“The preparations for Monster Wave are all over.”


Armand stood up.

Qing Lan straightened the crumpled skirt of his cheongsam and crossed his legs.

“Come over there.”


“You don’t even know how to respect that child, the old man.”

The words that came out of her mouth, as she looked like an elementary school student, didn't suit her, but she was actually an old man over seventy.

Had she been someone else, it would have been absurd for her to go, but with Park Hyunsoo, her story is different.

No matter how tragic, the present human race revolves around him.

Just look at the situation in Africa.

It was Park Hyunsoo who finally closed the case again this time.

“I want to hear exactly what happened in Africa.”

“You have already received that as a report.”

“Is that the same as this one?”


Armand smiled as he put on her coat.

Park Hyunsoo returned and never saw it.

It was partly because he was busy, and he also had no intention of meeting him.

It was a good opportunity.

The monster wave he suggested has a lot of risk, but as a result, the current Awakened will be greatly improved.

“Who’s smarter than him?

"I do not know. What is he thinking these days?”

Haxen seemed to be a good help in the early days of the New World, but he resigned from the front line half a year ago and was practicing alone.

He didn't seem to see Takeshi or Jill Rodman either.

“Are we the only ones going then?”

“ We hear the exact plan from Park Hyunsoo and execute it. There will be no need to hire more people.”

The era has come when you can move to a foreign country with just one step.

There was no need to bring a bunch of attendants.

“Do not depart.”

Armand raised the collar of her coat and moved her steps.

* * *

Park Hyun-tae sat down with a very tired face because he hadn't slept well the night before.

He went to work, but he couldn't concentrate on his work because of what happened yesterday.

'Damn, what the hell is that?'

Ever since I dreamed of meeting Robben, strange scenes kept popping up in my head.

While he was navigating between monsters, he fought with the president of the association raising his voice.

Then he was wallowing with someone he had never seen before, and he felt a comradeship.

It was totally unknown.

‘This is really… … If everything is the future.’

If all the dreams I had with Robben were true, and what is happening now has to do with his abilities.

‘A drawing of space-time.’

A power that Robben Odman possessed.

It seems that he has become his own ability now.

Should I tell someone about this?

No, there was definitely someone to talk to.

‘What kind of reaction will I get if I tell my brother?’

I don't know if he likes it or hates it, but he'll definitely be shocked.

First of all, Park Hyun-tae's thoughts of arrogance came to mind in a sudden situation.

Although most of his thoughts were directly related to fear, there were also some expectations.

‘Then am I an Awakened too? Hunter… … Are you going?’

He knew well how Hunters were treated in society.His job right now was to support other hunters.

He wasn't a supporter who was right next to him, but he took care of their small tasks instead.

So he knew better than the Hunters how much influence they had.

They lived a life that was incomparably superior to that of ordinary office workers.

Of course, Park Hyun-tae was not an ordinary office worker.

His back was immediately the owner of the Korean Association, and his older brother was a great hero of the earth.

No other hunters could compare to him.

However, Park Hyun-tae had never had such a thought.

He got little help from them just because he had a great hind stomach.

Ha Yu-rak gave him a job in the association with a parachute, but he learned to work from the ground up.

In such circumstances, he inherited the abilities of none other than Robben Oudman.

‘The ability of a hunter who was once ranked first… … .'

The drawings of space-time were so powerful that even those who did not know them would think they were enormous.

It is the ability to manage time and space.

I can't control it yet, but if I can, maybe... … .


Park Hyun-tae quickly became pale.

Will he be able to wield this ability as well as Robben?

It is a very dangerous ability as much as it is great.

‘After all, I should talk to my brother.’

He had nothing to hide in the first place.

Park Hyun-tae took a deep breath.

At that time, the surroundings became noisy.

“The Chairman and Vice-Chairman have come.”

"Eh? suddenly?"

"So. Did you get any kind of secret meeting?”

“It’s a secret meeting, but there’s no way it’s going to show up openly.”

“It is. I see you have something to talk about with the president of the association.”

It seemed that the high-ranking people of the New World had visited the association.

What's going on?

Could it be that he came to the association because he inherited Robben's power?

Park Hyun-tae filled his head with all kinds of disturbing thoughts.

"what are you doing?"


Park Hyun-tae screamed at the voice from behind and raised his arms.

Thanks to that, the papers were scattered in the air.

All the staff's eyes turned to him.

Park Hyun-tae had a slightly embarrassed face.

"what's the matter?"


The owner of the voice, Park Hyunsoo, was rather surprised to see his younger brother, who was more surprised than he thought.

Park Hyun-tae looked at his older brother and tilted his head.

“Why is my brother here… … .”

"Ah. I have a meeting today.”

“With the high-ranking people of the New World?”

“It came sooner than I expected. It is definitely the era of traveling around the world in one step.”

Park Hyunsoo nodded his head with a little admiration.

It seems that the reason the high-ranking people in the New World came was because of hyung.

No matter how horizontal New World was, it was definitely a higher level institution of the Korean Association.

Usually, it was right for the association to visit New World.

However, if the opponent was a hero of the Earth, it was a different story.

“Then see you later.”

He disappeared like the wind.

Park Hyun-tae looked around with a pale face.

The eyes of the staff were frighteningly focused on him.

* * *

“ Hyunsoo guy, the main character appears at the end, right?”

"haha. I wouldn't have expected it to arrive so soon.”

"but. You only know the warp system, you probably never used it.”

Armand responded to Hayurak's words.

Qingran pouted her lips.

He was too cute for a seventy-year-old man.

She hung her chin on a table at her shoulder height.

“You make an old man wait. The one who was punished.”

“Who gets the punishment?”

“Park Hyunsoo!”

Chingran jumped up at the sound of a voice coming from the other side of her.

Ha Yu-rak grinned, and Armand hurriedly looked behind her.

Park Hyunsoo greeted everyone with his back to the sun.

“It’s been a while, everyone.”

“You tell the old man to come and go! Wasn't Korea a country of courtesy to the East?"

“Anyway, you can travel around the world with just one step, so you say you walked that way? It’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooical.

“What, how?”

“And how is that old man? In other words, if I go out and walk around together, I get caught.”

“There’s nothing this guy can’t say.”

When Park Hyunsoo made a gesture he didn't want to imagine, he laughed out loud as if the chingran was ridiculous.

"just joke."

“If you joke like that one more time, I will spank you.”

“Even when I was young, I had never been beaten by a grandmother before, but if I get hit at this age, I’ll be embarrassed, so I’ll stop.”

Ching Ran frowned at Park Hyunsoo's smirk.

After spending 40 years in space, he seemed to have become a complete uncle.

“Don’t even talk nonsense.”

Armand cleared the situation.

He looked at Park Hyunsoo and held out his hand.

"long time no see."

“It’s been a while, Armand.”

“This is so… … After spending 40 years in space, shouldn't I speak higher on my side?"

“Do you really need to do it the Korean way?”

“It’s pretty slick.”

“People cannot be the same.”

He said so and sat down.

He even told everyone.

“I have a few things to tell you about the reason I have called you all here.”

“I heard from Yurak. Are you ready for Monster Wave?”

“There is that too. I have a few people to introduce to you.”


Ha Yoo-rak tilted his head.

I've never heard of such a thing.

It seemed that there were not even one, but several.

“One is a singularity like me.”

The three people's faces hardened at the word singularity.

In particular, Ching-ran's expression became very dark.

She knew her third singularity.

Not surprisingly, two years ago, she was entangled in a horrific affair in 'Dark Gate', which was rated SS.

Mod's arm cut off.

She came back out of the blue and fixed Mod's arm, but he had no guilt on his face.

He disappeared without even having a chance to talk, and he tried to find it with all the power of the New World, but he could not find it.

However.“You have a familiar face.”

still have a grumpy face.

An eerie red-yellow odd-eye.

Blue hair dyed like a lamb.

Qingran couldn't stand it.

Black eggs began to grow around her.



Her Ha Yu-rak and Armand tried to stop her at the same time, but they couldn't catch her as she jumped out of her space.

Her carbon sighs as she tries to avoid her.

[Correct me.]

Park Hyunsoo's voice came into his head.

He put on a ‘why me?’ expression, but looking at Park Hyunsoo’s sharp eyes, it seemed difficult to respond.

countless times.


Carbon's face flicked to the side, and it flew a few meters away, pushing a bunch of desks and chairs away.

Qing-ran jumped right in to see if his anger would not go away.

“The Lord even goes there.”

Park Hyunsoo lifted her little body.

All of a sudden, Chingran was suspended in the air.

“Let go of this!”

She struggled, spitting her nostrils, but Park Hyunsoo had no intention of letting go.

"No. If you use more skills, you will be younger than you are now.”

“You can’t solve it! Because of that child, because of that child!”

“His arm is fixed. what's the problem?"

Carbon got up from his seat with a look of disbelief.

Her cheeks tingled as if she had hit it with intent to kill.

He shook his chin from side to side.

Fortunately, there were no problems with the chin.

“This bastard! What did you say now!”

Apart from that, Qing Ran lost her mind with just remarks.

Her black orchids began to erupt at her random, depending on her emotions.

Park Hyunsoo sighed.

“I will kill you… … !”

"ha. He's a difficult kid."


The Black Orchid divided into dozens and rushed to Carbon.

“This doesn’t fit.”

Carbon spread her fingers.

Mana flooded in, and she created five magic circles.

Ha Yu-rak and Armand felt a sense of crisis and raised their powers to use their powers.

However, there was someone who moved before that.

“No carbon, dear!”


A blonde girl jumped out of the air and put her knee in Carbon's face.

Something like rabbit ears fluttered over her blonde hair.

Park Hyunsoo closed his eyes.

Except for him, the other three's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of a blonde girl.

The rabbit girl, Selly, raised her index finger and nagged at Carbon, who was sober.

“Apologize for what you did wrong! Carbon is wrong! Apologize!”

Saying so, Sally looked around her.

Everyone is looking at him with a shocked face.

She tilted her head and murmured.

“Isn’t this?”

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