Part 39

Hot rain poured from the sky with thunder and lightning.

However, no matter how hot the rain, the smoke from Ha Yu-rak evaporated.

Ha Yu-rak was emitting yellow light from his body, and the sight was as if he was looking at the sun up close.

Gulak thought as he looked at the tiny creature that seemed to transcend the senses.

That little creature could kill me.

Gulak was the ruler of the Garon Highlands, which was full of terrible and vicious monsters.

The smell of hayurak was dangerous enough to make such a person think of death.

But it wasn't just Gulak's thoughts.

'That monster. He's insanely strong.'

Ha Yoo-rak, who has regained his composure to some extent, is also able to look at his opponent with cold eyes.

Proportional to his size, he was terribly strong.

He had already been hit directly by his own flame several times, but it didn't hurt much.

Here he can get more firepower, but he won't do any dramatic damage.

‘Is it an endurance fight?’

Ha Yu-rak had experienced the limits of firepower, but never experienced the limits of endurance.

I don't know how far the monster will chase you.

‘I will kill him and comfort the souls of his dead men!’

Huge wings rose from Hayu-rak's back.

The cloak of fire flapped in the wind and called its size.

A sword was in her hand.

Ha Yu-rak tends to mix her fire and her fists, but if she goes into 'Rage Mode (Anger form)' as she is now, she holds her sword.

A sword of flame with extreme heat of up to 100,000 degrees.

Gulak's six eyes narrowed.

His back bubbled like bubbles, and six spikes that looked like spider legs popped out.

The two joints on the thorn were bent, and all the thorns were aimed at Hayu-rak.

At the end, concentrated green light gathered.

[Go to Hell]

Ha Yoo-rak drew his sword in a straight line.

Gulak fired six beams together.

Two forces collide.

Dark powers intertwined and generated an intense plasma.

As the sea evaporated, dark clouds pierced roundly.

Materials from the collapsing building poured down like rain.

A wave of power shook the three worlds.

* * *


Park Hyunsoo swallowed dry saliva as he looked at the rocking sand.

Every time Ha Yu-rak and the giant monster collided, the desert shook.

It wasn't because of the connection between the 'there' and the desert that appeared in the sky.

Only ‘sound.’

The sound of a shock wave generated whenever two beings collide is shaking the desert.

[I knew that my wife and daughter were strong, but I was very surprised. I didn't know you could handle fire so well.]

“I never thought that the guild leader would be so strong.”

Maybe that's the power.

Isn't existence itself a natural disaster?

It was blowing fire, flowing lava, and melting everything.

Every time I swung my sword, it felt like all the elements were burning and disappearing.

Will he be able to withstand her if he confronts her?

‘The match is too bad.’Before seeing that figure, I would have thought, 'You have to know,' but now I am convinced.

Ha Yoo-rak was stronger than the current Park Hyunsoo.

If so, how strong is her Haxen, who is stronger than her?

It wasn't something I could think of in my current situation.

Park Hyunsoo shaved his head and asked his teacher.

“Is there any chance that the guild leader will win?”

Ha Yu-rak's appearance was avant-garde, but her opponent is also avant-garde.

In Park Hyunsoo's eyes, they looked like each other.

No, seeing Yoo-Rak Ha's attacks and attacking them as if nothing happened in a row, the other side seemed to have a bit more of an edge.

Chungyeong watched the fight between the two with arms crossed.

[The wife and wife are the fire itself. It's fast enough to be called swift. Needless to say, the destructive power is also at a level of violence. However, it cannot penetrate the opponent's outer armor. That's how great the defense is. The destructive power seems to be higher there. In particular, it is said that the light that is shot once is enough to cause admiration.]

“So who do you think will win?”

[I don't know, you bastard! Do you know everything about this seat?]

“If you don’t know, just say you don’t know. Why do you lengthen your words? stretching.”

[This guy! There's nothing I can't say in front of my master!]

damn it!


Park Hyunsoo grabbed the back of his head after a long time and sat down.

"Damn it. I'm worried, but it's because I keep saying weird things."


“Whoa. So, the guild leader won’t be able to get an earthquake easily, right?”

[I do not know.]

“What else does that mean?”

[The light that that monster occasionally emits. If you are hit directly by the light, even your wife and children will not be safe. If you don't go beyond one stage, you'll die.]

Park Hyunsoo's eyes widened as he saw his teacher who didn't mind saying he was going to die.

The monster's power can kill even an S-class hunter.

That fact made my heart race.

“… … It won't come off easily."

[All right. The wife is strong. To the extent that this seat admits it.]

The sky flashed red and blue.

Inside, Ha Yu-rak was fiercely fighting the monster.

Park Hyunsoo clenched his fists.

"Quickly. move fast There must be a way to get there.”

[I mean.]

There is no time.

I just got a job, but I can't see the company evaporate.

Park Hyunsoo dug his feet in the sand, running and running to find a portal that might be somewhere.

* * *



As the Knight tried to sit down on her floor, vomiting her blood, the woman, startled, went up to support him.

Knight raised her hand and stopped her from coming.


The knight's face as he said that was filled with shame, anger, and regret.

He staggered forward, resting his arms against the wall.

The woman looked at his back and bit her lips hard.

He was overconfident in his power to the point of arrogance, and although it was not his strength, he was brutally defeated in the form of a human.

What a rift it must have caused in his infinitely thick self-esteem.

The woman did not dare to guess.

It was simply surprising that she hadn't evolved.

‘I thought you would.’

If it was a knight, he thought that he would have evolved to restore his broken self-esteem.

'It must mean that you value the King's orders.'

The woman gave an answer like that, and quickly followed her farther away from the knight.

Knight confirmed that the woman had come and opened her mouth.

“What is the progress of overlapping?”

“It’s 71%. The world of the plateau and the sunset has already been united, and the fortress has also been eroded in half.”

“What about the desert?”

“They will only overlap after they have completely overlapped up to the citadel.”


Not much left.

If the desert is perfectly overlapped, the 'paradise fragments' already entangled in chaos will become an unprecedented disaster and strike the world.

The Korean Peninsula will not be able to withstand catastrophe, and their spare plan will end successfully.

“There were some fucking variables, but in the end, was it my victory? It’s unfortunate.”

Knight didn't say what he was missing.

But the woman seemed to know what he was trying to say.

Rematch with Park Hyunsoo.

If the spare plan succeeds, Park Hyunsoo will be destroyed as a handful of ashes in a disaster.

There will be no rematch.

“Didn’t the King contact you?”

“I got a call from Luke.”

“… … Luke?”

At the word 'Look', Knight's expression was infinitely wrinkled.

“Why Luke?”

“If you fail this time, death will pay for your sins. This is what you said.”

At the woman's blunt warning of her death, Knight struck the wall with her angry face.


Her fist marks were clearly etched on her wall.

“What the hell is this guy talking about my death?!”

“… … .”

“Damn you bastard.”

But that's it.

Knight couldn't say anything other than cursing.

That was telling the difference between Knight and Rook.

The woman quietly closed her eyes and waited for Knight's next words.

“There is no way I can fail. When the 70% is over, the plan is like a success.”

“You are right.”

"Tell Pawn to send a 'seeker'. We have to find the ‘singularity’.”

“Are you going to start searching for the singularity right away?”

“It will be okay after the Korean peninsula is completely overthrown, but the chaos outside must already be there.”

The Korean Peninsula during the peace period is a difficult land to attack, but at this point in time when a huge threat is in front of you, all your troops will be concentrated on the portal side.

“It’s less.”

You just need to find the singularities.

If that's the case, then maybe Luke can flatten the kid's nose.

“Once you leave.”

"all right."

The two men reconciled to the light and disappeared.

And there another light flashed.

“Ugh. He must have died.”

A beautiful woman, impressive with her long straight hair and drooping eyebrows, appeared in the place where Knight and the woman were.She was wearing black silk gloves reaching her elbows, and she muttered while biting her index finger.

“I even gave her a bracelet.”

It was a task designed half a year ago to make Knight's plan fail.

“Well, because Jaehyuk was going to throw it away.”

Good if you succeed, not if you fail.

As the woman smiled, her long eyelashes were exposed on her white skin.

Contrary to that gentle smile, the words that came out of the woman's mouth were extremely bloody.

“How can we not recycle the corpse?”

She is not yet sure whether she is dead or alive, but the woman said her death as a fact.

It was then.

“Miss Bishop.”

“Ah, are you here?”

“It was late.”

A man in a white tuxedo appeared.

A woman called 'Bishop' smiled and clasped her on his chest.

She even spoke in a sultry voice.

“You missed him because he was so late~ So, did you find Jaehyuk’s body?”

"Yes. Here it is.”

Something fell to the floor as the man flicked his finger, piercing a hole in the air.

Bishop smiled brightly enough to widen his big eyes.

“Wow! It’s a real Jaehyuk!”

It was once the head of a guild, protecting citizens as an A-class hunter, greedy for many things, and eventually lost to Park Hyunsoo and reduced to the current state.

It was Choi Jae-hyuk.

No, it was Choi Jae-hyuk's body.

As Bishop had expected, Jaehyuk Choi had become a corpse.

However, his body temperature remained the same as if he had just been alive.

Bishop squatted and poked Choi Jae-hyuk's cheek with his finger.

“I’m so sorry. The bracelet gave me to use it usefully, but I can’t use it properly and I can’t get over the wall called Park Hyunsoo.”

“He did his own thing. As Bishop-sama predicted, you also absorbed the life vessel of the entropy of evil. Park Hyunsoo’s power was beyond imagination.”

“Well, it’s not bad because Knight’s plans have been seriously disrupted as a result.”

It would have been better if Jaehyuk Choi ran away, but he was just one part.

“Take care. Still, he's an A-class hunter, so if he revives him, it will be useful."


Like a man holding a rag, he lifted Choi Jae-hyeok's body.

“Then let’s go first.”

“Ugh~ Goodbye~”

The man nodded his head and disappeared.

Bishop got up from his seat, making a 'wow' sound.

“Although Knight thinks her plan has almost worked out.”

A playful smile spread across Bishop's lips.

“Then it’s not that funny.”

Clasp your hands behind your back.

“Do I want to see you fall?”

She walked down the hallway with a shotgun gait, as if half-jumping.

“I think it would be more fun that way. So."

A transparent mirror appeared in front of the bishop.

In the scene in the mirror, Park Hyunsoo was zealously crossing the desert.

“ Park Hyunsoo. Will you trust me?”

Her darkness enveloped her.

“You will find it. ‘Oasis’.”

And the darkness was buried in the light and disappeared like a lie.

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