
Park Hyunsoo got up from his seat and put his palms up.

Mana gathered there and he began to form a magic circle.

Although he did not actively learn magic because his fundamentals were martial arts, he did know some magic necessary for daily life.

The magic circle made a thump-sounding sound and vomited out a cube of cubes.

Park Hyunsoo snatched the cube and breathed mana back into it.

The cube started emitting light and gradually grew larger.

Eventually, the cube expanded enough to fit one person.

“I will check your power.”

At those words, Isaac stood up, clutching the magic sword.

Before you learn anything, you have to test your skills.

I was a little nervous, but more than that, I was looking forward to it.

He looked at Park Hyunsoo with a slightly excited face.

“Don’t look scared. Follow me.”

Park Hyunsoo went into the expanded cube first.

Isaac followed.

“… … Is it magic?”

The child who came into the cube sticks out his tongue while looking at the small, enormous size of the training center.

No matter how large it was, it was large enough to fit only a couple of people from the outside.

Park Hyunsoo responded by lightly relaxing his body.

“As you can see.”

“I don’t know if it will be strong.”

“Don’t worry about unnecessary things.”

Park Hyunsoo chuckled.

Isaac didn't like that smile.

He fixed the demon sword and unfolded his armor.

The bloody cloak flapped behind his back with a fluttering sound.

“That’s great.”


He placed his hand on his face and lowered it, the helmet wrapped around his entire face.

A blood-red glare erupted into the face guard.

A fishy smell spread throughout the training ground even though it had only changed to battle form, taking so much blood.

“Are you bored?”


Isaac lowered his upper body.

The cloak was in a straight line with the inertia.

His new model became a dark red trajectory and was shot at Park Hyunsoo.

“It’s hasty.”

Park Hyunsoo smirked and stirred up the air.

A dark black brook formed on both hands.

It was not as strong as the universe it had seen before.

Isaac wasn't strong enough to show it off.

Blood energy erupted explosively from the magic sword.

The training ground floor was rough on the clear trajectory.

“Is this your desperate need?”

His voice did not reach Isaac.

He was preoccupied with power stained with bloody madness.

“The singularity is the singularity.”

The trajectory of the sword was anomalous, so it seemed difficult to catch it easily.

But it was difficult, not impossible.

Park Hyunsoo took a step forward.

It was only one step, and an afterimage followed.

“All you need is an opportunity.”

His hands crossed the air.

It seemed incapable of grasping the flashy moving blade.

Isaac thought so too.


I don't know what and to what extent.

‘Here it is.’

What you see is just below Park Hyunsoo's neck.

The blood traces that were moving in unison were concentrated in one place.

can't stop

he was so sure


Slowly moving hands followed the bloody trail as if waiting.

The conviction that had been firmly entrenched in his heart was shattered.

[Different levels.]


The magic sword jumped to the side.

Isaac's wide-eyed eyes were visible through the face guard.

He couldn't believe his pupils were shaking.

Park Hyunsoo gently slammed the jig into Isaac's rib cage.


The black armor was horribly broken.

Blood spurted out of his mouth in the reflux of his crushed rib cage.

Like a stone swallow that bounces off the surface of the water, it crashes to the ground over and over again and flies over a hundred meters.

consciousness was cut off.

* * *Park Hyunsoo scratched his cheek as he watched Isaac in the distance, who didn't budge.

“Hmm, are you too old?”

I was able to control my power.

Park Hyunsoo, who arrived at Isaac's place with one step, smiled bitterly at him.

“You didn’t let go until the end.”

I thought I would be frustrated at the moment when the attack was blocked, but looking at his expression, it seems that wasn't the case.

Park Hyunsoo squatted and stared at Isaac's face, who was about to attack again.

At that moment, a buzzing voice was heard from the side.

[Are you damn strong? I'm still on the verge of tingling in my buttocks.]

“Is it a magic sword?”

[Yes, it is a magic sword. How can you make someone else's partner like this? Don't you think it's too much?]

“Isn’t that a yangban compared to what you were going to do to your master?”

[He knows how to poke a pretty sore spot.]

The demon sword responded with a savvy voice.

[Besides, what are you?]

The voice of the demon sword, which had been mixed with playfulness, became serious.

[Its power, to be honest, it is so evil that even compared to the Magi, it does not bow down.]

“It is evil.”

[Is it a different kind of magi? If so, wouldn't it be safe to call him a Demon King?]

The eyes of the demon sword drew arcs.

[I don't know what the limit of your power is, but from what I've seen, it seems to be enough to call yourself a Demon King.]

As I've said before, the Demon Kings were not alone.

Their power was beyond the laws of the universe, and the evil deeds they accumulated became karma and became the essence of their transcendence.

And to the demon swordsman, Park Hyunsoo's power didn't look much different from them.

Rather, he was more violent than my master in some areas.

Park Hyunsoo looked at the demon sword with cold eyes.

Those gazes contained a life that made the blade shiver.

The demon sword swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth.

[What are you? If you're not the Demon King, what kind of existence are you?]

“Is your master curious about that?”

[…] … !!]

The demon's eyes fluttered wildly.

“I'm curious too. The nickname of the demon king who becomes your master.”

The Demon Kings had nicknames that became their symbol as they were not alone or two.

“If you look at the power Isaac uses, hmm, it sucks blood.”

Park Hyunsoo thought deeply and raised the corners of his lips.

“Demon lord of leeches, what is it?”

[bloke!!! You dare to despise him!]

The demon sword could not stand it and let out a roar.

He had a very different tone from the way he had spoken so far.

He said with a smirk in his blood-stained eyes.

[His nickname is not light enough for you to rant about it!]

The demon sword looked very angry.

It was just not the same for Park Hyunsoo.

“Light or heavy, I don’t know. Tell your master carefully.”

A black river flowed through his body.

“It would be better not to think about messing with this guy.”


It was an eerie sound.

Park Hyunsoo's eyes narrowed.

The energy of the magic sword has changed.

[Did you say Park Hyunsoo?]

The voice has changed.

The languid, relaxed, even slightly arrogant voice seemed to be smiling somehow.

[Let's watch.]

Suddenly, his eyes, which were dyed purple, were curved like a bow.

She then closes and opens her eyes.


The demon sword became the eyes that did not understand the English language.

[what? What happened?]

The magic sword asked Park Hyunsoo as if squealing, but there was no answer.

Park Hyunsoo narrowed his eyes, just remembering the voice that was supposed to be the Demon King.

‘It must be the devil.’

It is impossible to think of an existence capable of borrowing the voice of a demon sword other than the creator, the Demon King.

It was only a voice.

‘Mare, what kind of demon king did you steal the demon sword from?’

The Demon King is a being outside the laws of the universe.

Of course, among those demon lords, there were those with exceptional strength.

Perhaps the owner of the voice was expected to be a fairly strong axis among the Demon Lords.

‘I should talk to Mare.’

[Hey! What happened!]

Park Hyunsoo ignored the loud voice and picked up Isaac.

* * *

Monami was holding her tail and rolling on the floor.

It was scary with my dad, but my uncle, who plays well, went into that square room and didn't come out, so I was very bored.


Pulling her tail as much as possible, she curled her body as if stretching.

Then, when she let go of her tail, her body swayed from side to side.


Is there anything to relieve boredom?

I look around and there is nothing.

It was impossible to find something to play in such a small house.

Monami closed her little mouth and sighed.

She walked over to the duvet.

She sleeps best when she has nothing to do.

The young dragon realized the truth of the world without much learning.


He cooled his sagging yawn and lay down on his father's pillow.

Monami looked at the square room quietly and closed her eyes.

at that time.


There was a loud noise that shook the square room.

Monami surprised her (she has no hair) so much that her hair stood up.

She stood on all fours and looked into her square room with her back bent like her cat.


It shakes as if something is coming out, but nothing comes out.

Monami felt strange and cautiously approached her square room.


I sniffed her nose and sniffed, but her square room was colorless and odorless.


When it was confirmed that she was not strange, her steps became lighter.

Her little legs wiggled as she moved around the square room.

Then her self-confidence grew more and she moved closer to her dad and her terrifying but playful uncle went in.

It was then.

“It’s terribly heavy.”

“Bye hey hey!!!”


Park Hyunsoo tilted her head as she watched Monami jump up to her waist with her startled face.


“… … .”

Monami was as hard as a stone statue.

* * *

Park Hyun-tae was going home with weary steps.

It's a little better now, but the images that were supposed to be in the future were playing continuously in my head.

"this… … Can I sleep?”

The night before, I couldn't sleep because of this.

If you can't sleep today, tomorrow will be really hard.

He went to a pharmacy and bought a sleep aid.

It doesn't have the dramatic effect of falling asleep immediately after taking it like sleeping pills, but at least one pill will make you sleepy.

‘I’ll still be sleepy tomorrow.’

I haven't eaten it in a day or two, so I'm used to it.

As he went home with the medicine in his pocket, he stopped his footsteps for nothing.

‘Shall we go see you?’

He was still hesitant because he was a little afraid to tell anyone.

Was I this timid?

Park Hyun-tae sighed softly.

He pulled out the sleep inducer he had put in his pocket and looked at it again.

If I had to fall asleep like this, the next day and the next day would be the same.

It's not like there's no one to help.

I'm just scared.

That fear was so funny.

You haven't done anything wrong, so why are you doing this in such a mess?

"okay. Let's go see my brother."

The sleep inducer Kwak was crushed in my hand.

* * *

It was about 30 minutes later that Isaac opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he hurriedly got up and looked around.

“What are you doing?”

Park Hyunsoo was watching Isaac while holding a chopstick of ramen.

He then slurped it into his mouth and said,

“Come here and have a spoonful.”

“… … What happened?”

“How is it? As you can see.”

The little boy furrowed his eyebrows.

He just lost his mind at work.

When I looked at his chest, there were no traces left.

It was clear that Park Hyunsoo had restored it.

“It’s been a while.”

“It’s noisy, come and sit down. Eating is medicine.”

“You’re talking like an uncle.”

“Actually, you’re right.”

Spent 40 years in space.

Although there was no change in appearance, it was very different from the Park Hyunsoo Isaac knew.

The little boy sat in front of his table.


Monami came up to her, held out her hand and begged her to hug her.

It was a bit annoying, but he held me in his arms with one hand.

“Follow me.”

With that said, the dragon-like yellow creature liked itself.

He didn't like cute things, so I played with them, and he started liking them more.It wasn't bad.


“Is this ramen?”

“I know the food is derived from it. It will be delicious. My master really liked it too.”


Did Park Hyunsoo have anything like that?

Isaac had a puzzled expression on his face, but Park Hyunsoo seemed unwilling to say any more.

I wondered what kind of teacher Park Hyunsoo was, but he wasn't brazen enough to even delve into his private life.

“I can’t use chopsticks.”


As I reached for the sink, the fork flew away.

"Thank you."

“Can’t you say something like that?”

“What do you see me as?”

Isaac wrinkled one eye and rolled up the ramen.

I don't think anyone is European, so I eat ramen like I eat pasta.

What does it matter how you eat it, as long as it tastes good.

The two of them quietly enjoyed their meal.

After eating even the cold rice, Park Hyunsoo coolly burped.

“Gog-! I'm full."

“When will you start practicing?”

“You don’t need to do anything special.”

“… … Please explain so I can understand.”

“Just join the Monster Wave. Then you will know.”

“Hey, that’s different from before!”

“Didn’t you say that you would do it? I asked you to help me become stronger.”

The little boy wasn't crazy.

What Park Hyunsoo is saying now was sophistry.

The problem was that Park Hyunsoo himself knew it.

But he didn't really have any intention of making it happen.

You don't like Isaac?

no way.

“What you need is nothing like training.”

“Then what do I need?”


he didn't understand

It wasn't that I didn't know what the word was.

I didn't understand why the sudden trigger was needed.

“This is not something I can tell you.”

“… … .”

“So, look for yourself in Monster Wave. That will make you stronger.”

The little boy felt confused.

What Park Hyunsoo is saying doesn't make sense to me.

'meter… … ?'

What kind of occasion are you talking about?

And how do you become stronger when that opportunity arises?

When Isaac had a troubled face,

Knock Knock Kung!

A knock on the door was heard.

“Are you Hyuntae?”

“Oh, bro. Open the door.”

Park Hyunsoo opened the door and Park Hyun-tae walked in, exhausted.

He sighed and put down his bag.

And he found Isaac sitting on the floor.

It was the same with Isaac.

The two felt a strange sensation as they looked at each other.

It was an intense sense of dread.

It was Isaac who moved first.

“… … you!"

He stretched out her arm, intending to grab Park Hyun-tae by the collar.

One, there was someone blocking the arm.

“What are you doing to my brother?”

"no. I… … !”


“Wait, bro.”

Park Hyunsoo noticed a strange atmosphere between the two of them.


The two were clearly strangers who had never had a face-to-face contact.

But, why are they looking at each other as if they knew each other?

Park Hyunsoo took a step back to watch.

The two looked at each other without a word.

Isaac was the first to speak.

"you… … maybe you... … .”

He looked at Park Hyun-tae with a face that he couldn't believe, and asked carefully.

“Is that Robben?”

At that question, Hyun-tae Park shook her head as if he knew that.

“I am not Mr. Odman. I."

Park Hyun-tae said her determination with a face.

“He is the heir to the powers of Robben Odman.”

Silence came to the semi-basement room.

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