Monami was perched on her roof, staring into the distance.

Time in the world stopped, but the child was free even in the stopped time.

But that didn't really matter.

Her dad said he was young and didn't take him to the battlefield.

That was correct.

Compared to other Hatchlings, her growth rate is amazing, but it has to be said that Hatchlings are Hetzlings.

I don't know if 10 years have passed, but the current Monami didn't help.

She was only a burden.

She knew it, but she was depressed.


Monami drooped her wings and made her cry.

Then, a great shock wave occurred in the place where the war was taking place.

Her yellow hair stood up.

Her child got up from her seat and walked to the edge of her toddler roof.


It was her father's energy.

It was something different, but his father's power was clear.

And one of her powerful presence was erased.

“Dad won!”

She could feel it even if she couldn't see it.

Daddy defeated the enemy boss!

Monami was excited and cheered with her hooray.

But her face soon turned pale again.

She defeated the enemy boss, but one more of her other bosses remained.

Her remaining boss was much stronger and more dangerous than the one she had just knocked down.

“Be strong, Dad.”

Monami sat back down.

All she can do as a child is wait for her parents.


“Monami too.”

Hetzling said she stood up again.

She flapped her wings vigorously as she stroked her ass with her adorable hand.

“Monami will help her dad too!”

She had several conversations with the dragon of the abyss.

He's dangerous no matter what he thinks.

Her dad needs me.

Monami eagerly flapped her wings and began to fly to the place where her satan was sealed.

* * *

Sweat soaked her whole body.

Park Hyun-tae was unable to open his eyes properly.

Stopping time led to an unimaginable consumption of stamina.

“It’s pretty good.”

The Black looked at him and ridiculed him.

“But how long will you last?”

"Noisy… … . You won't do anything.”

“Well, that’s not too bad… … Well!"

He responded with a relaxed voice, but a huge presence disappeared.

He turned to the spaceship, his gloomy eyes slanted.

'no way!'

The Black's eyes widened at the unbelievable situation.

The presence that has just disappeared is none other than the King!!

Did he mean it?!

The King the Black knew was not a vessel worthy of losing to anyone.

Although he was far ahead of the Black in his age, if I had to pick a leader among the four riders, he was definitely a king.

‘Park Hyunsoo is the one.’

This was not an unusual problem.

The other riders are also fighting quite fiercely with Park Hyunsoo's teammates.

In such a situation, if they lose the central point of the king, they will behave arbitrarily, and the war will surely lead to defeat.

do not do that.

“I can’t afford to waste any more time.”


“The joke ends here. You are a talented human being.”

His bare hands were slowly clasped, starting with Soji.

The black and blue thunderbolt jumped relentlessly in the paused time.

Park Hyun-tae's abilities were outstanding, but unfortunately, The Black existed in an area he could not reach.

His time-space control could not prevent the disaster.

“There are many enemies to deal with.”

“ね… … .”

The still space-time was shaken.Park Hyun-tae bit his lower lip.

To be honest, he couldn't take it any longer.

His body hit the limit.

It seemed that consciousness would fly away at any moment.

endured and endured.

he must win

His stubbornness could not be broken, so Park Hyun-tae endured it by vomiting his blood.

“It just shortens the lifespan.”

“Life is… … may decrease If you can survive, I'll gladly give you my life!"

“It’s greed.”

The world has gone dark.

Dark blue lightning crossed the darkened world.

Park Hyun-tae raised his right hand and turned the space upside down.


His right hand bounced back at the tremendous reaction force.

It was a shock that his arm fell off.


Thanks to this, the dark blue lightning fell to a distant place, causing a tsunami of lightning.

“Huh… … .”

Her entire right arm twitched.

Beyond the tingling sensation, the sensation gradually began to disappear.

“I didn’t know you could bounce it off.”

What does this difference mean?

While his pride was hurting, he felt a sense of despair that surpassed him.

I was ranting that I would make it impossible to do anything, but the author uses his strength casually.

Are you really playing with yourself?

Park Hyun-tae felt like his heart was crushed.

“I want to see how long I can hold out, but, like I said, I can’t afford it.”

Magma grumbled.

Seeds of the typhoon writhe around her body.

The shaking ground was ready to cause a great earthquake at any time.

The only techniques he used were catastrophes that were said to be rare even in the natural world.

Even just one is a pain in the ass.

‘Monster child.’

[Trust your colleagues, Hyuntae.]

That moment-

His brother's voice echoed in his ear.

Park Hyun-tae raised his head and looked at the sky.

He didn't see anyone.

But he knew.

His older brother just passed by there.

To defeat the last opponent.

“I believe in my colleagues… … .”

“Are you coming now?”

The Black laughed with a tone that wasn't the same.

“Stop dying.”

he snapped his fingers.

A catastrophe occurred at the same time.

They didn't have enough stamina to take their time.

‘A colleague.’

Park Hyun-tae lowered his arm.


The paused time started playing again.

pouring rain of fire.

Hurricane of falling fire.

A huge typhoon covered the sky and a baptism of lightning across the air.

splitting earth.

Magma rising from within.

“This is your human grave!”

[Reversal of Causality]


All disasters disappear like lies.


All the catastrophes that started at The Black's hands would be unheard of.

“… … Who are you?”

The force that touches causality.

This is the ability to dominate the 'phenomena', which is hard to find even in the universe!

“Mr. Hanoan!”

The brown-skinned man, Hanoan, fell to his knees, bleeding from the ground.

Awakened from the 4th wave to S-class, he acquired a tremendous ability called 'causal reversal', but unfortunately the physical burden was enormous due to the nature of his ability.

Since the causality that was difficult to bear as it was just before had been restored to its original state, she could no longer use her abilities.

"Good job."

Someone tapped Hanoan's shoulder and passed by.

The soft silver hair flew one by one in the wind.

A giant beast resembling a tiger passed him and jumped towards The Black.

His thick, pointed toenails burned red.

[The King's Claw]


With the sound of tearing apart the space, ten claws flew in, aiming for more Black.

“A cheeky kitten.”

His hand shone darkly.

“If it is a beast, act like an animal.”

“When you’re old, you die well!”

[Dragon Breath]


A red light hit The Black directly.

On top of that, the king's claws were properly nailed.

The air exploded and the surroundings were dyed white.

A green energy stirred the space, compressed it and bound him.

It was a joint attack by Armand and Lee Min-ah, the same telekinesis.

Lightning struck there, and a powerful shock wave exploded.

The deafening sound of the organ shook The Black's mind in a mess.

The black orchid grew constantly and roughed the skinny old man's body.

The cube of coordinates for only one person was crushed.

A spear of chaos pierced him.

A fist, harder than anything in the world, smashed into his small body.

The light of destruction shone.

All the power created by electromagnetic waves moved towards him.

And all the hunters showed their powers with one heart and one accord.

“These are these!”

The Black was furious for the first time.

I threw off the tattered rags.

His body was very shabby, but the tattoo engraved on it contained a terrible aura no matter who looked at it.

“Everyone struggle in hell!”

“No matter how strong.”

It was similar to The Black's, but a different tattoo shed a dazzling light.

“I can’t do anything alone.”

Haxen gathered the energy that was filled to the brim with both hands.

“You shouldn’t have come alone.”

“You’re like garbage!!”

“Die by being trampled by that garbage.”

The Black couldn't properly open his eyes to the light that hit him.

‘Have you reached the realm of transcendence in that situation? Haha, that's ridiculous.'

The light engulfed him.


But his bare hands protruded through the light.

“It is still not enough.”

Same with Park Hyun-tae.

You can't do anything about yourself to the extent that you've just become a transcendent.

“That person said it.”

The Black was startled by the voice he heard from right next to him.

Park Hyun-tae laughed.

“You are alone after all.”

“Hey, this guy… … !”

“Your co-workers don’t help.”

“Mmm, stop.”

“Your co-workers, too, after all.”

space-time condensed.

constantly, and constantly.

Towards a time when the universe was nothing.

“Because I am alone.”

And it exploded.

* * *

The abyss is breaking

The seal that had been held for a long time began to unravel.

An indescribable darkness ran towards the ground.



The chain broke with a harsh sound.

Laughing greedily, it smashed through hard soil and rocks to see the light that had been lost for so many years.When will the earth appear?

why doesn't it show up



And then, an arm with what was once a shackle protruded through the ground.

His hand touched the ground.

It stroked the soil softly and stickyly, as if savoring it.

Ah, this is the earth.


It is different from the abyss where there is literally nothing.

This sensation, countless hours passed, was still vivid.

is it.

Is this the source of life?

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to to have!’

gripped the ground roughly.

And pushed as hard as I could.

The dirt floor opened and slowly began to rise upwards.

Pale skin has been exposed to the world for a really long time.

Jeokbal, soiled with dirt, gave off a completely different atmosphere from that of Ha Yu-rak or Reiji.

He took out one leg and stepped on the ground, and he took out the rest of the leg and stepped on the ground.

Both legs are on the ground.

"haha… … I. I am standing on the ground.”

He had borrowed Judas' body a while ago, but all the sensations he felt at that time were fake.

this is real

This was really alive.

The red-haired man, Satan, slowly rose from his seat.

His body staggered once, but he quickly regained his balance.

“Huh… … . Heh heh heh... … Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Then he bowed his back like a bow and started laughing like crazy.

I thought I would be blinded by the dazzling sun, but I felt like I was going crazy because I missed that feeling too.


Maybe he's already gone crazy there.

“Master, it has been a long time since I have seen you.”

It was a little beast.

However, there was no animal resembling this on earth.

Satan stopped laughing and looked at the beast.

“Why are you alive?”

“That, that.”

“Aren’t you a copy of Judas? Tell me why you are alive.”

“… … I have something to tell you.”

“Ah- it’s done.”


It was the last of the beast.

Satan chewed the beast's head in his mouth and swallowed it.

He had no intention of killing him.


He just wanted to kill him.

I'm not even hungry.

I do not know.

“I don’t even know myself. what I want to do.”

It's been on earth for a long time

Wouldn't it be fun to do anything?

Okay, let's go to the human city and play a little there.

I won't be bored for a while.

Satan grinned and he flew to the nearest city.

No, he was going to do that.

“Where are you going to leave your appointment?”

Satan looked back at him, unable to control his laughter.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-! i forgot you I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

He wept as if he was truly sorry and put his hands together and prayed.

The man wore a blue hood and smiled.

“You can’t make your acting dirty once.”

“I thought I was working hard.”

“What do you need words for?”

As the man in the blue hood, Park Hyunsoo, said,

“I would be behind anyway.”

He put his knees in Satan's face.

With his jaw crushed, Satan grinned broadly.

“It tastes good!”


As Park Hyunsoo said so, he put another punch in his fist.

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