Because the war continued, and it was raining, the dock next to the An River did not have the bustling hustle and bustle of the past. In the past, a large number of lights were like white, and now there are several big ships on the shore, and other small ships are already resting on the shore. It’s gone.

Murong Yu checked all the boats, but he still couldn't find Lu Yizhi. He looked at the black river in front of him. The scene he saw in his dream was similar to that here. Murong Chan would be here. What happened?

He was not the first time to go to Anhe City, but the first time he went to the dock, so how do you explain it in your dreams?

"Six princes, are we still going to find it?" Wang Hao whispered, looking for so long, I didn't find it, it should not be here.

"Continue to find!" Murong said, "Let's search around."

He felt that Lu Yizhi did not leave Anhe City. It must be here.

"Six princes, there are a lot of abandoned boats in front, do you want to go there to find out?" Wang Hao whispered.

Murong nodded and nodded, "Go!"

"We have to hurry up and look like it is going to rain." Wang Hao looked up at the sky. There is no moonlight tonight. There are black pressure everywhere. There is lightning in the sky and the river. I am afraid that the rain will be great after a while.

"Don't let go of any inch." Murong frowned and wrinkled farther and farther. This was too similar to what he saw in his dreams. He saw that Azhan was in trouble when he was raining, but the cliff edge Where is it?

cliff? Murong’s mind flashed through the scene of a dream, Lu Yuzhi is not hiding in this dock, it is on a cliff!

“Is there a mountain nearby?” Murong asked in a loud voice.

"Mountain?" Wang stunned. He shook his head and asked another person. "Do you know if there is a mountain near here?"

"There is no mountain in the south, a cliff in the east side, and a Taoist temple where no one usually goes..." the man said.

Murong Yan immediately said, "You search here, I am going to Dongcheng."

"Six princes, I will go with you." Wang Hao hurriedly called.

"Go!" Murong Yu is in a hurry, must be there. If there is a cliff on the east side, maybe Lu Yan is there. He can’t say why he believes in everything in his dreams, but he thinks that should not Just a dream.

From the dock to the East City, you need to go through the General's House. Murong Yu wants to remind Murong Zhan. Since he knows that there is danger on the cliff, he can't let Murong Chong take the risk again.

Murong Yu asked Wang Hao to go to the cliff and go to the General.

"What about the emperor?" He came to the study and saw that only Fu Gonggong was inside.

Fu Gonggong said, "Fu Gonggong sent the niece back to the house."

Murong Yu immediately turned and walked to the backyard, strode to the courtyard of the upper house, but saw Ye Xiaonan outside the courtyard. His heart suddenly sank. "General Ye, the emperor?"

Ye Yinan said, "The letter sent by Lu Yanzhi, the emperor went to see him."

"What?" Murong Yan changed his face. "Do you know where the emperor went to see Lu Yizhi?"

"I don't know, the emperor didn't say it." Ye Yinan said, "Six princes, what happened?"

Murong Yu said with a deep voice, "I am afraid that Lu Hao has set up a trap waiting for the emperor."

Ye Xiaonan looked cold, "Six princes, what did you find?"

"I'm not sure, you look at it here, don't let her leave here, I will go to the emperor." Murong whispered.

"Okay." Ye Yinan's mood is also heavy. Although he thinks that the ability of Murong Zhan can be calculated by Lu Rongzhe, it is certainly not easy for him to calculate it. However, there are always things in case, even if Murong Yu is so worried, then There must be something wrong with it.

Murong Yu hurriedly left the general to go to the cliff, but just fell on the road and it rained down. It took him half an hour to come to the cliff on the east side of the city, only to find the mountain peaks along the Anhe River. Weather, it is not so easy to find Murong Cham and Lu Yi.



At this time, Murong Chong has already found Lu Yizhi. In the vicinity of a Taoist temple on the Anhe Cliff, Lu Yan’s tea is brewed in an octagonal pavilion. Four floor lamps are placed inside the pavilion. The outside wind and rain seem to have nothing to do with him.

Murong Zhan sat on the opposite side of Lu Yizhi. He looked coldly at the opposite Lu Yizhi. At the beginning, he had helped him in Lujia, so he did not take the life of Lu Yan. He knew that he was confronted today. There is such a big threat, I would rather be a cold-blooded person.

"Like this and the Emperor’s candlelight night, it seems to be the last thing." Lu Yuzhi was cooking tea, and he smiled and gave Murong Zhan a cup. "I didn't expect you to come alone."

"You shouldn't let you go last time." Murong Zhan said coldly, the murderous eyes in his eyes swept to Lu Yizhi.

Lu Yan’s faint smile, “The emperor does not have to hurry to kill me. Although the wind and rain do not stop, it does not affect us.”

"What else can you say?" Murong Chuang asked coldly.

"The emperor is really a cold and ruthless person. I am a good helper to help you. In the eyes of the emperor, it is not as important as a woman." Lu Yuzhi said with self-deprecation.

Murong Zhan said coldly, "You and Lu Shuanger concealed, the first empress of the dead cockroach faked her identity, and did not copy your Lujia door, it is already a mercy."

"I and the two children really deceived you, but..." Lu Yizhao looked at Murong Zhan with sarcasm. "If you don't believe in Ye Hao yourself, you will be her enemy from the beginning. How can we deceive you?" Ye Hao didn't die because of me, it was because you died."

"Sophistication!" Murong Zhan is cold.

Lu Yan smiled faintly. "Is it in my own sophistry, or is the emperor afraid to face how I hurt Ye Hao in the past? Ye Hao wrote a lot of letters to you, which mentioned that she was the small garden of the year. Girl, have you read the letter? You have burned the letter even if you don’t even look at it. Ye Hao’s nature is kind. He has never suppressed a man in the government. Instead, he is ridiculed by the people in your house. Do you not know these? Why can I win over you, not because you never believe that Ye Hao is a person who loves you with one heart and one heart."

The ink was dark and gloomy, and the anger of the chest surged up. He said that he was an excuse for his anger, but he was angry that he did not say anything wrong. The person who hurts Ye Hao is the one who has been him.

"If it weren't for you, everything we did couldn't hurt Ye Hao. When she was in Qin Wangfu, the people she was thinking of were all you." Lu Yizhi remembered Ye Hao at that time, and his heart was still bitter and painful. The person who is not qualified to blame me for hurting Ye Hao is you, because if you didn't give me a chance, how could I approach her, how can I know that she had saved you?"

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