As the world is moving around the world one step at a time, it was an instant when people from associations from different countries gathered at the New World headquarters.

People from all over the world gathered in one place.

No interpreter was needed.

New World's technological prowess immediately broke the language barrier.

After everyone was seated, Chairman Armand, who was on a business trip to the United States, walked out.

How surprised he was when he heard that the military attack had begun while he was absent for an important task.

I was planning to return right away, but the situation was settled sooner than expected.

“Ah- can you hear me?”

Armand spoke into the microphone.

Everyone shook their heads.

“Something bad happened today. The army used a portal to annihilate the 'Wind Observer' Angel's raid. Not only that, but there was also an unfortunate incident where she transformed into a female operator and broke into the general headquarters.”


The hall became noisy.

It was such a serious incident that the headquarters of the New World had been breached.

Even after being criticized for being incompetent, there was nothing to say.

But that wasn't the point now.

“The army is ready to move in earnest.”

“Doesn’t it still have about five months for their restrictions to end?”

It was the president of the Russian Federation who raised his hand and spoke.

He stared at the chairman with gloomy eyes.


“But why did they start moving? Did you ever find a way to overcome the restrictions?”

“It is not. The intruder lost all power in exchange for breaking the restrictions.”

“If you do, what do you think is the reason for their move when there are still restrictions?”

“Isn’t it because of Monster Wave?”

“Isn’t the monster wave shortening their attack time?”

“We must stop the Monster Wave! Rather, it made me unprepared and attacked!”

Public opinion quickly turned into a monster wave.

“Monster Wave is the best training to prepare for the next war!”

"Yes! Didn't everyone agree to the plan and go? What's the use of coming here and asking questions?"

“This man, at that time, did you know that the army would launch an attack?”

“Who are you calling this person?”

They even split into pros and cons and started spitting out and arguing.

In the worst case, he had the momentum to swing his fist at any moment.

It happened as if it had been squeezed.

Armand watched the scene and sighed.



The entire conference hall was crushed by an intangible force.

It was the power of an S-class hunter called the Yeomdong King.

Everyone's eyes hardened.

All of these people in this position had established themselves as hunters, but nonetheless, they were nothing compared to S-class hunters.

They showed discomfort and shut their mouths.‘Tired children.’

Fortunately, the New World was newly established and it was on the good side.

In the days of the siege, only the form was unified, but conflicts between countries and guilds were common.

However, at that time, there was no such place ever created because it was operated by a bystander.

“Do you think it makes sense for us to roll our tails out of fear of the military, all?”

“… … However."

“Are you cowards?”

“Hey, that’s not a problem!”

“Rather, they have been attacking us even though we are limited because they are afraid that we will become stronger. Why can’t I have a back massage?”

Those who opposed the words of Armand coughed in vain.

As he said, the monster wave certainly provided a reason for the army to attack, but in the end, they attacked because they were afraid of their growth.

“Monster Wave will go ahead as planned next week right now.”

One way or another, the hunter society was weak and greedy.

Armand was not the strongest hunter, but he was in a position of S-class.

And he ascended to the chair with the consent of the other S-classes.

Denying him was no different than denying other S-class hunters.

"I'm not calling you to talk nonsense."

Armand dismissed the Monster Wave debate as frivolous.

“I called because someone had something to say to all of us.”

Again, the hall became noisy.

It would not be a person with a small influence if he brought people from all over the world in one place.

They told each other their conjectures and didn't look away from the podium.

Armand took a step aside and beckoned to the person waiting next to him.

“Come up.”

“They say that the political board is really like the wild.”

The man in a suit said it was an important seat, and he waved an uncomfortable tie with his hand.

Armand clapped his hands and introduced him.

“This is Park Hyunsoo, the hero who saved the Earth many times.”

At those words, everyone got up from their seats without thinking about face or started to applaud loudly.

Park Hyunsoo smiled awkwardly at their appearance and waved his hand.

Anyone who sees it would know that the singer was on stage.

“That’s pretty cool too.”

Ha Yoo-rak, who was sitting in the front, smiled at Park Hyunsoo in a suit.

“The pods were properly covered.”

Qingran, who was sitting next to him, shook his head.

But, as Ha Yu-rak said, it suited him well.

It was Park Hyunsoo, who always wore a thick hoodie.

I saw a person wearing a neat suit.

‘Dude, you have a clear character.’

Park Hyunsoo stood on the podium and waved to the two closest people.

Ha Yu-rak smiled and waved his hand, and Qing-ran asked what he was doing in a place like this.

It was Park Hyunsoo, who had no official public experience.

He patted the microphone for nothing, then glanced at the crowd gathered here.

“Ah, nice to meet you. This is Park Hyunsoo. So um... … .”

Park Hyunsoo pondered on what to say, and decided not to add useless rhetoric to waste time.

“The purpose of the army is to face the demon king with the nickname ‘chaos’. That's why they've plundered dimensions and planets, and even reached here to invade Earth."

The audience panicked at Park Hyunsoo's sudden bombshell remarks.

Not only Armand, but also Ha Yu-rak, Ching-ran, Takeshi, Andersen, and Park Hyun-tae were the same.

I didn't know that I would go straight to the point without a signal.

In particular, his younger brother, Park Hyun-tae, could not erase his sullen expression.

Either way, Park Hyunsoo continued.

“And the enemy who destroyed this raid and broke into this place is Queen. You could say she's just below the king, right?"

It was the second bomb.

Everyone was curious about the intruder's identity, but they didn't know that it was an existence with a great hierarchy.

“But when I checked, it turned out to be an artificial lifeform. Hmm, if I say something like Terminator, would you understand?”

When the third bomb went off, people started saying they didn't understand what they were listening to.

Qingran chuckled.

“ Hyunsoo guy, are you cool?”

"Oh my gosh. It was the first time I knew she was a queen.”

“Did you know that first? I also first found out He was somehow strong.”

Even though the three S-class, top-level A, and Park Hyun-tae, who inherited Robben's power, joined, she did not receive much damage.

She was weakened by the restrictions, so without them, everyone except Park Hyunsoo would have died.

Of course, Park Hyunsoo would have solved it before that happened.

Again, I focused on Park Hyunsoo's words.

“Ah, the story went a different way. I didn't mean to say this. Well… … .”

“You really can’t talk?”

Armand whispered beside him.

Park Hyunsoo coughed with a shy face.

I've spent a lot of time in space, but I've never been in a position like this.

It wasn't shameful.

However, I couldn't figure out in what order and how to say the words.

So in the end I just spit it out.

“The King is trying to resurrect the dormant dragon that sleeps under the green land we live in. It must also be to fight against the Demon King of Chaos.”

I don't know who the 'Demon King of Chaos' is, but Park Hyunsoo's experience is that the demon king with an intuitive nickname is terribly powerful.

In particular, the purpose of King's establishment of the army was to fight against the demon king of chaos, so it was impossible to predict how much power he had.

So, whatever you can add to your power, you plunder whatever you want to get your hands on it.

However, on a small planet called Earth, not anywhere else, the plan was interrupted.

“Anyway, we will come up with an additional attack.”

The army will surely try to acquire the Dragon of Destruction.

“So we have to make more powerful warriors through Monster Wave as planned.”

Park Hyunsoo finished his speech by scanning the crowd.

“That's why we need a monster wave, and it's our biggest weapon against the army right now. That is all."

It was quiet.

Not even the slightest rustling of paper could be heard.

Everyone was watching Park Hyunsoo silently.

Park Hyunsoo received those gazes calmly.

Then someone raised a hand.

It was Jako, the president of the Hungarian Association.

"I have a question."

"Please speak.""that… … I have had my doubts for a long time.”

Yako paused for a moment, then said with a face that he did not understand.

“Is that extinct dragon really on Earth?”

Four and a half years ago.

At the same time as Choi Sang-ho's sacrifice, a scene that seemed to predict the future was reproduced in the sky there.

It was a sight of a huge, terrible-looking red dragon and three humans fighting fiercely.

However, very few were present at the scene.

Most of them just listened to what they had to say.

Yaco was one of those people.

“Isn’t something strange? Monsters appeared after Portal Impact, and the Dragon of Destruction is described as if it had existed before.”

There were quite a few people with similar thoughts.

“It turns out that a monster with such a transcendent power originally existed on this planet.”

The crowd started to roar.

“Isn’t something strange?”

In fact, this is not the first time this issue has been raised.

However, due to the circumstances, it was not treated as important except for a few.

Because my current life was more important than that fact.

However, since King's purpose was revealed, this issue had to be addressed.

Park Hyunsoo stared at him quietly.

Yako thought that gaze was somewhat burdensome.

“Good comment.”

He is so lucky,

"From what I've found, there must have been quite a few of them in the past."

This time, he made a bombshell remark that will shock everyone.

“Come and think about it now.”

He got down from the podium and walked forward with his back luggage.

“Don’t you think the myths that are spread all over the world are strange?”

There were no monsters in reality before Portal Impact.

However, in numerous myths representing each country, a lot of bizarre beings like monsters appeared.

Of course, I thought it was made up.

Because even the most religious person never thought that such terrible things actually existed.

I thought it was just a metaphor.

But what if they're all real?

“Then the existence of the perishing dragon is understandable.”

Park Hyunsoo met Iris and felt something strange.

He did not think deeply about it at the time, but the nine-tailed fox was a famous monster in the East.

But, why is there a nine-tailed fox in another dimension?

It wasn't just that.

There were quite a number of similarities depicted in myths that roamed the universe.

“Earth a long time ago.”

Through that experience, Park Hyunsoo was convinced.

“It looks like it was interacting with the universe.”

A story like a novel.

However, in a situation where reality had reached this point, no one denied his words.

An uncomfortable silence followed.

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