It was the day of the third wave.

There were signs of tension everywhere.

The aftermath of the second wave had not yet matured, but the third started as if being driven into a limb.

“Aren’t you crazy?”

“The guy I was working with was seriously injured, so he couldn’t even participate in the war this time.”

“I heard that the Shario unit was only spared for their lives.”

“Why are you doing this?”

Complaints came from all over.

Some of the Hunters who re-awakened in the second wave, there were quite a few who declared that they would not participate in this anti-humanity training any longer.

The number of personnel was reduced by about one-ninth compared to the second time.

As the number of heads decreased, the already difficult difficulty became more difficult.

On the other hand, there were a lot of hunters who were full of anticipation.

“The D-class hunter I worked with has re-awakened to an A-class this time.”

“The senior I know is a B-class this time… … .”

“It was an F-class, but suddenly it was an A-class rice cake prize… … .”

They said that a miracle of re-awakening could happen to them too, and on the contrary, their morale increased.

Above all, high-ranking hunters who declared no participation at the beginning participated in the war.

They, too, could not pass the attractive rice cake of re-awakening.

It was an ironic situation.

Those who were re-awakened left, and those who left returned to the re-awakening.

So the 3rd Monster Wave began.

* * *

“There has been a massive outbreak of Re-Awakening!”

“An S-class re-awakened has appeared at Gate 10!”

“An S-class re-awakened has also appeared in Gate 4!”

“With the advent of the Re-Awakened, the situation at all gates is instantly reversed!”

“Clear Gate 10!”

“Clear Gate 4!”


Among them, two S-class re-awakeners were born.

They quickly organized the monster wave at the gate they participated in.

There are no S-class re-awakened anywhere else, and the hunters who obtained new powers finished the gate.

It was a huge achievement.

The staff cheered and hugged each other.

But it wasn't all good news.

“The first death appeared at Gate 1.”

“The dead at Gate 3… … .”

“Even the fourth time… … .”

“Seven times… … .”

“Ten times… … .”

The number of deaths that did not occur until the second occurred from the third.

Awakened people wake up to a new power when they are pushed to the limit of their limits and are driven to a steep cliff.

it's reawakening.

And the 3rd monster wave was a very terrible hell for the hunters who participated in the war.

Those who were inflated with hope felt even more despair there, and those who had only despair suffered extreme trauma from further despair.

“Can you do the 4th?”

“I have to.”

With Park Hyunsoo's determination, Carbon didn't say any more.

Rather, Luciel, who had just joined, frowned.

[You are doing cruel things without care.]

“What are your angels talking about?”

[Do you know how to train angels?]

“I don’t want to hear such things from people who are strict with themselves than anyone else and don’t even care about their own kind.”

[You seem to know. But even our angels don't drive it to such extremes.]

Luciel looked down at the ground with his arms crossed.

On a burning land, people support each other.

There seemed to be a lot of people who couldn't move properly.

Some had lost their limbs, and some had lost their minds.

The sight of those who were sacrificed for the birth of a new hero was horrifying.

[On the one hand, I understand.]

It was Luciel who directly experienced the power of the army.

They had four riders and riders, but the number of troops under their command was beyond imagination.

It wasn't just the riders that destroyed Asteria.

The cause of the destruction of Asteria was the terribly strong army released by the King.

[If you don't do that, this green planet won't survive.]

It was when Luciel nodded his head with his characteristic arrogant face.

“Noisy, Dalian.”

[Ugh... … .]The arrogant face contorted in an instant.

He looked back at the man he was talking to.

It was Isaac, the man carrying the magic sword on his shoulder.

A week ago.

After a fierce battle between the angel and the master of the demon sword.

“The loser obeys the winner.”

[Oh, I see.]

Isaac was victorious.

It was never an easy match.

Even if the skills of the two pairs of wings and the sword user were objectively compared, it could not be said who had the upper hand.

In fact, the fight went on for more than a day.

Park Hyunsoo, who decided that continuing the fight was meaningless, tried to stop the two.

The problem was that Isaac was a singularity.

“The singularity is all about monsters.”

“Isn’t that the singularity of you?”

Carbon's words were tackled by Park Hyunsoo, who shrugged indifferently.

But what Carbon said was not wrong.

The singularity is that they are all monsters.

At the moment when both of them had nearly exhausted their mental powers, Isaac attained enlightenment.

And, like a lie, he won.

“He cleared the Levinian Training Center in just a week and has reached the level of a deep sword, so no matter what he does, it’s not strange. and."

Carbon raised one corner of his lips as he glanced at Lucy L.

obvious ridicule.

“I understand that you are a bluff full of bluffs. He talked like he could beat one of the riders.”

[This guy?!]

Luciel grinded his teeth, but as a result was defeated by Isaac, who had just entered the transcendence.

It wasn't a slaughter battle, but the fact that it was at an equal level was proof that it was far below the rider's skill.

Knowing that, even Luciel couldn't resist strongly.

“This is not the time for us to haggle.”

Park Hyunsoo got up and prepared to leave.

“Are you going out, Daddy?”

Monami, who was playing quietly, flew over and asked.

Park Hyunsoo hugged Monami tightly.

“Is Monami pretty big?”


He also improved his pronunciation.

It was definitely a dragon, so the growth rate in all fields was different.

No more beeping and crying.

In other words, it was to the extent that I felt that I spoke better than Sally.

“I’m playing with Sally. Dad, I'll be right back."

“I’m going too.”


“I want to go.”

Monami twinkled her eyes and grabbed Park Hyunsoo's collar tightly.

It's like you won't let go until you take it.

Park Hyunsoo looked at Carbon with a puzzled look.

Carbon only shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah, let’s go together. It will be okay to go out after a long time.”


When her permission fell, Monami flew away with all her might.

[It's a very active Hetzling.]

“Monami is active!”

Sally looked at Luciel and cheered.

Luciel looked at her with her pathetic face and shook her head.

[On the other hand, this Levinian is too active, which is a problem.]

“Selly is active too!”

[…] … What would you say?]

Luciel put her behind her and headed into her basement.

Isaac suggested we fight, so he was in a situation where he had to follow him even if he didn't like it.

"I will be back."

“Go king!”

“When you come, just buy me some ramen. It was delicious.”

“You go and buy it yourself.”

“I’m sorry.”

Park Hyunsoo ignored Carbon's grumbling and headed for the association with Monami.

* * *

“Heiden Ramule, right?”

“… … Yes."

“Are you next to the Ferrinkle Roach?”

"that's right."

In front of Andersen sat a young man and a woman with melancholy faces.

Their bodies were engraved with scars that could not be described as okay with good words.

Andersen looked at them and asked for a medical team.

“I’m sorry that I called you right here because you were hurt so badly.”

“… … I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done such ignorant training."

Heiden was a man with a particularly prominent double eyelid, but when he wrinkled his face, his face became quite harsh.

Of course, Andersen wasn't afraid of that.

He replied in a voice that said there was nothing to worry about.

“It’s not training.”


“All the Hunters, including you, have been through actual battles. I risk my life.”

“You say that now!”

As if unbearable, Hayden jumped up and grabbed his collar.

His gray hair stood up and began to quiver.

Andersen listed his personal information one by one with an expressionless face.

“Real name: Heiden Ramul, born in Heidelberg, Germany, 28 years old, first awakened to the ‘vibration’ ability 3 years ago, the judgment level was C, and this 3rd monster wave was re-awakened to S-class.”

“Yeah, what do you say! Do you know how many people my colleagues have killed because of it?”

“In that hell you eventually succeeded in evolving.”

“… … .”

Andersen took his hand, unwrapped his neck, and put on his glasses.

He looked at the ferrinkle sitting quietly,

“Real name Ferrinkle Roach, from Los Angeles, USA, 21 years old, awakened to ‘electric shock’ ability a year ago, grade C, and.”

He finished speaking.

“Awakened to S-class, soaked in extreme pleasure.”

Ferrinkle had a very cold impression.

She stared at Andersen with her dry eyes.

“… … delight?"

The word "pleasure" was the response of Heiden.

He looked at Ferrinkle, who was sitting somewhat slanted, furrowing his eyebrows.

It felt like a joint doll because of its small size.

“It was fun.”

With no expression on her face, she smiled.

It was the face of an ordinary girl who looked playful.


“People dying, monsters dying, fighting each other and destroying themselves.”

Perrinkle remembered that time and started to laugh out loud.

“Hehehehe, how funny. And you don't know how much fun it was. Seeing that, I thought that I could somehow have more fun playing. Then.”

She raised her right hand to her maddened face.


A shivering current ran through my fingers and wriggled.

“Did you become this strong?”

The lightning, which was upgraded to S-class, swept the monsters.

Lightning fell from the sky.

The feast of thunderbolts, which is probably reminiscent of a disaster, made Gate 10 into an abyss.

It was only an expression of power to obtain pleasure through fun.

“Sometimes there are crazy people like you.”

“Crazy isn't all that bad. see. In the end, thanks to me, many hunters saved their lives, right?”

“It’s not wrong.”

Andersen agreed.

Apart from her madness, her S-class blitz ability was the strength she needed for her future work.

“… … You didn't even kill a human, did you?"

Hayden asked her in her trembling voice.

“Heh, how about you? I don't know either.”

The lightning that she scattered did not distinguish Pia at all.

So it may or may not have been the same.

Hayden couldn't believe it.

Perrinkle's words meant that in the end there were neither friends nor enemies.

Is that an idea a person can have?

He reawakened, unable to bear the grief and anger at the loss of his companion.

So he couldn't quite understand Perrinkle.

“Totally crazy.”

“It’s a world you can’t live in if you don’t go crazy.”

“No, what is wrong is wrong.”

Hayden's eyes narrowed coldly.


The floor began to vibrate.

A faint light flickered in his eyes.

“I hate you for making us this way… … !”


Aww-!!!Curl rumble!!!

The earth cracked, the pieces were destroyed, and the violently vibrating air made a sound like thunder.

This is the power of S-class vibration!

Although common in nature, it was one of the most dangerous forces.

“You look very dangerous, don’t you?”

The expression on Perrinkle's expression when he said that was a lot of recollection.

‘I was excited.’

Andersen sighed inwardly as he looked at the two new S-Classes.

The Monster Wave proposed by Park Hyunsoo had a definite result, but it did not cause much of a reaction.

‘I expected it, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.’

He saw the lab shaking with the momentum of collapse.

The vibration that started from HEIDEN soon turned into an earthquake, and the intensity gradually increased.

You can't stop this on your own.

Ferrinkle was ready to face it in no time, but even with her power, Heiden's vibrations could not be overcome.

‘I need Armand or Haksen.’

The two would be enough to subdue and remain.

Andersen wants to make a decision and call the nearest Armand.

“Who gave you permission to do this?”

A heaviness pressed down on the space.

Hayden's face contorted, and one of her knees touched her floor.

The vibration that seemed to destroy the laboratory stopped like a lie.

He lifted her stiffly lowered head laboriously and looked up at her ceiling.

A man was floating there with his hands in his pockets.

“Are there any complaints?”

“… … who is this."

“I thought it was a well-known face, but it seems that there are still quite a few people who don’t know it.”

He rubbed his chin.

Then he looked down at Heiden again.

“Am I curious?”

“Is it you? Who drove us to limbs, to hell?”

Usually, it is right to think of Armand, the chairman of the New World, but Heiden smelled a terrible smell from the man.

And, of course, what he said while appearing here made it clear that he was a superior.

Even with Andersen Walker here.

“Look, I’m a fan!”

At that moment, Perrinkle looked at the man and covered his lips.

She couldn't control her trembling pupils and red cheeks.

Heiden was even more embarrassed.

Who the hell is the author, that crazy woman is a fan?

It didn't take her long for her to figure it out.

"right. I was in charge of Monster Wave.”

“Ugh… … . Why are you doing such a cruel thing?”

"cruelty? If we go to war with the military, we will all die anyway, so are you going to come here and question the cruelty?”

“War with the old army? The army was clearly defeated by the hero Park Hyunsoo and had to retreat… … .”

“I think a lot of people still know that.”

The man came down and said sarcastically.

Then I could see the man's face in detail.

Hayden's eyes widened.

“In about five months, the forces will invade Earth again, and then it will be too late to prepare.”

“All, you.”

“In front of the overwhelming quantity and their power, mankind will die. Not a single one left.”

"no way… … .”

“Some people who don’t know the truth of the world react like you.”

"hero… … .”

“So, stop talking nonsense and get ready for the 4th Monster Wave next week. If you want to survive five months later.”

“Park Hyunsoo?”

Park Hyunsoo didn't answer the question, but turned his body and walked over to Perrinkle.

Perrinkle was fidgety as he approached and was at a loss for what to do.

“I'm really a fan! I've loved it ever since! Buy, sign, where's the paper... … .”


"Yes Yes?"

“Do crazy things in moderation. Like before, if you can’t identify the other person and talk to me, I will die.”

Ferrinkle sat still.

Hearing only a single word, his legs became weak.

Park Hyunsoo left her behind, waving her hand gestures to her Andersen and leaving her.

“One storm passed.”

Andersen said so and looked at the two of them.

Heiden was staring into the void like a soulless person, and Ferrinkle was laughing out loud.

“Hey, you talked to me. To me!"

“I’m not crazy. take it out.”

Andersen let his men take them to the stable room.

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