Park Hyunsoo woke up in a space of nothingness.

Where is this place?

The best and final blow was delivered to Molty.

The attack entered successfully.

I had a brief conversation with Malty, who felt defeated.

I don't remember right after that.

“What is here?”

Why did I wake up in this space?

I looked at my body.

“I would have broken my arm.”

When it collided with Malty's fist, his entire right arm was shattered.

But now it is clean.

Not only was it clean, not a single scar from the past remained.

It was the same elsewhere.

As if a new birth, the current body was neat.

Carefully raise the Heavenly Demon ball.

“… … It doesn’t work.”

The dungeon was empty.

It didn't feel as if the inner Gong, which should have been full, had returned to the state it had before learning martial arts.

“It’s not real.”

As soon as he contemplated the state of his body, he saw the current situation.

“Is it in a dream?”

He probably lost consciousness after the battle with the Demon King of Chaos was over.

If so, it seemed like this was a dream world, or a kind of lucid dream.

“Why are you dreaming like this?”

I've never had a lucid dream in my entire life.

Was his body so exhausted that he was forced to bring him here?


I didn't know anything about this field, so I thought of whatever I could.

Park Hyunsoo walked around scratching his head.

The space of nothingness was as vast as nothing.

No matter how much I walked with a human leg, the same background continued.

If I had been able to use my inner strength, I would have been able to escape from a place like this easily.

[Do you really think so?]

It was then.

An unpleasant voice was heard.

[It's too bad to say.]

“… … I don't know who it is, but that's offensive."

The tone of the voice itself is mediocre.

What was unpleasant was the way he stirred his brain at will.

It's different from telephony or telepathy.

If they were like that, I wouldn't be offended.

“Who are you? Are you the subordinate of the Demon King of Chaos?”

[Keuk. Can he invade your mind as much as his subordinate?]

“It won’t be difficult.”

No matter how weak he was, Master Chungyeong was right behind him.

Even if it wasn't for him, even a low-level mental attack could never penetrate his mind.

If that is the case, then it is more than a Morty, and Park Hyunsoo knew that there were only two beings higher than that in the entire universe.

“… … Are you a god?”

[Suddenly, the tone has changed politely.]

“That’s right.”[okay. I am God.]

“Which of you are you? Because it’s a male voice, are you Ravenox called your father?”


There was a slight smile in his voice.

Are you trying to play a joke?

I'm sorry, but I didn't feel that way.

[Even if you don't feel like that, I have to do it if I want to.]

“Because you are a god?”

[Well, yes.]

“It’s pretty stinky.”

[A bad taste? Ha ha ha ha ha!]

God laughed out loud at Park Hyunsoo's bold words.

[Right. You are right. This is my bad taste.]

“So, why did you bring me here?”

[I told you, this is my evil… … .]

“Stop joking.”

[Oh, are you serious?]

My eyes were frowned upon.

The author of God is as light as a feather.

Is this new?

Was God really right before that?

[Hahaha. Do not question God.]

“… … Aren't you a god?"

[I don't want to disappoint you, but you are a real God. Unfortunately, that is.]

“I am so sorry… … do they know? Do they know that the one they worship is such a light god?”

[I don't know. Because to them, he always appeared in a dignified form. Even though it's been quite a while.]

The first two gods did not appear to those who believed in them from some time on.

The most recent appearance was in the light of evolution that happened to Park Hyunsoo and Monami.

[I never dreamed that you would overcome Yunan. Because Yunan was the most perfect being I ever created.]

“… … If Yunan was a perfect being, why couldn't he kill Malty?"

[Sometimes, this gigantic universe creates something I don't know about. Just like me.]

Park Hyunsoo didn't understand that.

“What do you mean?”

[Take it literally.]

“… … Are you saying that Malty is like you?”

It was written in the religious book of the religion that followed them, saying that the two original gods were born naturally in the universe.

I thought it was just a myth.

A myth is created when a believer greatly glorifies an idol.

But, according to God, it must have been real.

What's surprising is that the Malties were also born in the same way as them.

[I can't say it's the same. I am the original god who made the laws of the universe you are talking about, and he is just a demon king who ‘nearly’ ascended to the top of the gods.]

“… … So, the way they were born is the same.”


I was just going round and round about what I was supposed to say.

Do you want to emphasize your greatness even a little more?

[Everyone thinks I'm great, but I don't need your own thoughts.]

“Yes, yes, you will.”

[Heh heh.]

“What is that smile?”

Park Hyunsoo frowned at the eerie sound of God's laughter.

[Because it’s the first time someone like you is.]


[Usually, if you put me in front of you, even unbelievers would bow their heads. But are you rather bold? To the protector of the law made for me.]

“Even the Guardian didn’t come because I wanted it, and, in fact, the cycle isn’t abstract, is it? And you admitted it. You are Ravenox-sama.”

[That's funny too. you asked earlier Are you kidding me? But why do you think it's a joke?]

“… … What are you talking about out of the blue?”

[Why do you think I am two? You're not alone. Why do you think Ravenox and the Messiah are different?]


This surprised me a little.

Park Hyunsoo asked with a puzzled expression.

“Are you saying that these two gods are the same thing?”

[You have been saying that since some time, the god who created the cycle is Ravenox, and the god who created good and evil is the Messiah. It was fun, so I pretended to be two gods for quite some time.]

“… … It’s really bad.”

Only because of his fun the two religions that divided the universe were created.

I didn't know them very well, but there was a hole in my emotions that I experienced this time.

I had no choice but to do so.

Because they have believed that the god they believe in is the supreme god of the universe.

However, it turns out that the two gods are one being.

How will those who believe and follow him react if they find out the truth?

[It is also quite curious.]

“If you don’t want to reveal it, you better keep it as it is. for them.”

Sometimes lies are the way to peace.

The problem is that the scale of that lie spans the entire universe.

“Anyway, why did you call me here?”

Call me and don't tell me why.

[Conversation with God. If you ask me a more informative question, would you be willing to accept it?]

“I have no questions for you.”

How the universe was created, how God was born, how the cycle was created, the structure of the universe, the formation of planets, the reproduction of living things… … .

An omniscient and omniscient person would answer everything, but unfortunately Park Hyunsoo wasn't curious about that.

So he had nothing to ask God.

[Do you really think so?]


[Are you really not curious about anything?]

"That's right."

[Keuk. You are lying.]

“Am I lying?”

[Is there a question you want to ask? A question I want to ask!]

was there such a thing?

Park Hyunsoo pondered for a while, and then immediately flinched his body.

And stared into the air with his trembling eyes.

Even though no one was there, it was as if instinctively knew where God was.

“… … Earth. Can we turn the Earth back?”

[It wouldn't be that kind of question.]

“… … Will you be able to resurrect the people I am connected with?”

The only wish I kept locked deep in my heart.

I forgot about it because I knew it was impossible.

However, many people died this time by the Demon King of Chaos.

Among them were Carbon and Isaac, who had a long relationship.

no, before that.

Countless Earthlings killed by the King's forces.


my dear parents

“Can you save them all?”

[possible.]"Is that true?!"

Park Hyunsoo's eyes widened as if they were about to be plucked out at the word possible.


However, at God's words that followed, Park Hyunsoo was at a loss for words.

[That is a violation of the rules I made with my own hands.]


It is the first law that the God of the beginning created in the universe where there was nothing.

[No matter how much I made it, if I break it, a very large causality will overtake the universe.]

It's not just a liquor that creates the undead.

The perfect resurrection is to make death nonexistent.

That too is an uncountable number of lives, not just one or two.

There will be a storm of causality that shakes the entire universe.

And as many lives as the number resurrected will disappear.

[Do you want it?]

“… … .”

Park Hyunsoo did not answer.

If you want it, and if God really grants it to you, Park Hyunsoo will kill the Demon King of Chaos and an incomparable number.

That was what the Demon King did.

"I… … .”

The faces and voices of the parents, now hazy, shimmered.

If only I could see them again... … .

Park Hyunsoo shook his head with a self-helpful face.

If that was possible, he would definitely scold his parents out loud for not doing it.

He did not want to buy the resentment of his parents.


It is impossible to betray the Heavenly Law by using such a dangerous number.

[I'm willing to listen if you want.]

“Do not tempt. Because I made a decision.”


There was little satisfaction in the voice of God.

Of course, that wasn't enough for Park Hyunsoo, who was deeply disappointed, to notice.

[Then I will make a suggestion to you.]

“… … What's your suggestion?”

[Don't grant your wish.]

“Didn’t I say it would take many lives?”

[There is a way to avoid that.]

Park Hyunsoo frowned.

“Aren’t you supposed to tell me how to do that first?”

[The minimum qualification was tested.]

“… … What would you have done if I had asked you to do it?”

[I would have done it. I wouldn't have told you how to get rid of it. And I would be very disappointed with you. Since then, I am the one who distinguished between good and evil.]

At God's cold words, Park Hyunsoo swallowed dry saliva.

The reason he says things like that casually is because he is a real god.

[Did you come here and have respect?]

“It’s a little different from respect.”

[…] … He's a consistent guy until the very end.]

“So, how do you get rid of it?”

[You take my place.]

God's voice full of laughter.

He continued talking as if he was happy.

[Then I will bear all the causality with my own strength.]

It was obvious if it was obvious, but it was more shocking because it was obvious.

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