“No, I’ll tell you.”

In the end, it was Icent who was pushed back.

She looked at Park Hyunsoo with a bruised face.

She wasn't quite sure if it was really okay to say it, but she would have acted like herself if she were any other high priest.

“… … Do you know what the position of a saint in the Ravenox Church means?”

“Isn’t that a real symbol of Ravenox religion?”

“It is commonly known as that. In fact, I often go to big events as the face of the Kyo.”

Ravenox Gyoen There are Seonghwang and Seongnyeo as agents of God, but Seonghwang hardly did any external activities.

I do not know the specific reason, but the saint took part in most of the extracurricular activities on his behalf.

For that reason, the public called her 'Madame the face of Rabe Knox'.

“But that’s just an external image, and it’s not really.”

“Are there any special positions assigned to you?”

“It’s not a job. just… … The saint shares all her memories.”

“… … ?”

“From the first saint to the memories of all generations of saints, everything.”

“Sharing memories?”

Park Hyunsoo narrowed his eyes.

Sharing memories was not common.

Even more so in a relationship that is not bloodline.

In that respect, the sharing of memories the saint spoke of was similar to her own, sharing the memories of the successive angels.

Isent continued.

“That brings back vivid memories of that day.”

“On that day, the day Yunan quietly left after telling him not to announce his death?”

“After all, it looks like the real thing.”

As she spoke her words, she wasn't sure if what Park Hyunsoo had said was true.

But what he had just said reassured him.

“It is usually known that the hero who saved the planet disappeared without a word. Of course, his name was unknown. But you know his name and details.”

“You said I saw the memory.”

“So, I didn’t completely believe that.”

The name 'Yunan' itself was nothing that couldn't be found if you persisted in digging into it.

“Anyway, that’s all I know.”

After that, he did not know where Yunan had gone or how he closed his thoughts.

He looked everywhere, but he left no trace.

“You know more than you think… … No, do you know enough about this?”

Park Hyunsoo thought it was his standard, but after thinking about it again, it didn't seem right, so he corrected his statement.

“… … Usually, they don’t even know Yunan’s name.”


“Now it is your turn. Apparently, he seems to know what happened after that.”

“Because I got his memory.”

The saint only had the memories of her saint at the time.

On the other hand, Park Hyunsoo has the memory of Yunan.

“Actually, it’s not that great. It just contains a very brief process in which a hero prepares for the future.”

Park Hyunsoo slowly began to unravel Yunan's story.

* * *

When it was all over, Icent didn't know what expression to make.

"to… … So, um... … .”

“You mean heir to Yunan? you?"

“It happened.”At Carbon's question, Park Hyunsoo nodded.

Then he added a word.

“I found out this time too.”

“If only this time.”

“When I lost consciousness in the bath.”

“What happened then?”

“I had a conversation with the Demon King of Conquest.”

Icent opened his big eyes even wider.

Carbon and Isaac knew that the Demon King of Conquest, Oberk, was sealed inside his body.

But she wasn't.

That's not to say Carbon and Isaac weren't surprised.

“What’s that got to do with him and you being Yunan’s heir… … .”

“If it didn’t matter, I wouldn’t even have said it.”

It was Isaac who interrupted Carbon.

“As Isaac said. He, for some reason, claims he is a descendant of Yunan.”

“A descendant?! Could it be? He was dying fast. It's like having a chance to leave a legacy... … .”

"right. There was no blood left in Yunan. He was mistaken on his own.”

With that said, Park Hyunsoo even told us how Oberk was mistaken.

“His clothes and his ashes have been in the hands of others.”

“Anyway, I’m done talking.”

“… … .”

Icent was silent for a while.

Yunan died alone in a secluded place.

Until the moment he died, he thought of the future.

Although she was not a saint at the time, her memories of her melted away like her party, and her heart ached.

"What a relief."

Ai Cent smiled faintly and nodded his head slowly.

“I’m really happy.”

Then I saw Park Hyunsoo.

“I’m really, really happy that the legacy he and Yunan left behind is here.”

Transparent tears ran down her cheeks from her eyes.

Are those her feelings, or are they from the past?

I didn't even know that.

* * *

“The battle fleet of the splendid heavens is arriving soon.”

“I see.”

High Priestess Lotus wriggled its tentacles eagerly and headed for the station.

Already in the distance, a dazzling brilliance was approaching the main unit.

Whenever I saw it, divine power overflowed.

Although the god they worship is different from the Ravenox religion, their god is also the same original god as Ravenox.

Although the scale was small, it did not bow down to the main school.

“Has Yook Sung arrived?”

“Everyone has arrived except for Celine.”

“You can’t bow down to the Four Great Angels.”

There was no Metatron, the king of heaven, in this procession, but all the four great angels of the same rank were included.

Without Rabe Knox's upbringing, he would have been far behind in momentum.

No matter how many alliances were formed, it was impossible to hand over the initiative.

Soon, the celestial fleet landed on the space station.

That number was difficult to count.

'It looks like you've brought almost all the troops.'

I could get a glimpse of their mindset to some extent.

It was then.

The door of the largest ship opened, and less than two pairs of angels disembarked first.

They were divided into two rows around the entrance, facing each other.

And, except for the two angels who stood in front, all drew their swords and thrust them out in front of their chests.

The two angels in front of them put their horns in their mouths.

Boo woo woo-!!!!!

A roar that seemed to tear the eardrums came out of the horn.

Lotus' brow furrowed.

Hearing wasn't sensitive, but that kind of noise wasn't unheard of either.

What could not be stopped, however, was the sacred ceremony that the four great angels descended here.

It was funny.

To hold such a ceremony openly in front of the headquarters of another religion.

“It’s uncomfortable.”

One priest said in a quiet voice.

The other priests nodded, wondering if they felt the same way.

It's a bit annoying, but for the future of the universe, it's something you can afford.

And if you think of it as a scourge, they would have done the same if they too went to their territory.

“Coming out.”

At Lotus' words, everyone looked at the entrance.

From there, four angels with three pairs of wings walked out one after another.

At the forefront was a man with brown hair, a muscular body, and a huge sword on his back.

After that, a beautiful woman with blue wavy hair, a cute but gentle boy, and finally a dazzling blonde and gold-eyed young man appeared.

‘Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, and… … Michael.’

The previous three archangels have held their positions firmly for a very long time.

not michael

He too was an archangel with a long career now, but he was still a young angel compared to the previous three.

However, his strength was comparable to that of other archangels.

He didn't know maybe he had more potential.

In the splendid heaven, his power is excessively hidden.

‘It’s good to be strong.’

A strong alliance is a good thing.

Lotus decided to think well.

"Hmm. The fourth angel.”

Then a familiar voice came from behind.

A girl with cat eyes was standing next to the lotus with an eerie smile.

“When did you arrive, Celine?”

"just now!"

It was Celine, one of the upbringings of Ravenox.

“Indeed, it can be said that it is the strongest power of a faction.”

Behind him stood a giant with a height of 5 m.

His skin made of stone boasted a hardness far exceeding that of steel.

The giant was also Aoraia, one of the upbringings.

“Wow, that guy is incredibly handsome, isn’t he? I want to flirt.”

Sitting on Aoraia's shoulder like that, a beautiful woman exuding an alluring atmosphere with an alluring figure.

Her silky hair was glistening in pastel tones.

It was upbringing Reno.

She showed her blatant self-interest toward Michael, with twinkling eyes that match the color of her hair.“Are you the only one?”

“I am in my fifties.”

The other three upbringing did not come here.

“It doesn’t matter. Be prepared, but you are still guests.”

Lotus wriggled its tentacles and commanded them.

Upbringing is the strongest power of the Ravenox Church, but it is not above the High Priest, so everyone obeyed his orders.

With Lotus in the lead, the members of the church walked towards the splendid heavenly army.

“It’s High Priest Lotus.”

Uriel saw the figures of the Ravenox Church approaching with a squint.

“That yangban is the same as before and now.”

Gabriel smirked.

“Be careful with such remarks, as you may not be able to hear them.”

Raphael scolded Gabriel.

Gabriel had a pouty face, but he couldn't say no because he was Raphael who didn't say anything wrong.

“… … .”

Michael looked at them quietly.


They weren't what he saw.

farther away than that.

He was feeling a strong force that was felt somewhere in the huge Ravenox church that was like a small planet.


I was familiar with the fact that even in the Ravenox Church, there is a powerful armed group like the Four Great Angels.

Three of them were approaching here with the current High Priest Lotus.

‘Is it another upbringing?’


There were about five people within the main shrine with similar powers to them.

Only one out of five, he possessed an unparalleled power over the rest.

If it's like this... … .

‘A level similar to mine.’

Judge Michael, the strongest weapon completed in heaven, was a strong man that was hard to see even in the history of this universe.

Among the Transcendents who are currently in this place, the expression ‘unique’ will not be lacking.

There was another existence equal to such a being here.

In a nutshell, it was definitely not upbringing.

I'm sorry to them, but I'm definitely a few steps above them.

It was the same compared to the three great angels.

Even the king of heaven, Metatron, did not acknowledge it.



“Very interesting!”

An intense divine power emanated from Michael's body.

The fire soared.

A tremendous force took over the space.

Ravenox Church, the splendid heaven, everyone was astonished.

Michael's actions were so sudden and shockingly powerful.

The blazing red flames turned golden.

He smiled brightly and flew towards somewhere.



There was Park Hyunsoo.

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