Flight 115

Andersen sliced ​​the steak while pondering what Park Hyunsoo had told him.

“Monster Wave.”

He briefly heard from Qing Lan how he has lived for the past two years.

Even then, most of the content was hard to believe, but unfortunately, they were all true stories.

He knew right away that there were several civilizations in outer space.

The portal, the king's army, Aris, and the human powers that were awakened were proof of that.

But living there is a different story.

Park Hyunsoo spent two years, no, 40 years in an extraterrestrial dimension.

‘Even I, who was only thirty-three, had many ups and downs, and I can’t even imagine how much he must have suffered if he had spent 40 years in outer space.’

It would have been a meaningless world in itself to question the connection.

There, Park Hyunsoo must have believed only in himself.

He prepared several things to save the Earth there.

Monster Wave was one of them.

There will be many other things that haven't been revealed yet.

Andersen felt excited and a little uneasy.

' Park Hyunsoo spent 40 years alone in space. Even if you live a normal life, 40 years is enough time to change your personality. Is he really the Park Hyunsoo I knew?’

He was convinced that life in outer space had certainly changed him in many ways.

Seeing that he is still thinking about the future of mankind, the background itself does not seem to have changed much, but according to Qingran, his impression is colder than before.

before seeing it in person.

No, we won't know until he reveals his true face.

“The only thing I can do now is prepare for a monster wave.”

There were many insiders who thought Park Hyunsoo was crazy, but Andersen had a different idea.

“It was rather good. I totally agree with him.”

Over the past two years, the New World has certainly boosted the power of the Awoken a lot.

It also gave non-awakened people a means to fight monsters.

It was the weaponization of the item.

But this was not enough.

The armies remain, and their restrictions will soon be lifted.

Those who are easygoing are arguing that they can face the army with all their might now.

It was funny.

They are fools who cannot comprehend reality because they are engrossed in the temporary peace the New World has created.

Monster Wave will be a great hawk to heal the minds of such idiots.

“It must be fun.”

Andersen's eyebrows rose.

It was then.


His cell phone started vibrating on the desk.

When I checked who it was, the recipient had Armand written on it.

“What’s going on?”

- It's a big deal.


- Something happened in Africa.

Andersen frowned.

* * *

Park Hyun-tae yawned loudly and opened his eyes.

It's been two years since he woke up from a coma, but he's never had a good night's sleep.

But today was strangely refreshing.

His body was energized as if he had slept all at once.

As he was about to get up, he saw Monami sleeping in his arms.

Monami, who curled up in a circle, was making a colorful sound.

Park Hyun-tae, who got up carefully so as not to wake Monami, sighed a little and looked around.

‘Is this your house? When did I fall asleep here?’

I haven't been drinking, but I don't remember falling asleep.

He crossed his arms and remembered what had happened yesterday.

‘Thanks to hyung, I got off work early and went to my hyung’s house together. And there, with a strange alien... … Come to think of it, where did the aliens go?’

Park Hyun-tae, who does not know Mare's identity, thought he was a strange alien.

He was a transcendent from Aris, so it wasn't wrong.

‘I was having a conversation with him and my brother… … 40 years.’

A memory that suddenly came to mind.

His older brother, Park Hyunsoo, has been away from Earth and spent 40 years in space.

Then he screamed in shock, then suddenly fell asleep and fell asleep.

“Ton, how about you?”There is no place to hide in a small studio except the bathroom.

The bathroom door swung open, but no one was there.

While Park Hyun-tae was making a face that he did not understand English, Monami woke up crying a little.

“👌👌👌 … .”

As if he was not awake, he turned his little face round and round with his half-closed eyes.

Then he buried his head in the blanket again and fell asleep.

Park Hyun-tae sat down on the floor.

Then she looked at the clock on the wall.


The hour hand was pointing at 10 and the minute hand at 8.

He checked the cell phone nearby, thinking that no way.

Absenteeism and text messages that came incessantly.

it is perception

* * *

“Life is better.”

Park Hyunsoo was looking at the Seoul scenery from a tall skyscraper.

The city is definitely cleaner than it was two years ago, whether New World has done anything in vain.

It has been two months since I returned to Earth, but it was the first time I had seen the city landscape with such leisurely time.

sat down on the railing.

How long does it take you to taste it?

40 years.

It was a very long time for humans.

I didn't spend that long on Earth.

He survived by fighting alone in a world where he knew no one.

The only thing he could believe in was himself.

Only what he learned from his master protected him.

He risked his life every day.

There was never a time when it was not a slasher, and betrayal was like a meal.

It wasn't the first time I had lost my mind.

Every time I did, I was determined, but that too was overshadowed by the overwhelming wave of time.

It was a time of hardship.

There was nothing I could do other than endure and endure anything.

In the universe, a human named Park Hyunsoo was nothing but a creature.

It was.

“It was.”

Park Hyunsoo looked into his palm, grinned and clenched his fists.

They suffered for many years, but those times of suffering did not last forever.

he got up from his seat.

He brushed the dust off his butt and came down from the railing.

Dark purple waves fluttered around his body.


I could feel the eerie sensation of stabbing the waves from the distant continent.

Park Hyunsoo picked up the waves.

“I thought it was time for something to happen.”

Park Hyunsoo's return just in time for two years wasn't because he and Yoo-Rak Ha made such a promise.

Because he was already feeling it.

“Are you ready to open the gun gate, King?”

The restrictions are not yet over, but two years is enough time for the military to do something.

The unpleasant sensations felt in Africa must have been prepared by the military.

If we go to Africa like this, we will be able to handle whatever the military has prepared without difficulty.

Unless King and his comrades were directly involved, there was no problem.

But Park Hyunsoo had no intention of doing so.

“Isaac, let me gauge your level.”

Another singularity is that Isaac is now developing his strength in Africa.

He, too, must be fully aware of what happened in Africa.

If it is one of the three selected by Mare, then this task should be done by herself.

If not.

Park Hyunsoo's fists made a terrifying sound.

“It’s better to organize things you don’t need.”

Slaves of a weakened demon sword would rather be a hindrance to the future of mankind.

* * *

Isaac watched the blood being sucked into his sword and then turned his gaze back to the corpse lying on the floor.

The black man, with a bizarre black jewel on his forehead, died with his limbs equally bizarrely twisted.

He approached the corpse and pulled out the black jewel from his forehead.

[The state of being united with the body.]

The skin on his forehead stretched out like cheese, not wanting to fall apart from the jewel.

Isaac roughly ripped off the jewel.

Then the body dried up in an instant and disappeared into dust.


The demon sword shouted with an excited voice.

The little child looked at the wriggling jewel in his hand and lifted the magic sword forward.

[What, what are you planning to do?]

“You should try it.”

[Hey! Hey! sleep… … . Whoops!]

He ignored the screams of the demon sword and rubbed the jewels on his sword face.

Sharp teeth protruded from his sword face, and he forcibly swallowed the jewel.

[Wow- it doesn't taste good.]

The demon sword continued to nauseous as if he ate something disgusting.

Then, wheezing and rolling his eyes, he looked at Isaac.

[Isn't there anything?]

“Are they parasitic only on living things?”

[Hmm, huh? Wait a minute.]

Then the demon sword opened his eyes and said,

Bloody magic began to come out one after another from the blade.

Isaac put his magic sword on the floor and waited quietly.

After a while, the magic sword that retrieved the magic sword opened his mouth.

[Is this very strange?]

“How are you?”

[This is a complete disease mass.]


[Should I say that all the diseases in the world are condensed?]

“Spit it out.”


The magic sword spit out the jewel.

It is difficult to understand intuitively from the description of the magic sword.

Isaac put the jewel in his mouth.

Then, as if waiting, the jewel emitted darkness and covered his body.


The magic sword floated around, admiring how strange it was.

[Ow, ow!]

It looked like my owner was going to be eaten, but there was no reaction.

Of course, the demon sword was crazy, so even if the owner actually died, he would have laughed.

But now it was different.

The demon sword didn't even think that Isaac would be swallowed up.


“It’s disgusting.”

Through the darkness, Isaac's arm came out.

A bloody magi was waving wildly in his hand.

As he grabbed the magi as it was, the magi protruding from the gap between his fingers began to wrap around the darkness as if alive.

- Kye hee hee !!!!

A terrible sound, like a scream, rang out.

Isaac devoured the darkness without hesitation.


The jewel, which had been deprived of all its power, was scattered on the dirt floor.

picked it up again

[Did you find out anything other than disgusting?]

“Like you said, I have not found anything other than that there are all kinds of diseases. I guess I'll have to get help from other guys."

[Kek. What's going on?]


In this case, the little boy he decided he couldn't figure out moved to where the New World was based.

But he was soon forced to stop.

“I guess this wasn’t the only one.”

[Wow. I think the virus was spread in the form of gas?]

The little boy looked up at the distant sky and frowned.

The sky in Africa is originally dark, but the sky over there is not simply to say that it is dark.

All kinds of bizarre colors intertwined to form chaos.It seemed that something was about to happen in this hellish land.

The corners of Isaac's lips rose slightly.

“There’s a lot to eat.”


All the monsters and strange phenomena that appeared on this land were nothing less than Isaac's experience points.

The sky covered with disease was no exception.

No disease works on Isaac, who is soaked in magic.

[Let's go right away, right away! Let's go and eat them all!]


That doesn't mean he's not the type of person to run away without thinking.


“It is imperative that we find out about this first.”

Isaac threw jewels and caught them repeatedly, heading towards the base of the New World.

The sky of disease will not spread very quickly.

It was a simple feeling, but his sense was not wrong.

[Damn it! Shit! no! Let's go there!]

The voice of the demon sword rang out loudly.

* * *


As the sun went down, Monami opened her eyes.

Hetzling procrastinated and fluttered her little wings and climbed up to her window.

The window in the basement was literally the ground right in front of the Banjihara window, but Monami didn't mind, hanging from her grate and looking out.

Then she flew through the grate with a small body and soared high into the sky, as if possessed by her.

how high did she go

The buildings were already high enough to look small like miniatures to climb with a small flap of wings.

Monami's gaze turned to the other side of the building.

The exact direction was unknown, but something terrible was rapidly spreading from where the little dragon looked.

It was then.


Someone hugged Monami tightly.

Thanks to that, Monami, who had come to her senses, was greatly embarrassed and shouted her love oath.

“It’s me, it’s me.”


Towards her familiar voice, her Monami's neck turned towards her back.

There, Park Hyunsoo was looking at him with a smile.

Monami, who was relieved at that time, drooped as if she had let go of her tension.


How cute she was, it made me smile.

But the laughter didn't last long.

Park Hyunsoo asked Monami with a friendly face.

“Did you feel it?”

No subject was needed.

Monami nodded her head slightly.


“You already feel it. great.”


Excited at the compliment, Monami smiled broadly.

She then pointed her hand to where she had been looking, and she began to speak with a serious face.

It was all her words, 'Myam'.

“Wow! 👨🏽‍🍳 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

“Yes, yes.”

But her father gave only a rough answer.

She couldn't understand Monami.

Although invisible, she was clearly felt.

An evil power that has risen in the dark land.

She must have felt her father too, she was sure of Monami.

But why doesn't she go and sit still?

“I am testing.”


Monami tilted her head at her absurd remark.

Park Hyunsoo said softly stroking that Monami.

"okay. I'm testing."

How far can Isaac go?

Park Hyunsoo looked with a bit of anticipation towards the unseen African direction.

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