
Park Hyun-tae opened his closed eyes.

His body was drenched in sweat.

He did nothing and just sat upright, and his clothes were all wet.

But his expression looked good.

“That’s enough.”

Preparation is over.

For four months, his older brother Park Hyunsoo told everyone to rest, but he did not dare.

It was because he had the feeling that with a little more he could grab something.

It was at the time of the 5th wave that he felt that sensation.

He instinctively read the space-time coordinates of the rays emitted by the monster and transferred them to my other monsters.

It was a skill that could not be done in the first place.

It hasn't been easy since then, but thanks to constant practice, I succeeded in making it my own.

‘And more than that.’

clenched his fists.

This power would be useful enough in war.

Chayoon's face lit up.

He said that in four months he never went to see her.

Her heart was eager to see her, but when she saw her, her heart seemed to break.

“You promised.”

Park Hyun-tae muttered and got up from his seat.

Then she turned and opened the door and went outside.

The sky was clear.

Just like before the storm.

“… … king."

King's memory that remains in Robben's thoughts is still clear.

It was then.


sparks pop up

In the ruined world stood an old man in a black fur cloak.

Death lurked around the old man, and his soldiers roamed the ruined city like ghosts.

It was the center of the ruined world.

“It’s all over.”

The old man murmured and looked up at the gray sky.

An old man closing his eyes as if in thought.

And when the old man wakes up again.”


Park Hyun-tae grabbed her head and staggered.

Is it just a future sight?

I do not know.

I don't know, but I felt an ominous sense of incongruity.

"king… … !”

It all started because of him.

His parents died because of him.

Because of him, I didn't see his brother for a long time.

Everyone is unhappy because of him.

I don't know what the scene I just saw suggests, but my heart is already strong.

win the war

To do so, he will do whatever it takes.

* * *

Yamamoto Takeshi sat cross-legged with a calm face.

He stood as sharp as a sword.

Since he reawakened in the 5th wave, he hasn't even pulled a single one.

There were things that followed Park Hyunsoo's words, but there were also things in his heart that he decided not to draw absolute numbers until this day came.

“Are you busy?”

Then I heard a familiar voice behind me.

It was a voice I hadn't heard in a long time.


“If you’re not busy, let’s talk for a while.”

After disappointing him with Haksen's remarks in a match against Park Hyunsoo three years ago, he had little contact with him.

Haxen sat roughly next to him.

“Long time no see.”

“What’s going on?”

“It’s just the last time, isn’t it?”

Takeshi opened his closed eyes at the words of the last.

I never thought those words would come out of Haksen's mouth.

Because the Haksen he knew was a stubborn general.

But he's been told he's been pretty detrimental since his defeat to Park Hyunsoo.

Did the results of that day change people like this?

Takeshi didn't know.

“I might die this time, so I wanted to have a brief conversation with you.”

“… … .”

“I know you are disappointed with me.”

At that time, Haxen was difficult to like anyone.

'Cause he couldn't even hear the sound of a psychopath on a maniac.

Still, Takeshi was with him.

It was because he did not know Haksen's true intentions, but even considering that, it was clear that it was a style that would be difficult to work with.

So I was even more sorry.

“I wanted to apologize to you someday.”

“Do you have any reason to apologize to me?”

“Because I betrayed you.”

Betrayed Takeshi's faith and trust.

In the ugly form I saw that day.

He should have apologized right away, but at the time, Haxen couldn't think of anything.

To be honest, I couldn't even think of taking Takeshi's feelings or feelings into consideration.

So, even now, I wanted to correct the belated regret.

"I'm sorry."

“I apologize for being late.”

“It happened.”

"I've heard of you wandering the past hour."Takeshi looked at the screen with the ten longevity drawn on it.

“I don’t want to come here and blame myself for betraying my faith and trust. You must have been punished a lot during that time.”

Just because I didn't see it didn't mean that I didn't know how much Haksen suffered.

Even if it was a wrong idea, it was his identity.

It all fell apart in one day, so every day would have been a hellish life.

There really wasn't a single good thing I heard.

"Good job."

“What is suffering?”

Haxen scraped the tied threads of his slats with his fingernails.

“If you survive.”

Takeshi stood up quietly.

“Have a drink or two.”

And he left the room.

Haksen, who was left alone, stood still and muttered with a smirk.

“That’s good.”

when the war is over,

If both are alive.

“Am I subtracting?”

“When did you come in?”

"just now."

Jill Rodman came into the room, flapping her black coat.

He grinned and looked at Haxen.

“Let’s go. Everyone is waiting.”

“I do.”

The time has come.

* * *

All the hunters gathered.

That number alone is 100,000.

Huge numbers have gathered in Africa.

Lawless Africa.

A land where life cannot survive.

There is no other place more suitable for the final battlefield than here.

Numerous weapons were installed, and nuclear weapons were set to be fired at any time.

And it showed up.

It was large enough to cover the sky.

The diameter alone seemed to be several hundred kilometers, and there were hundreds of guns that seemed to erase any city.

It was like something you would see in a sci-fi movie.

All the Hunters present there could not say anything.

Most of them swallowed despair inside.

Is it really possible to fight something like that?

Then, someone walked forward.

All eyes turned to him.

Armand Descartes.

He was the supreme chairman of the New World, leading all Hunters.

He swallowed dry saliva as he looked at the huge army of spaceships.

No matter how big of a wall he is, it would be strange not to be afraid if he faced such a thing.

But he was the representative of all, and he stood in a position of responsibility for all.

After he took a deep breath,


exhaled slowly.

The fear didn't go away.

My heart was still beating fast.

But it wasn't just fear.

“In this place today, I will defeat you guys.”

as great as fear.

No, this is a fierce anger that cannot be compared to fear!

Armand stared at the military spaceship with a hostile gaze.

He raised his right arm up.




All missiles were aimed in the direction of the spacecraft.


His hand fell down.


A fierce flame erupted from the launch pad and the momentum to melt the old ground.

The smoke that was made was engulfed the battlefield in an instant and engulfed it.

A huge number of missiles soared towards the spacecraft.

It was an eye-opening sight.

They reached the spaceship in an instant,


With a deafening roar.

A huge explosion engulfed with red flames and black smoke was created.

It didn't stop there, additional firepower began in the hands of the soldiers.

It was a gorgeous fireworks display.

The blue sky was about to turn black.

“Not yet.”

It was still far from this.

In order to annihilate them, bigger and more powerful firepower is needed.

Armand stretched his left arm out to the side this time.

Unlike before, this time his hand was pointing upwards.


A blue energy emanated from dozens of launchers waiting in the air.

The protective iron armor was removed with a click sound.

What appeared there was a nuclear missile with a blue magic stone in it!!


Armand's arm fell down.


It was a light that almost blinded my eyes.

If Jill Rodman's chaos had not blocked the light, the low-ranking Hunter would have been blind.

No roar was heard.

Sound eventually vibrates.

Heiden was erasing the vibrations of the nuclear explosion in real time.

However, their expressions did not look good at all.

Dozens of nuclear missiles fired at once are a new weapon combined with a magic stone!

Its power was to the point of being insufficient to describe it as comrade Gyeongcheon.

“I will help.”

A tangible electromagnetic wave flowed from Andersen's eyes.

His newly awakened electromagnetic force.

Almost everything that happens in this world can be said to be caused by electromagnetic forces.

In other words, the aftermath of a massive nuclear explosion was the same.

Jill Rodman and Heiden's expressions softened as he exerted his strength.

“I wish this was over.”

It was someone's mumble.

With this level of destructive power, even a huge spaceship would have been at least half-destroyed.

But as if to ridicule such a thought.

“… … crazy."

Everyone's expressions contorted.

Some looked desperate.

Dozens of nuclear missiles combined with a massive explosion and magic stone were hit directly.


“It didn’t work at all… … ?”

The spaceship was smooth.

It was as if such an attack could not even scratch.

Fit geek!

An uncountable number of guns were directed towards the ground with a horrifying sound.

Woo-woong - A vibration sounded, and enormous particles flocked to the cannon.

A large number of photon bombs bombard the ground.

“Don’t leave it like that!”

Park Hyun-tae was the first to move.

He stretched out his hand towards the falling photon bullets.


The photon cannons that filled the sky disappeared like a lie.

And from a great distance.


The sound of an explosion came.

All the hunters blocked their faces with their arms in the aftermath of the belated storm.

All the photon cannons were transferred far away from this place in a space-time plan.

Yet it is such a destructive force.

“Hyun-tae, you?!”

Ha Yu-rak looked at Park Hyun-tae with surprised eyes.

Other hunters could not help but be astonished at his performance.

Park Hyun-tae didn't care about their gaze.

It was only preparing for an additional attack.

“It’s like Park Hyunsoo’s younger brother.”

Takeshi drew his sword.

The whole of Africa is sucked into his three-dimensional drawings.

“I can’t lose either.”

When it comes to anger against the military, the man who was no less than anyone else was Yamamoto Takeshi.

“I’ll help you!”

A green-haired man standing next to him flew into the sky with a bright smile.

It was a module, a person who awakened to S-class in the 4th wave.

His powers are the spectrum of light!


Takeshi swung his sword.

The space was refracted without mercy, and the space was cut sharply.


The skin that could not be damaged even by nuclear missiles began to be engraved with cut marks.

But it was impossible to break through.

[Light of Violence]

At that moment, the module's ability was activated.

The spectrum of light literally means the ability to control the numerous shapes of light.

And when light reveals its original power, it has more destructive power than anything else.

like this.


When the destructive light hit Takeshi's scabbard, the surrounding deck swelled with bubbles, causing a huge explosion.

There were people who moved at the same time accordingly.

‘I will definitely survive and live the future with Hyunsoo!’

[Dark Breath!]

The dragon's breath, which Ha Yu-rak, who suddenly turned into dragonic mode, exhaled,

“Today, I will defeat you anyway!”

[Super Flame Spear]

It was a single spear made by Lee Min-ah by compressing air to the limit with her telekinetic power.

The two forces penetrated through the hole in the spaceship,


It caused a huge explosion from the inside.

The spaceship shook violently.

The real attack started now.

All S-class or S-class or higher hunters began to use all their abilities.


Lightning was shot in a straight line from Ferrinkle's hand,

[Absolute vibration]

Heiden vibrated the atmosphere, shaking the spacecraft greatly.

[Cursed Soundwave]


Abdul-Ahi's deafening organ sound strengthened Hayden's vibrations.

[Gravity Ball]

Chang broke the balance by installing a gravitational sphere on the far right of the ship.

From that point on, all hunters capable of long-distance attacks poured their abilities towards the spaceship.

It was such a ruthless attack that dust of the level of yellow sand was scattered across the wide lands of Africa.

Thanks to this, the spaceship was one step closer to going down.

“Your juniors are doing a great job.”

“I can’t lose even if I’m ashamed of this.”“It’s sympathetic.”

The existing S-class members smiled and prepared to show their abilities.

But the opportunity did not come for them to attack the ship.


The entire spaceship began to glow red.

Light filled the earth.

At first I thought it was an attack, but the light only lit them up and did no damage.

"no way!"

Qing Lan opened his eyes and looked at the vacant lot.

A lot of things started to be scanned in the spot where the light was shining.

They were of different sizes.

Someone muttered in a low voice.

"monster… … .”


oh oh oh oh!

Kuyo oooo!!!

All monsters possessed by the army were released here.

The moment when the momentum is about to pass to the military side at once!


“Some bastard kicked it here!”

With a sudden cry, a small spaceship crashed into the military spaceship as it was.

* * *


Carbon shouted excitedly and crashed into the spaceship.

“This child!”

Isaac fell out of balance in the massively shaky spaceship.

Sally was immediately hanging from the wall, and Luciel was floating in mid-air anyway, so she didn't know what the shock was.

“Why are you excited?”

“If you’re going to hit it, say it and hit it!”

[right! right! You hit your head!]

“Did you even have a head?”

The magic sword trembled at the rustling of carbon.

Either way, he smiled brightly as he looked at the vast army of spaceships on the screen.

"at Las! I can finally beat these bastards to death!”

“Why is that kid so excited?”

“Carbon, I’m not like that. Carbon is weird.”

Even Sally, who had seen him for quite some time, tilted her head.

Luciel was still not interested, so he prepared to go out first.

[The riders get stronger, I'll clean it up!]

As the light enveloped his body, it disappeared.

The little boy kicked his tongue and put his magic sword on his back.

“I go first.”

Armed with battle form, he jumped into the open entrance.

The hanging Selly also came down and walked to the open entrance.

“I’ll go first, Carbon. Will you be scolded if I make trouble?”

"shut up!"



Sally jumped downwards like a rabbit (?).

Alone, Carbon summoned the staff and Rob.

Park Hyunsoo took Monami and left first.

I don't know where he is, but now he doesn't care.

“Let’s have fun.”

In fact, the earth had no regrets.

I had been away from Earth too long to have any regrets.

That didn't mean he could forgive the military.

There is nothing without regrets, and the fact that this is home doesn't change.

It was unacceptable to think about that place being destroyed by the bad guys.

“I looked all over.”

Carbon laughs playfully as he develops his mana.

"for now."

The staff lightly hit the bottom of the ship.


The spaceship just exploded.

The explosion devoured half of the army's spacecraft.

A series of explosions followed.

It was an instant when the sky turned black.

Carbon escaped the spaceship immediately by teleporting.


He looked at the exploding spaceship and shouted coolly.

“You oh oh oh oh! This little bastard!!!”

It was then.

A huge man with red hair flew through the huge explosion appeared.

A symbol of violence and struggle among the four horsemen!

it was rage

He was, unfortunately, perched where the spacecraft collided.

Then it got caught up in an explosion.

He contorted his tanned face uglyly.

“It’s you!! The child who destroyed the spaceship!!!”

Carbon looked at him and waved his finger.

“Come on, you bastard!”

“Don’t kill me!!”

Carbon and Rage collided.

that time.

Much higher than an exploding spaceship.

“It has begun.”

Park Hyunsoo saw the battlefield where the battle began.

Remnants of a large explosion float in the air.

There he slowly raised his feet.

“Heavenly Demon Ball.”

[Reign of Heaven]

Darkness spread from the toes that had fallen.

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