Episode 177 (Gaiden) : Hero

Mare was not originally the god of Aris.

He has very few memories of before becoming a god, but his first memories are of when he wandered the black universe.

He wandered endlessly through space, and at some point, he landed on a planet with nothing.

There was no such thing as civilization.

In the barren land, there were only a nomadic primitive race and another primitive race that opposed it.

Even at this time, Aris was not the god of Mare.

However, the planet Arisran was quiet and beautiful, so it was naturally established.

It was quite interesting to see the development of various races.

They are constantly evolving to survive.

Those who fought with weapons by breaking stones discovered a slightly harder mineral and advanced civilization to the next level.

He decided that it would be better to set up a place and protect it than to wander around, so he built a village.

As a result, it became difficult to find food, so I started planting seeds.

An agricultural society began.

In the beginning, they often die of starvation and die in constant war, so it must have been a hellish time for them.

However, as time passed and systems were established, their power grew larger and larger.

The number of deaths also decreased little by little.

It was the same for the other side.

They gradually grew in size, and at some point created what was called a ‘nation’.

It was around that time that the dragons appeared.

The prelude to the great war in which death bites death has begun.

It was a time when the Awoken appeared in earnest.

In order to fight the overwhelmingly strong dragon, talented people with tremendous power appeared.

But with their appearance, more lives were lost.

Mare did not like great wars.

I don't know why, but seeing so many people dying wasn't fun at all.

From Mare's point of view, these were things that could be crushed and killed with your fingers.

But he didn't.

Unlike them, he was an outsider.

But the great war eventually lifted him up.

No matter how strong the awakened, even the dragon, in front of Mare, who had entered the transcendental stage, it was nothing more than a lamp in front of the wind.

It was also an instant that the great war that had led Aris to destruction was over.

Mare summoned the heads of each country or dragon and ordered that unnecessary war be prohibited.

There was no one who was dissatisfied in the face of a force like a natural disaster.

At first, Marais was called a 'disaster' by everyone.

I knew it was going to be like this.

It was sad.

He just didn't want to see his life disappear anymore.

But apart from his sorrow, the world became more and more peaceful.

Many nations formed alliances, and many races formed harmony.

Marera began to join forces with each other under the great evil.

It was ironic.

Since there is a common enemy, didn't those who were anxious to kill each other became one?

Of course, there was no attack on Mare.

To them, the mare was a symbol of fear engraved to the bone.

Long years passed again.

Many countries perished, and new ones were born under them.

It was repeated dozens of times.

Eventually, no one calls Marais a disaster.

Not only that, but someone who exalted him as a god appeared.

Religion was created in an instant.

They established a peaceful dynasty under the name of Seongguk.

Then he fell and began to annihilate the innocent.It was from this time that Mare killed her emotions.

He destroyed the kingdom without leaving a trace.

Under the name of 'God's Punishment'.

From then on, Mare became the ‘god’ of Aris.

A lot has happened since then.

It was deeply engraved into the two letters of Aris' 'history'.

However, no matter how deep the history, the inhabitants of Aris were still there.

Just like the past, the future was a series of repetitions.

Mare disappeared like that, and as the years passed, he became the abstract god of Aris.

It was around the time that King's forces had invaded that he was forgotten by the majority.

His army swept over Aris without hesitation.

All the races united against the army, but their strength was overwhelming.

Although Mare had run out of arrogance and disappeared, he did not want the land he cared for to be invaded by an alien world.

But there was nothing he could do.

[It would be better not to go out on a whim.]

A transcendent person of a different level from him was watching over the army.

Even if he was a king right now, he didn't know if he would be able to defeat him, so he couldn't help but think of more monsters.

So he had no choice but to stand by.

And when the war came to a close, the leader of the Allied Forces came to him.

He introduced himself as 'Neman' and was a human born with the special ability of drawing space-time.

He shouted, “Why is he just sitting around by himself?

He couldn't listen.

Helplessness hit the bottom.

So Neman asked the god of Aris.

I want you to hand over the souls of the people of the planet Aris to a possible race.

At the end of that request, Aris perished.

After a long time, he reached Earth and was finally able to fulfill Neman's request.

And now.

‘That’s good.’

Everything is over.

The army disappeared, and the demon king of corruption they were trying to resurrect fell at the hands of Park Hyunsoo.

Aris' long-awaited wish came true on a distant planet called Earth.

he smiles,

"really… … thank God."

He closed his eyes quietly on the cold snowy field.

* * *

“What is this?”

Park Hyunsoo clicked his tongue as he saw Mare smiling in the cold snow.

How the hell did he die alone to find him in such a remote place?

“You’ve been hiding this face all this time.”

He was always surrounded by something like a blue flame.

After he died, the blue flame had disappeared, revealing his original face.

“You’re handsome, this guy.”

Park Hyunsoo grinned as he looked at Mare's smiling face as he squatted down.

“You left feeling good.”

The first time he saw him, he couldn't contain his anger.

Because of that, his situation had become like this, and he couldn't forgive him at all.

However, the memories he showed and the stories he told him eventually became a major cause of victory or defeat.

Above all else, the cause was the military, not him, so in the end it was only someone else's fault to blame him.

“It was a lot of trouble.”

For a long time, until the moment he reached Earth, he fought the army in solitude.

Although he was greatly weakened by that, he worked hard to give him Satan's information until the very end.


Park Hyunsoo placed a prepared bunch of chrysanthemums at his bedside.

“He is a hero.”

Although only Park Hyunsoo and Carbon know him, the biggest reason he was able to save the Earth was Mare after all.

If he hadn't made them singularities, the Earth would have perished at the hands of the forces.

"Thank you."

After those words, Mare's body began to slowly disperse.

As if it was over, like a lie.

Park Hyunsoo got up and saw the blue particles flying around.

"I'm not Aris, but Earth is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. So."

Please have a pleasant trip.

* * *

“Sorry for taking so long.”

Mare looked at the man standing in front of her with a light smile.

“I didn't know it would take this long. But how did it all work out?”

“You’ve been through a lot.”

The man laughed and shook his head.

He approached Mare and took his hand.

“Even now, our wish is over.”

Man, Neman weeps,

“Everyone will be happy.”

It turned golden and disappeared.

Mare reached out and tried to grab it, but it only slipped through the gap between his fingers.

He looked at his hand with a sad expression on his face and smiled.

“You have suffered too.”

He walked forward again.

What unfolded in front was a pure white light.

* * *

Park Hyun-tae opened his eyes.

He stared blankly at the ceiling.

He seemed to be having an old dream.

The dream world was a beautiful place.

It was similar to Earth, but with a slightly different feeling of green land.

There were several races, there were huge countries, and dragons flew too.

In his dream, he enjoyed a peaceful world on the cliff.

“Neman… … .”

It was such a name.

What the hell is this vague feeling?

It must have been a dream, but it felt like it wasn't a dream.

as if it had actually happened.

Park Hyun-tae got up from the bed and walked over to the window.

A cute vase was placed there.

“Oh, brother!”

A startled voice was heard from behind.

Somehow, as far as I know, there is only one person who has this vase sensibility.


“Wait, are you okay?”

Cha-yoon came to me crying.

She gently caressed Park Hyun-tae's cheek.

it's real

This warm, soft touch was telling him that he was the real Park Hyun-tae.

Park Hyunsoo said he would wake up soon, but he was worried about what would happen if he didn't.

He had trouble sleeping at night, and even when he went to bed, he always dreamed that only bad things would happen to Park Hyun-tae.

Park Hyun-tae smiled quietly and put his hand on hers.

It was cold.

I also felt water.

He looked at his opposite hand and saw a small barrel.

"that… … .”

"Huh? Ah, this.”

Chayun, perhaps embarrassed, hid what was in her hands behind her back.

The overwhelming emotions were filled with shame in an instant.

"my… … Is it my urinal?”

"haha… … .”

Chayun smiles awkwardly.

Park Hyun-tae once again felt the shame he felt three years ago.

The two sat down on the bed.

“Well, what is it like this? Not once or twice.”

"I'm sorry… … .”

“Hey, what’s between us.”

Chayun laughed cheerfully.

When did he cry, and now he seems to be in a much better mood.

Park Hyun-tae laughed along.

“It’s great to see you again.”

“What did I say manly?”

Cha-yoon's face turned bright red at Park Hyun-tae's sudden words.

The sudden rush seems to be a characteristic of the brothers.

But it wasn't bad to hear.

Rather, I agree with him.

“What if I didn’t wake up again this time?”

“You woke up like this.”

“Well, where is it that isn’t a few years?”

Chayun laughed playfully.

“Hyunsoo oppa went there too. Hyunsoo oppa said he would wake up soon.”

“Are you still worried?”

“Because it may not be.”

Chayun said, waving his feet in the air and back and forth.

Before he went to war, he was Park Hyun-tae, who he confessed to himself.

But when he returned to a coma, he felt like his billionaires were collapsing.

For a few years as before, he was worried that he might lose his eyes forever.

At that time, the anxiety was so great that it was impossible to describe.

“But I woke up like this.”

Cha-yoon's smiling face was beautifully colored in the setting sun.

Park Hyun-tae tucked her hair behind her ears.

Chayun's eyes widened at the sudden action.

“Thank you for waiting.”

“Thank you for coming back.”

The two carefully clasped their lips in a quiet hospital room.

* * *

“You can leave.”

Park Hyunsoo nodded with satisfaction as he saw his older brother.

Although he was not alone, he was no longer alone.

For the rest of your life on Earth, happily.

Don't be sad that he doesn't have a brother.

May you enjoy such a beautiful life.

“My only brother. Be happy.”

the wind blew,

Park Hyunsoo's appearance disappeared out of nowhere.

A few days later-

Park Hyunsoo and his party disappeared from Earth.

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