The metal, which had shone solidly in silver, rotted black and was rubbed.

Accelerating time has aged everything.

Park Hyunsoo was protecting his body with the Heavenly Demon circuit, but it was a very dangerous situation if his mind was disturbed even a little.

[Heavenly Demon Ball]

The Milky Way unfolds.


Particles from the Milky Way were shot at the King.

The smell of death enveloped all lucheons.

Reaching transcendence, even with a strong will, there is a way to live.

Park Hyunsoo clicked his tongue as he watched Lu Chen disappear.

“This workshop is meaningless.”

King said with a smirk.

“Come as before.”

Park Hyunsoo's eyes narrowed.

As the king's momentum changed, it became difficult to rush forward.

He was due to the translucent gray veil that wrapped around his body.

‘It is dangerous for any country if it touches it.’

Even if you spread the Heavenly Demon circuit to the extreme, if you touch it, it will not prevent your skin from rotting.

There is nothing that can't be done if you are aiming for the Six Swordsmen, but the enemy wasn't the only king.

An even worse enemy was still wriggling underground.

The body had to be preserved in order to deal with it.

“That would be the only way.”

“It’s a way. I wonder.”

“You don’t have to wonder, you’ll find out.”

I tried to avoid using this method because it was too hard on my body, but there was no other way to break through the gray curtain.

It's going to put a lot of strain on the body, but it's better than losing your skin.


The flow of air is reversed.

[Heavenly Demon Ball]

All the energy flowing around Park Hyunsoo's body stopped for a moment.

Then it slowly began to rotate in the opposite direction.



The bones groaned terribly.

The unfolding Milky Way began to be quickly recovered by the power outage.

I couldn't feel anything around it.

The state in which martial has returned to nothing.

The change looked normal, but it wasn't in King's eyes.

“… … your boy.”

“Are you still curious?”

Park Hyunsoo forced a smile despite the pain that twisted his entire body.

The fact that all energy flows in the opposite direction is also true of the internal air.

Gihyeol, whose existing circulation structure has changed, was feeling a tremendous overload from the sudden reverse rotation.

But it was not without its drawbacks.

Reversing all the energy and energy meant that I was able to do things that I could not do before.

Conversely, I couldn't do what I could, but it was just unnecessary in the current situation.

For example, something like this

[Reign of Heaven]

King opened his eyes.

He raised his strength.

The lurking death rushed into his hands.

[Death Hand]

A foul-smelling smoke rushed towards Park Hyunsoo.

But the hand of death did not even reach him.

The reign of heaven and earth is the power to break the balance of heaven and earth.

What if it's the other way around?

“ Park Hyunsoo… … !”

Heaven and earth were in harmony.

with only one point.

The strength of Heavenly Demon, who hid in the danjeon,

It became a dazzling light and exploded-!

“Neither life nor death.”

Park Hyunsoo sees everything rushing to his toes.

“In the beginning there was one.”

What is the end of harmony?

Everything becomes one?

Does that road lead to the beginning?

I do not know.

However, one point on the toes is the final stage of natural phenomena.

“Unless death departs from providence.”

A blue light appeared in Park Hyunsoo's eyes.

“You can’t get away from me.”

A translucent gray veil sucked into the dots.King shed a voice over a phenomenon that transcends cognition.

This is the power of Park Hyunsoo.

Are you saying that the person from 3 years ago is correct?

What the heck did it take to show such growth in such a short period of time?

King couldn't figure it out.

“One, the burden will not be easy!”

A flock of crows filled the wide hallway.



The piercing cry signaled the end of life.

King threw himself to death and threw himself at Park Hyunsoo.

The black shadow spread wide like wings.

like that of an angel.


Park Hyunsoo posed as he watched the king approach.

A white flag of white river formed on his fingertips.

The reverse Heavenly Demon was a transformation of the Heavenly Demon created by the 3rd Heavenly Demon.

In the past, it was impossible to see the memories of the angels before they were 10 years old, but as their heights rose, they naturally became acquainted with their skills.

And I found out why their memories were sealed differently from those of the heavenly demons after they were teenagers.

If he had tried to be clumsy, he would have been killed by bursting all the blood in his body.

They demanded such a high standard.

However, if you can afford it, its power is different from the ordinary Heavenly Demon ball.

“It’s your mistake to come close.”

I don't know why it looks like a black angel.

“This is my territory.”

[Reverse Heavenly Demon Ball]




King wrapped his body with the wings of death at the great shock that came over his body.

Still, his skin was tingling.

Park Hyunsoo kicked the ground and quickly closed the distance.

The crows rushed at him, but the pure white brook returned all the crows to their original state.

'Completely against my power... … no. Does that embrace even my strength?’

Watching the crows scattered, King stuck out his tongue.

The aura of death wrapped around his hand, descending for a long time.

He swung it like a whip.

[ Heavenly Demon Circulation]


As Park Hyunsoo waved his hands like a maestro in an orchestra, the whip of death was sucked into his fingers.

It was the same as during the reign of the Heavenly Demons.

extreme harmony.

It's a pain in the ass.

If it was difficult for melee and long-distance, I had to force it to happen.

[Garden of the Corpse]

A round wave centered on King spread throughout the spaceship.

Although the wave was suppressed as much as possible with the Heavenly Demon circuit, it was impossible to block all of them due to the extraordinary size.

An ominous energy was sensed from all directions.



Grumpy Clap!

Dark creatures appeared through the walls, ceiling and floor of the spaceship.

They looked like rotten eggs, with the exception of their mouths.



The smell of death emanating from them was different from that of the undead.

I've felt something similar to this a few times while coming here.

“Are you your soldiers?”

“It’s more like a dummy than a soldier.”


I understand the King's intentions.

Using these as shields, he was trying to approach himself.

It was petty.

This is probably the only way I came up with it.

“Do you think you can use it as a shield because you have escaped the cycle of circulation?”

“Do you think it will be enough?”


The wings of death spit out black particles violently.

The dummy started running all at once.

Park Hyunsoo kicked his tongue and exploded Baekganggi in a circle.


It's going to be big!!!

The piles disappear without a trace.

If you get out of the cycle of circulation, you just have to put it back into the cycle through harmony.

“Is it that easy?”


The dummy played like a lie.

As a reverse Heavenly Demon ball, it must have been made of dust.

Park Hyunsoo once again stirred the Baekganggi.

However, the missing piles were regenerated in the form of rushing.

They cling to the body one by one.

“You did not understand the power of Jim.”

The King, who was getting closer, slowly reached out his hand.

The dummy joined each other's hands and became one.

couldn't get out

“You and your harmony in the end.”

The corners of King's lips rise.

“Come to death.”

* * *

Luciel was looking at the dry ocher-colored land from above.

Park Hyunsoo came here at the behest of an orderly request, but with some regrets because of the ominous aura that made his skin tingle.

‘You mean there is a demon king of corruption here?’

The demon king of corruption, Satan, was sealed in the abyss that was deep inside the earth.

And the seal was on the verge of being broken.

Park Hyunsoo asked him to come and check how many seals were left.

“After checking and leaving Margo… … .”

He landed on the ground with a sad face.

He tapped the rough ground with his fingers.

“Are you on the verge of breaking?”

It is already too late to block or re-seal.

Come to think of it, Judas, who is called Satan's limb, had a history of coming out.

From that point on, it could be seen that the seal was broken.

tomorrow at the earliest.

The seal will surely be released.

“Before that, we must end the war.”

If the four riders and even Satan were to face each other, mankind would never be able to win.

Because Satan alone would be difficult.

It was then.

[You are a young angel.]


Luciel looked around with bewildered eyes.

Without realizing it, he flew hundreds of meters into the air.

Reason could not keep up with the speed of his instincts.

[Kukkeuk- It's fast.]

“… … Are you the Demon Lord of Corruption?”

[You seem to hear my voice well.]

It must be enough to convey the words clearly.

‘Not tomorrow, but today… … .'

As soon as I thought about that, I swallowed my saliva without realizing it.

On the other hand, I wondered why such a monster was sealed on such a small planet.

‘I don’t even feel hostile.’

Angels were the kind that tried to kill them regardless of whether they were evil.

Although he is coexisting with the masters of that evil now, it was because the situation was not favorable.

He vowed to kill them too if given the chance.

They will know that too.

However, the Demon Lord of Corruption did not even want to do that.

‘The power gap is too big for that… … .'

It was just that I thought it was unfair.

[Don't be afraid, little angel.]

"I… … not young.”

[is it? Kwok.]

laughing voice.

but cannot protest.

Also, I got a strange feeling in the voice.

Satan was a terribly powerful evil, but there was something else… … .

'Do you smell the scent of your own people?'

Maybe it's a fallen angel?

Angels are the only race.

A race that has no specific variants.

Therefore, it was superior to other races.

However, there were cases where the angel itself was transformed even if it was not a mutated individual.

That was the 'fallen angel', abbreviated as the fallen angel.

As the saying goes that extremes are mutually exclusive, angels who pursue extreme good are instantly stained with evil if there is an opportunity.

‘But, have you never heard of a case of becoming a Demon King?’

Among the fallen angels, I had never heard of the demon king's power being acquired.

[Certainly an angel. Do you recognize your fellow countrymen?]

“Are you really a fallen angel?”

[Kukkkuk! Fallen angel. It's a strange feeling to hear that word after a very long time.]Judging from the reaction, it seemed to be true.

[I think it's fine. Rather, you are the angel of Sephiroth, aren't you?]

“… … Do you even know where I belong?”

[I know. I also know that Sephiroth was destroyed by a demon king relatively recently.]

Luciel's eyes widened.

Satan was sealed in the abyss.

He wanted to know the news outside, but he couldn't.

But I know what happened to Sephiroth.

[I wonder how I know?]

“… … .”

[Well, how do you know? It's a minor issue. Wouldn't you like to go back?]

“Sephirot does not exist.”

[What if ‘seeds’ remain?]


Sephiroth was a world tree of unrivaled size in the universe.

That is why it was called Sanctuary, and it was a symbol of holiness.

As Sephiroth was burned and disappeared by the Demon King of Conquest, it no longer exists, but what if.

What if the seeds remain?

[I will guide you there.]

sweet whispers.

All sorts of thoughts ran through Luciel's head.

Satan is not from Sephiroth.

If he had been from there, he would not have known himself.

Satan did not see the tragedy that took place in Sephiroth.

So the existence of seeds is unknown.

But he whispered that he himself would lead to the seeds.


Many doubts ran through my mind.

[Doubts are valid, but sweet to ignore?]

“… … I do not compromise with evil.”

[contradiction. Your friends have evil.]

Park Hyunsoo and Isaac.

They each had a demon king within them, and they were the masters of the demon sword, which could be called an alter ego of the demon king.

No matter how deep they felt, being with them now was like compromising with evil.

[If you belong to the 12 family, you would have a more closed ideology than any other angel, but unlike them, you have an awake ideology.]

“What do you mean about me!”

[Are you uncomfortable? It was difficult because I couldn’t act recklessly because of the prestige of the family.]


Always shrugged at the glory of the 12 families.

I was happy every time I could put that brilliance on my back.

It was nice to be treated wherever I went.


12 The glory of the family was heavy.

Their brilliance was a burden.

Someone's envy was a burden.

I wanted to be free.

I wanted to help someone with my power, not my family's power.

So, when I was in Asteria, I was happy even if the result was disastrous.

Because there I could be myself.

[Let's find the seed and plant it again. You will be the only one there, and you will be the king of the angels who will be born after that, and you will be able to exist alone.]

“… … .”

[I can't help. The world can't survive if it's closed. compromise For a better world.]

“A better world… … .”

[okay. A better world.]

Luciel's eyes went blind and died.

He kept repeating the word “good world” over and over again.

[okay. good world. beautiful world.]

“Beautiful three… … .”


At that moment, a voice that seemed to tear the eardrums rang out in my head.

The dull eyes regained their original color.

“I, I.”

[Sorry. It's almost done.]

"Satan… … !!”

Luciel was very angry with Satan who had deceived him.

And he thanked the voice that awakened him.

“Thank you, Park Hyunsoo!”

- Don't be fooled by his voice. Don't forget that he is the 'Demon King of Corruption'.

[I didn't know you were going to intervene at this moment, did you? Ha ha ha ha ha!]

- Oh, I've got some spare time.

Park Hyunsoo's smiling voice.


he is.

“The fight is over.”

He finished his words, clutching the droopy King's face as if to break it.

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