

Park Hyunsoo was taken aback as soon as he entered the house when he saw Monami handed over to him.

"what's the matter?"


Monami wept and trembled as she gripped the hem of her robe with her little hand.

Did she even have a nightmare?

She hugged her gently and walked around the narrow room for over half an hour.

Then Monami stopped her shaking, sniffled her nose and lifted her head.

“Did you have a bad dream?”

“Yes… … .”

“What dream did you have that made the princess cry so sadly?”

“Bad dragon… … .”


“A bad dragon is coming. blushing. It's so big, it has many wings, and it has pointy teeth... … .”

With her little gestures, Monami eagerly expressed what she had seen in her dreams.

It was very cute, but it was Monami's dream, not anyone else's.

The only child of the Dragon King.

Hetzling was born with hope.

And a child who can see danger.

Park Hyunsoo didn't take on Monami for nothing.

“What did the bad dragon say?”

“It’s so frustrating. I'm hungry too. uh… … Soon! Try it.”

Monami recalled the memory of her dream to the best of her ability.

How frightened she looked, and how terribly she laughed.

She lacked vocabulary, but she could fully understand what the child was experiencing.

“My daughter must have been scared.”


She held Monami tightly in her arms.

Then she smirked Monami.

She was old enough to be hugged by her father rather than a nightmare.

‘Red Dragon.’

Did someone call him Satan?

I do not know.

He could be the real Satan, or he could be a completely different being.

The important thing is that she appeared in Monami's dream and said it wasn't too far away.

what is soon

She didn't have to think long.

‘Are you foreseeing your own resurrection?’

Park Hyunsoo laid Monami, who was sleeping soundly, on the bed.


He grinned as he watched Monami sleeping with her body stretched out.

“The dragon grows taller.”

* * *

A world where rain of fire pours.

Haxen walked through the mountain of corpses, soaked in blood.

About 4 days and 21 hours have passed since I came here.

Still, the monsters were constantly crawling out, and the rain of fire became more and more intense.

what am i doing here

Am I of any use here?

couldn't figure it out

It was like that for two years.

After a disastrous defeat to Park Hyunsoo, he lost everything.

“Keeek!”A monster full of red bumps all over his body rushed towards him.

A white wolf came out around Haxen and bit the monster's neck.

However, there was not one monster.

It was difficult to count the number of monsters crawling out of the cracked ground.

“I’m tired.”

Even after leaving the New World, he attacked the portal like crazy.

There was no reason.

I used to live self-defensely saying that I was the only one who could save the earth, but now I know that's not the case.

It was a series of aimless attacks.

It was like someone looking for a place to sit.

A silver wolf came out in a horde and hunted the monsters.


The rain of fire stopped, and the sky began to dazzle.

The passion that burned his skin was excruciatingly painful, but there was no subtle change in Haksen's expression.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky so bright that it was hard to open my eyes.



The screams of the monsters continued.

The Haxen's powers moved on their own to protect their bodies, regardless of their master's will.

He spread a strong shield around him, and created a wolf to block the lightning.

Frost formed under their feet, and the air inside the shield became cold.

Astral Wizard's nickname, his powers were used in various ways.

Even so, he could not completely stop the high heat radiating from the enthusiasm.

The shield and the wolf began to melt first, and the cold air was quickly worn away.

Haxen's power increased his output, but eventually he reached a limit.


If this is the last time, I can humbly accept it.

[He's a funny guy.]

It was then.

The enthusiasm that heated the skin disappeared like a lie.

The sky, which was emitting fire, boasted a fresh blue appearance as if it had ever been.

Someone started coming down from there.

[You tricked the King into keeping him quiet, but something interesting appeared and made him unable to remain quiet.]

Wearing a long golden toga, as seen in Roman times, and wearing a golden ring above his head, he had two pairs of wings spread out.

His appearance was like that of a beautiful statue.

Just like the David statue.

[What are you?]

He didn't put his feet on the ground.

He didn't even lower his head.

He took an arrogant posture, as if he only lowered his eyes and looked at the insignificant.

[What is it that you came here to die?]

“… … Who are you?”

[under! Do you dare to ask me the reverse question?]

“I’m going to die anyway, so I don’t think I need to ask about that.”

He was right, so he didn't respond.

He got angry because he didn't like it.

[noisy! If this is me, then you know that!]

“It’s noisy.”

[Is this guy?]

“The fact that you hid here to avoid the King would mean that you too are a loser, so what are you talking about?”

[Don't dismiss me as a loser!]

A majestic wave blew out.

The earth shook, and the surviving monsters hid underground with a cry.

[I am not defeated! Just bad luck!]


[Yes. Do you think this body will be defeated by a lesser person like him?]

No one could describe the King as inferior.

He was clearly a transcendent, a notorious pirate in space.

Dozens of planets and dimensions were doomed to destruction before the army.

[Like I said, I was just out of luck. He wouldn't have been like this if he hadn't been there... … !]

He looked genuinely sad.

To be honest, even to Haksen, he was a very strong man.

The proof was that he could not fathom the limits of his power.

After Portal Impact, I have seen such a strong person four times until today.

Ravelung, an S-class monster who risked his life to subdue in the Dust Command, the final task of the Task Force.

Jerye-yong, the owner of the first S-class portal.

Park Hyunsoo.

And now.

‘The portal belongs to the military. The fact that he was hiding from the King's eyes in it means that he has a lot of skill.'

The act of hiding hurt his self-esteem, but even that was impossible without the ability.

[Anyway, I don't know how the outside works. Who the hell are you and what happened to you outside? Was the 'disaster of enthusiasm' finally taken away?]

“A disaster of enthusiasm? I don’t know what it is.”

[under? How can you not know about that formidable weapon that reproduces the light of heaven?]

"I don't know what you're talking about, but there is no weapon called the disaster of madness on Earth."

It was Haxen, who once occupied one of the highest places on Earth.

He would have listened to him even if he didn't like it if a weapon such as a disaster of enthusiasm existed in his pursuit of power.

Above all, I had never heard of the military targeting such a thing.

[Earth? What is it?]

“I am a living star.”


His handsome face was grimaced to the point that it looked ugly.

[Isn’t this ‘Asteria’?]

“This is Earth. It is the third planet in the solar system and the star ruled by the human race.”

* * *

Hearing all the explanations from Haxen, he was in a thinking posture with his brows narrowed.

He resembled Rodin's The Thinker.

His face is that of David, but his posture is a thinker.

Haxen snorted and waited for him to speak.

[So, about 5 years ago, the King's army invaded, right?]


[Definitely not Asteria.]

“I don’t know where it is.”

[There is no disaster of enthusiasm.]

“How many times is it?”

[Oh, no matter how hard the country is, it's hard to believe.]

There was no sense of time inside the portal.

Sure enough, it became the sky there.

He sealed his will to himself, and every day, every day, was like a day, an hour, a minute, a second.

[I shouldn't have done that.]

He had to figure out how the years passed.

He rebuked himself.

[therefore. What are you humans doing? Are you waiting for destruction?]

"we are."

I heard that Park Hyunsoo is back.

He didn't see him in person, but he could tell just by hearing how much he had grown.

He "fighted two of King's comrades and won."

[…] … what?]

“ There is a human named Park Hyunsoo. Although he was a latecomer, he showed a tremendous growth rate. He was below me at first. But in just a few months he not only surpassed me, he went places I could not reach.”

[What are you talking about all of a sudden?]“And two years have passed. It sounds like you've returned from 40 years in space. I had no idea how strong I had become. Then something happened in Africa.”

[Could you please tell me so I can understand?]

"One of King's comrades started the attack."

[excuse me?]

“ Park Hyunsoo stepped forward. He overpowered one of King's colleagues. The army sent down another King's comrade to see if he could lose him."


“But they couldn't get over the mountain called Park Hyunsoo. They said they managed to escape by sacrificing themselves. It was a victory for Park Hyunsoo.”

[Are you done?]


he thought

The person in front of me seems to like to explain more than I thought.

[It's hard to understand why you don't know much about the country, but, to put it simply, a human named Park Hyunsoo killed two of King's comrades?]


[If you are King's companion, you are referring to four horsemen. There are The Black, Vice, and Lazy, which one do you mean?]

“I don’t even know the name. He was called a woman and a muscular general.”

[Weiss and Reijiro-kun. Against those two... … ?]

He also didn't know much about riders, but the very two riders he had experienced were not easy opponents either.

Even win against both at the same time?

‘No matter what country, that’s a little bit.’

I don't know if it's one, but it was best to avoid the two from now on.

He was unaware that the current riders were in a weakened state.

However, even in a weakened state, it was certainly not easy to deal with both at the same time.

He made a decision.


“What’s good?”

[I won't help you.]

The wings spread wider and a beautiful light colored the surroundings.

[I will give you victory.]

he held out his hand

[Catch it.]

Haxen looked at the hand extended from above and opened his mouth.

“It seems like there is some possibility, so I think I’m going to join.”

[Whoa, what are you talking about!]

He looked bewildered that he had stabbed the core.

He didn't really care.

If he helps humanity, it will be of great help.

‘Is this of any use to me?’


That was the only way to search and find the dead ground.

After losing to Park Hyunsoo, he put everything down and was busy finding out if he was useful somewhere.

he couldn't find

So I didn't know

Many senses of loss and emptiness.

He had the ego and obsession he had.

‘Who was I who put everything down?’

Looking back two years, nothing comes to mind.

If you hold his hand, you might think of anything.

Haxen reached out and took his hand.

“Is it useful to me?”

[You have to see it to know.]

“Can I help Park Hyunsoo?”

[He must see it, too.]

“My name is Haksen. Haxen Baldur.”

Hearing Haksen's name, he answered with a smile.

[Know with glory. This my name is Luciel! He is the archangel of the most sacred ‘Sacrament Sephiroth’ in the whole universe!]

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