Murong Yu climbed over the mountains and climbed the cliffs. It was definitely impossible to blindly find Murong Cham. He made people lead the way to the abandoned Taoist temple. He felt that Lu Yizhi’s chances of hiding there were relatively large.

"Six princes, that view is haunted all the year round, so they are not abandoned. For many years, no one has dared to go up." The soldiers who knew the history of Anhe City shouted.

"The king will go to the party for a while." Murong sighed and said, "Lead the way!"

The soldier looked reluctant, but he still led the way in front of him.

They haven’t arrived at the Taoist Temple. They have been blocked by a dozen people on the road. The rain is too big. Their torches can’t last long. They can only see each other wearing rain and lightning in the light of lightning. A sharp sword.

It seems that Lu Hao is in the Taoist temple. These people have been ambushing here, I wonder if there is danger there.

"Kill!" Murong sighed in silence.

Song Hao, who was behind him, immediately got out of the sword, and Wang Hao and others were slower.

"These people are handed over to you." Murong Yu worried about the situation of Mo Rongzhan. Although these dozens of people are good, they believe that Song Yu and Wang Hao can cope.

"Yes, the owner." Song Wei whispered.

Murong rushed out quickly, sweeping all the black people in front of him.

This scene is exactly the same as what he experienced in his dreams!

That is not a dream! For the first time, Murong Yu realized that it was a miracle in the three days of his coma.

He kept looking for the road in his dreams.

At this time, Murong Chan had severely wounded the ring, and the rain washed the blood on the body of Guan Guan. He still stood in front of Lu Yuzhi, his eyes glaring like a small wolf.

Murong Zhan step by step toward Lu Yizhi. "I really did not forget the woman who saved the sorrow that year. Even if that person is not a shackle, he will become a queen."

Lu Yanzhi licked the wound. "You have no affection for the two children."

"Even if it is not because of jealousy, I will abolish her sooner or later." Murong Zhan’s voice is cold. When he regards Lu Shuanger as a little girl he met when he was a teenager, he never really felt the heart, and Lu Shuang’s son Zhang Zhang’s heart has long been known. It is a matter of time to abolish her, but it just happens to appear, let him be shocked by her, and fall into her smile.

"Really, the two children can't compare with the cockroaches." Lu Yizhi nodded gently, changed him, he would fall in love with 夭夭, would not like Lu Shuanger, but at that time, Murong Chan did not know the truth. He was so able to be so heart-wrenching that he could not feel any affection for the two children.

Murong Zhan didn't want to talk to Lu Hao any more. "When you stay in Anhe City, you just want to say this to you?"

He didn't believe that Lu Zhizhi would be so stupid. Even if he could make him angry, but the actual effect is not there, he will only be more distressed, and will only want to compensate her better.

Without the reminder of Lu Yan, he also knows that there are too many yawns. In this life, he is the most reluctant to hurt her. Until today, she still has no knots. He has spent all his life to let her relax. He knows She loves him, or she will not stay with him.

This is enough, she is willing to give her a chance, he will be able to let her know happy.

"Yes!" Lu Yizhi nodded gently. "You may not know one thing..."

Murong Zhan looked coldly at the push button and the Lu Yanzhi who came to him.

"Compared to you and me, Mo Ronghui has a deeper affection for Ye Hao. When you are not in Qin Wangfu, he will go to Ye Hao almost every day... If you know that you once gave her to Mo Ronghui for Yuxi, I don't know if she will be angry, will not be sad." Lu Yanzhi smiled happily.

"She will be angry and sad." Murong Cum whispered, a sword stabbed into Lu's shoulder. "But she will forgive me."

Lu Yanzhi did not seem to feel the pain of the wound, his mouth overflowed with bloodshot eyes, his eyes smiled and looked at Murong Zhan, "I stayed in Anhe City waiting for this moment, there is another thing!"

Murong Cham's sword did not stab his key, he wanted to pull out the sword.

"I never believed that the fate was destined to be like this." Lu Yizhi grabbed the sword in the hands of Mo Rongzhan. "Why would you forgive you? Is my life worse than you? I have lived so many times to live and die." Down, I bet that I can still be alive this time."

"That depends on whether you are really so hard!" Murong Zhan said coldly, hitting the chest of Lu Yizhi.

Lu Yizhi tried his best to stand still and spit out more blood in his mouth. "Yes, I bet my life is hard, but... I don't know if you can live on the emperor?"

Ink Murray's look changed, and one of his hands was tightly held by Lu Yi.

The guard ring that had been standing in the rain without any movement suddenly jumped up and slammed into the ink-capped Zhan.

At this time, the dark guards who were not allowed to be close by Murong Zhanle also noticed that something was wrong, and the figures of several people had already appeared in the heavy rain.

Outside the gazebo, the people of Lu Yizhi did not know when there were several more.

Murong Chan kicked Lu Yi’s foot out and avoided the impact of the switch ring. He stepped back a few steps. Because the rain was too big, the lantern in the pavilion was extinguished. He could not see what it was, only Hearing the sound of the river is in his ear.

When Murong Yu arrived, just a flash of lightning flashed through the air. He saw that Murong Zhan stood on the edge of the cliff and fell off the cliff only half a step.

"Azhan, be careful!" Murong screamed out loud, and the sword in his hand ruthlessly killed the person who blocked him.

Although the prisoner was injured, he was like a monster who couldn’t die, and he screamed and entangled in Murong Cham.

Lu Yanzhi sat on the ground, the blood on the ground was washed away by the rain, he gasped, his eyes stared straight at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, he prepared for so long, in order to kill the ink, even if he could not kill him I have to gamble with him.

However, why does Murong Yu appear here? Didn't he go to the dock?

"Azhan, don't be near the cliff." Murong screamed.

Lu Yuzhi looked at the ring that was quickly killed by Mo Rongzhan. He knew that it was not so easy to kill Murong Cham. They were already seriously injured and dying, and he was only slightly hurt...

Since he couldn't kill him, he would die in the big deal. The river is so choppy that they are all on the edge of the cliff. If you fall, no one wants to live.

But he escaped several times and did not believe that he would die here.

In the heart of Lu Yi’s heart, he stood up with the sword and used all his strength to attack the ink and ink.

When Murong Yu looked back, he just saw this scene. He saw Lu Yizhi rushing to Murong Cham, welcoming his sword with his own body, and holding his arms tightly to the cliff.

"Azhan..." Murong snorted.

This scene is so familiar, exactly the same in his dreams.

It’s just that he didn’t see Lu’s face in his dreams.

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