.

And I couldn't say anything to the unfolding scene.

“Are you here?”

A mole's voice was heard.

Park Hyunsoo looked at his mole with gloomy eyes.


"haha. Isn't it a bit like that now?"

The mole was disappearing in real time.

So was the field.

The field, which once had a clear sky and a green meadow, was crumbling down and dying in black.

It was to the extent that I thought that the time when the sky was bloody was better.

“… … Since when did this happen?”

“Since my grandfather sacrificed himself.”

It was only a few hours.

“Are you going to disappear forever?”

"Well. Am I not?”

Park Hyunsoo's eyes widened.

He looked at the mole with questionable eyes.

“What did you just say?”


"just now… … Am I?”

The mole watched him quietly and then raised the corner of his mouth.

“You are quick to notice.”

“What do you mean? Say it quickly!”

“Park Hyunsoo.”

The mole called him in a serious voice.

There was some kind of tension.

He stared straight into the mole's eyes without answering.

“I don’t even know everything. But you may not know at all.”

The mole is the embodiment of Chungyeong.

Although not Chungyeong himself, he knew Chungyeong better than anyone in the world.

Park Hyunsoo asked in a trembling voice.

“S, is Master alive?”

"I do not know."

“Then what do you know?”

"At least, I know he didn't die here."

Chungyeong disappeared, but he did not die.

But he may be dead or alive elsewhere.

The mole was saying so.

Park Hyunsoo held her trembling hands tightly.

“I can’t be sure. 'Cause I can't feel him since he left your body. I and this place are disappearing for the same reason.”

“What will happen if you disappear?”

"I do not know. It may perish forever. Actually, it doesn't matter what A man like me is nothing more than a fake created by his grandfather’s past becoming an illusion.”

Saying so, the mole looked at his field for a long time.

“The past month has been pretty fun.”

For a month, Park Hyunsoo trained with his teacher and mole here, ready to die.

It didn't last long, but it was fun.

“I had fun too.”

“Stop leaving. Stay here and don't disappear together. Do you have to see Grandpa again?”

“… … Thank you."

“Thank you. And, one more thing.”

Park Hyunsoo tilted his head.

“There is someone out there.”

After those words, the mole completely disappeared.

The field gradually turned to dust, and after the mole disappeared, it disappeared rapidly.

Park Hyunsoo frowned as he remembered the last words, but soon relaxed his expression and looked in the direction the mole had disappeared.

“Thank you for a month.”

He nodded his head and went home.

And when the field completely disappeared, the black hole vibrated and disappeared as a small dot.

The place where Park Hyunsoo and Chungyeong once practiced was covered in pitch black darkness.

* * *

A land where meteor showers constantly fall.

There was a magic sword that blew out red energy one after another.

A young man was sitting opposite him, with a dark shadow in his eyes.

[Are you tired, Isaac?]"no."

[Key kick. Truly my owner get up There is no time to rest to become strong.]

A young man named Isaac got up on his knees and struggled to get up.

He grabbed the handle of his demon sword and frowned.

The terrible sensation of digging into his veins did not get used to him no matter how much time passed.

[The following is about 120 km from here. Totally monster heaven. Ha ha ha ha ha!]

Isaac is currently in Africa.

It was a land that was already abandoned as a place called lawless zone.

Portals are opened several times a day, where terrible disasters occur, and you could become stronger here.

Isaac led the exhausted Molgol to the place the magic sword said.

To develop the power to kill the King.

* * *

Park Hyunsoo saw the man sitting in the room.

He has clean white skin, a blue hair in front and indigo blue in the back, clothes that are unique to the earth, and finally, an odd eye that is divided into red and yellow.

He was a man who looked like he came out of a cartoon.

He seemed to be someone who said this mole was out there.

"Who is it?"

Park Hyunsoo asked the man in a sharp voice.

He didn't have to be polite to someone who had just entered the house without permission.

“Haha, your voice is a little scary.”

“Who are you?”

Park Hyunsoo slowly clenched his fists and rushed to answer.

He doesn't feel any murderous intent from the other person, but no one knows how it will turn out.

If you do, a battle may ensue.

The man raised both hands to Park Hyunsoo's action.

“Ah- I don’t want to fight, so you don’t have to clench your fists.”

“Shut up and ask who you are.”

A void leaked out and filled the entire room.

The man broke into a cold sweat and smiled awkwardly.

“Calm down, calm down.”

“How are you going to calm yourself down?”

“I have no intention of fighting. Rather, I came here because I wanted to have a close conversation with you.”

“I have no intention of fighting, either, but I have a will to fight if it is too late.”

“It’s a singularity.”

“… … ?”

Park Hyunsoo only tilted his head at the man's sudden remark.

For a moment, he didn't know what the word 'singularity' meant.

Of course, it didn't take long to realize.

“Special… … advantage?"

“Like you.”

The man pointed at Park Hyunsoo and said.

Park Hyunsoo had his head confused, but he couldn't easily deny his words.

The reason was simple.

Because from the first time he saw him, he felt an unpredictable power in the man.

“Why did a singularity that had never appeared before suddenly appeared?”

“I thought it would be okay if we were together.”

“Are you going to be with me?”


“That means, unlike other hunters.”

“I don’t want to be together.”

The man smiled and answered in a bright voice.

Park Hyunsoo is about to ask why, and he has been the first to answer on the male side.

“I tried it and it was too weak.”

“When did you try them?”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you about this.”

The man scratched the back of his head and let out a shocking remark casually.

“I worked in the military a while ago.”

“… … You bastard!”

Park Hyunsoo stretched out his arms, thinking about grabbing the man's neck.

However, the man became a particle of blue light and avoided it with difficulty.

[ Heavenly Demon Circulation]

The ideology opened and mana began to gather into his hand.

It was the same with the particles of light that make up men.

The man mumbled that it was fun and took shape again.

Park Hyunsoo didn't miss the chance, but a gold wand protruding from the man's hand struck his arm.

Then, the blue jewel on the tip lit up, summoning dozens of chains of light from the air, binding Park Hyunsoo's limbs.

Of course, the chains were broken at once.

“Wow, you want to calm down?”

“This child.”

Park Hyunsoo didn't rush.

As a result of mixing his hands several times, he did not have the confidence to subdue him in such a small space.

'Stronger than I imagined.'

Stronger than S-class Hunters.

So the guy is unique.

Park Hyunsoo concluded so.

“It would be better to explain it properly when you said you were in the military.”

“Scary guy. First let me introduce myself. My name is Carbon. These are the three singularities mentioned in the prophecy, and they are the returnees who fell from the great disappearance long ago to the world of Maracana, but are now returning.”

Park Hyunsoo's eyes widened at the word "Great Disappearance".

Ten years ago, in an incident that occurred in Moscow, about 200 children disappeared at one time.

Russian authorities did their best to find the children, but in the end, none of them were found, leaving the case unsolved.

“… … Are you a survivor of the Great Disappearance?”

“I knew it for the first time. That the incident was called the Great Disappearance.”

Carbon smiled bitterly as he recalled the memories of that day.

“On the day of the great disappearance, 200 children including myself woke up in a different world called Marakana, and 10 years have passed today.”

He spoke his last words calmly.

“Only I survived and returned to Earth.”

* * *

“… … Shocking.”

“Well, it’s a thing of the past.”

Hearing the story, he looked different again.

To be precise, he came to focus on the power he had.

The power that Carbon obtained in Marcana was magic.

It wasn't that he had never seen a wizard, but he had never experienced it properly.

The entropy of evil was engulfed in a force that was too evil to be magic, so he had never used proper magic, and the fight itself was not established with the ritual dragon.

Bishop used necromancer magic, but with Harley's activity, he disappeared without being able to do anything.

‘Compared to entropy and bishop, definitely above. For ceremonies… … .'

I don't know what the level of ceremonial use is, but when I think of the things he did, it was definitely superior to the previous two.

In other words, Carbon was a wizard who reached the realm of transcendence.

"great. I will believe you. But that doesn't explain what happened in the military."

“Listen to the end of Korean, my friend.”

“I am not your friend.”

Park Hyunsoo growled and replied.

Carbon shrugged his shoulders.

“That is a little sad. Anyway, the reason I was in the military is simple. There is a saying If you're tired, you're on fire. If you know yourself and your enemies, you will win unconditionally. So I infiltrated the army.”


“It wasn't bad. Surprisingly, the welfare was good. Of course, only the stinking ones.”

“What did you find out there?”

“I didn’t find out anything. I went up to Pawn's seat, but Luke didn't teach me much because he didn't trust me."

If it was a pawn, he was the last of the military officers.

And, as it was revealed later, the people who were guarding each area in the super-giant portal were executives with the position of Pawn.

“… … I hope it was tested.”

“I tested the power of black eggs and buffalo.”

“Did you cut off Maud’s arm?”

“I think we need a more dramatic direction.”

Carbon said with a face if there was any problem.

When Park Hyunsoo tried to run right away, Carbon rushed to the back.

“Of course, you can put it back on.”


"of course. Even if it's useless, it'll be enough to take a bullet."

Carbon recalled cutting off Mod's arm.

He wasn't difficult to deal with, but he was tougher than I thought and it was quite difficult to cut.

“S-class hunters are good enough for the future of mankind. Why do you keep saying they are useless?”

“Because it’s useless. They won't be able to do anything if the King goes out in earnest."

He didn't see the King himself, but he indirectly felt how powerful the King was.

He could say it was creepy.

But it wasn't impossible to catch him.

“I don't need the others. It's enough with you."

“… … .”

“You know it too. You have already entered the realm of transcendence. They are as strong as humans, but they can never reach transcendence even after a lifetime. If we don't reach Transcendence, we don't deserve to be on the battlefield we stand on."

Park Hyunsoo was irrefutable.

As long as King is alive, it is unlikely that an enemy like Kang Seo-il will appear again.

If it wasn't just one, but two or more, I bet he couldn't stop it alone.

Even in the end, they could not do any damage to Kang Seo-il.

I just made a very small gap.

It was Park Hyunsoo himself who did not miss the gap and knocked it down.

“Two years remaining until the restriction ends. At your growth rate, if you train consistently for two years, you can kill a king. Let me help you with all my might.”

“Little child?”

Park Hyunsoo mentioned another singularity, Isaac.

Carbon shook his head.

“He can't. He watched for a while, but was already completely consumed by the demon sword. I will walk the reader’s path.”The potential is sufficient, but it would be impossible to join forces.

“Take back Maud’s arm. The talk is next.”

"good idea. Then come back at this time tomorrow.”

Carbon's body scattered and disappeared.

Park Hyunsoo went to a corner seat and sat with his back.

- Hyunsoo, stay strong.


He closed his eyes, receiving a little comfort from Harley.

How long has it been since the big day?

Park Hyunsoo felt that his head was cluttered.

* * *

“Kuk. The deal with Choi Sang-ho saved Jim.”

King laughed like a madman as he looked at the three jewels in his hand.

He suffered huge losses.

Because of one person named Park Hyunsoo.

He has interfered with himself so far, but this one has gone beyond the level of interruption and almost ruined things.

Perhaps he was in such a crisis that he could not achieve his purpose.

Fortunately, there are still two years left of the five years of being captured by Choi Sang-ho.

I didn't know that I would be happy with the restrictions hanging on me.

After all, humans will never find this place.

“Early, but I must be prepared to wake up.”

The time to wake up slowly approached, but things became urgent as soon as they became urgent.

That small difference may make a difference, but when they wake up, the world will return to its own hands.

“Brothers, get ready. The time of the apocalypse is coming soon.”

A dark energy flowed from King's hand and wrapped around the jewels.

The jewels began to emit their respective colors.

“We will covet the world.”

A pale horse wailed from the spear that lit the King's back.

* * *

It was the next day.

Carbon returned at the promised time.

“He fixed his arm.”

“You’re very talented.”

“It’s a decision.”

“I didn’t give up the hunters’ possibilities. They will definitely be strong, and when the time comes, they will fight the army with me.”

“That means.”


Park Hyunsoo patted the cleaned duvet with his hands.

He then got up and looked at Carbon.

“I agree with you that you have to develop your strength in two years.”

Strength is to keep.

Park Hyunsoo defined it like that, and gave the correct answer that force is needed to put that definition into practice.

“I’ll hang out with you for two years.”

"haha. good choice."

“Instead, promise me too.”


“Don’t give up on the possibilities of mankind.”

“… … .”

“It’s a pity that you suffered in other dimensions, but over the past two years, they worked harder than anyone else, and they will continue to work hard in the future.”

“Their efforts are limited… … .”

“You don’t set limits on human beings!”

Carbon's eyes widened.

“Humans are always evolving. It's been that way ever since the days when it couldn't be called humanity. So again, they, I will evolve. So don't give up."


Carbon shook his head as he stared at the floor.

"great. It’s not that difficult.”

"hang on."

“What do you do?”

“A note.”

Park Hyunsoo wrote a single-line note on a small piece of paper.

He placed a note on the blanket and finished preparing to leave.

“Are you okay?”


“It’s going to be pretty tough for two years.”

"do not worry."

Park Hyunsoo said with his backpack on his back.

“Because I am so strong.”

The two figures were engulfed in light.

And when the light disappeared, there was no one left in the narrow semi-basement studio.

A week passed like that, and Ha Yu-rak found a note.

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