Holy Majesty Ozan.

He was the ruler of the lust realm and the incarnation of twisted sexual desire.

A long time ago, long before the Demon King of Chaos even aimed at the universe, he was also the worst Demon Lord of an era.

Defeated by the Demon King of Chaos, he became intoxicated with his power and went under him.

And tens of thousands of years passed, and he returned to the world he had been walking around like crazy again.

“Angel, angel!”

Ozan swallowed his saliva as he watched the angels flying towards him.

Male or female, it doesn't matter.

It is important that they are the most beautiful of all races.

Without realizing it, he grabbed his lower leg.

Even the hardest mineral in the world will not be harder than its own.

"iced coffee-!"

The enemy world was a boring world.

There, his own intense lust could not be quenched.

It wasn't that there were no beautiful beings.

However, because he knew the taste of angels, nothing could satisfy his sexual desire.

For tens of thousands of years of terrible hell.

“Not now.”


People running towards you with open arms.

Beautiful beings who will come into your arms at any time!

Of course, it was only his delusion.

The angels running to him do not come to be embraced by him, but to kill him.


Long tongue licks lips.

First of all, it's been a while, but it's a burden to be so reckless.

I need to calm myself down first.

Ozan's index finger nail grew sharp, and transparent water droplets formed on the tip.

It was a paralyzing liquid that made even the Transcendental unable to move.

"ruler! Let's play!”

Ozan's eyes reddened with excitement.

He flew towards the angels.

It was then.

“I was very excited by myself.”

Ozan's neck grew cold.

He hurriedly rotated his body and flew away as if bouncing to the side.

Something transparent, but irregularly shaped, separated his place.


What kind of water are you talking about out of the blue in a zero gravity space?

He rolled his eyes in the direction the voice came from.

His eyes grew big enough to pop out.


And he cheered in a loud voice.

"So beautiful!"

Blue wavy hair, a white face that looks like a god, a body boasting perfect proportions, and three pairs of shining wings that grow from behind.

It was Gabriel.

"Oh my gosh… … How could such a beautiful person exist?”

Ozan couldn't control his overwhelming emotions.

Without realizing it, tears flowed down her cheeks and filled her cheeks.

"Ahhh… … I have lived for this day.”

"What is he saying now?"

Gabriel looked at Ozan with contempt, like a worm.

Ozan saw even that as a reward.

“Huh, yes. The position you are in is not bad either.”

“I didn’t even intend to share a few words, but it is really disgusting when we do.”

A sword was held in each of Gabriel's hands.

“You wicked one, become a handful of dust in this place.”

“Do you like playing like that?”


Gabriel couldn't stand the vulgar remarks without knowing the end and threw himself away.

The white swordsman drew a dazzling trajectory in the black universe.Ozan smiled softly and spread his arms wide.

'I don't know what you're thinking.'

The power of water was engraved on her twin swords.

“If you want to die in peace, I’ll make it right for you!”

[Gabriel-style water sword]



The sword of divine power in the form of water was deeply engraved in the shape of an X on Ozan's chest.


The cut area is so hot that it makes you dizzy.

The source of the power was divine power, so I felt like I was going out of my mind.

But it was so exciting.

My lower back was hotter than before.

“If you feel like this, you can enjoy it for the rest of your life… … .”

“A disgusting child!”

Gabriel moved his wings to turn and blew his sword again.

The corners of Ozan's lips grew as if they were about to tear apart.

“But the continuation seems a little dangerous ♥”

His hand caught the flying sword.


The dark energy dispersed and the condensed water vapor spread out in all directions.

“Bare hands?!”

“Shouldn’t we have fun with each other?”

Ozan licked her upper lip with her tongue and threw her body at Gabriel.

“Dare you, Gabriel-sama!”


Her angels stood in front of her Ozan to protect her, but

“You don’t need it anymore.”

Particles of her indigo purple flew like her wings and swept her angels away from her ojan's back.

Every angel that touched her particle disappeared without a trace.

The number was nearly two hundred.

Gabriel was shocked by the horrifying power of the enemy.

I knew it was strong, but what the hell did that attack mean?

‘That child… … !’

Dare cute angels!

Being strong is being strong, and anger is a different matter altogether.

A golden cross was drawn on Gabriel's forehead, and the halo expanded widely.

It was a holy war.

“I will not forgive in the name of God!”

The stigma and the temple were opened at the same time.

He was several times stronger than Gabriel before.

Her new model moved like a beam of light toward Ozan.

“Hah ha ha! Come on, cutie!”


The twin swords dyed blue were swung with unparalleled power.


Ozan simply seized the moment when her twin swords crossed.

Even with bare hands.

Gabriel's eyes trembled violently.

“Uh, how.”

“Cute, it’s my turn now.”

Eyes lined with blood and a mouth that squints openly.

“I’ll give you a taste of heaven.”

His hand gripped Gabriel's clothes roughly.

Her white flesh was revealed through the torn clothes.

“Oh-oh-oh! You have a beautiful body!”

"Oh, no… … !”

“Just enjoy it. You will like it.”

“You don’t like it.”

Something of her grabbed Ozan's grin and reached out towards her.

"What are you… … .”

Ozan's eyes grew cold.

"you do not need to know."

“I want to die… … .”


Ozan's words did not continue to the end.

Her head, which should have been above her neck, was gone.

Gabriel saw his fist floating where his head should have been.


“I was almost in a bad mood.”

Park Hyunsoo raised his fist and looked around with bitter eyes.

“If it had been a little faster, everyone would have been saved.”

The remnants of dead angels still remain on him.

I couldn't see it in the first place, but as I became the guardian of the cycle, I felt it automatically.

Park Hyunsoo closed his eyes and stretched his hand forward.

As the danjeon gently swayed, the inner air quietly flowed out and carefully enveloped the space.

“… … .”

Gabriel couldn't keep his mouth shut at the marvelous sight.

The remnants of the angels disappeared like lies.

Remnants are regrets left behind in this world.

Does that mean that all the remnants have been eliminated?

If it's one, she, her archangel, can easily do it too.

However, it was impossible for even the King of Heaven Metatron to do hundreds of numbers at the same time.

The prosperity of the Ravenox Church will also be the same.

“This would have melted their souls.”

"you… … .”

“It seems that other places are urgently needed, so let’s go.”

"for a moment!"

Gabriel called him and tried to stop him, but only a breeze blew through her blue hair.

* * *


Aoraia, the foster child of the Ravenox Church, screamed.

His huge arms fell off his torso.

“It’s nurturing, so there’s nothing wrong with that.”

The trembling liger said, throwing his huge arm to the side.

I've heard that Rabenox's upbringing is on par with the Dragon King's six teeth.

It was an absurd thing to say.

It's so trash that it can't even be compared to the dragon king's six teeth.

“It’s not fun.”

Aside from the Stone Giant, there were a few more Transcendents, but they were so much more trash that even the toes of the Stone Giant could not be followed.

“As long as things are twisted, I can’t relax.”

Hard brown scales sprouted over the skin.

His figure slowly began to swell.

His body instantly exceeded the size of Ao Raia.

It did not stop there, but inflated the size even more.

His missing tail grew thick, and his human-like face elongated forward.

He had four horns and two huge pairs of wings sprouting from his back.


A dragon that once waged a war with the Dragon King Ionyx for supremacy in the western galaxy.

The Tiger Dragon Liger spit out the Dragon Fear.

All Transcendents, including Aoraia, covered their ears.

It was a peer with tremendous power that shook even their hearts.

The liger gave a fishy smile and widened his long snout.

Sup -

And took a breath,


A powerful acid breath swept the Transcendentals.

They each protected themselves from the breath in their own way, but it was impossible to block the breath of a dragon powerful enough to rival that of the Dragon King.


“Gagging… … !”

“Second, you die as soon as you become a transcendent.”

Among them, there were those who had just surpassed their limits in a vase and became transcendental.

They melted without a trace in the absurdly powerful acid.

"Damn it… … .”As Aoraia struggled to stop her breath, she drooled at the miserable reality.

‘Is it true that the Demon King of Chaos has more servants like that?’

It is a terrible disaster.

Four Transcendents, including herself, fought together.

But, far from being equal, it was overwhelmingly pushed back.

Even with the opponent hiding their power.

This is a situation that cannot be done even if one more upbringing comes.

'Woojang has to come... … .'

If it is Woojang, who is the strongest nurturing and leader, you may not know.

But I couldn't be sure.

That dragon was truly fear itself.

He said it all because he was almost to the point of believing that the author was the demon king of chaos.

“What kind of expression would Ionix make when it sees it like this?”

Liger looked at Aoraia in a half-corpse state with a satisfied face.

The thought alone made her goosebumps, and she couldn't control her excitement.

“Kuk Kuk Kuk!”

He lifted her gigantic front paws and grabbed Ao Raia.



As he applied force, cracks began to open in the stone giant's body.

If it crumbles like this, there is no way to recover it!

“You go there too.”

Liger instinctively turned his body.


The huge wings were torn off.

Liger held back the scream that was about to explode.

'how… … ?!’

He frowned and saw his torn wings floating in the air.

I don't know what happened.

I just thought it was dangerous, so my body reacted without realizing it.

"You're the best person I've ever met."


Liger swallowed dry saliva at the sound of a relentless alarm in his head.

‘Who is that man?’

A man who was obscured by his huge wings and looked at himself with a calm face.

he laid his wings

“Would you like to try a little more?”

His body was engulfed in a tremendous light.

'danger… … !’

The moment I thought about it, it was already too late.

[Jin Heavenly Demon Ball]

The man, Park Hyunsoo, tore through the space and appeared in front of Liger's nose.

[Martial Arts]



Reiga's right arm exploded.

Park Hyunsoo gently grabbed Aoraia, who was holding him.

The difference in size was huge, but he fluffed him backwards.

Then he turned to the liger again.

“Huh, huh, huh, huh!”

Liger looked at Park Hyunsoo with bloodshot eyes.

I don't understand what happened.

“After all, you are the best.”

“Hey, what does that mean?”

“What do you mean? Compared to your colleagues.”

A black and white energy arose from the danjeon.

The yin and yang were harmonized and the Taegeuk was drawn.

“It’s the best.”

[Taeguk Lee-ryun]

The cycle continues and continues, drawing an infinite loop.

“So, do you know what the Demon Lord of Chaos is doing now?”

Liger felt death in front of the raging Taegeuk.

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