Ye Hao and Murong Yu came to the river, and the three-leaf canoe was ready. Fortunately, there is no rain today, otherwise it is impossible to enter the mountain.

"Hey, you are still waiting here. If the emperor is in the village, I will definitely bring him back." Murong whispered.

"This is the last hope, right?" Ye Hao looked at Murong.

Murong said, "Not necessarily, maybe General Ye has found it."

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "I know, this is the last hope. I have to go find him personally and take me with me."

"Good." Murong Yan nodded gently, indicating that the red dragonfly helped Ye Hao get on the boat.

From here, the village that Lin Zhiran said is not far away, but it is difficult to walk from the foothills. Although Lin Zhiran has come several times, he still needs to carefully recognize the road. When the boat enters the mountain, Everything around it is dark, and the mountains and forests are left and right. The towering trees cover the sun. If Lin Zhiran leads the way, they must not enter.

"So secret, no wonder we can't find a way." Murong whispered.

The closer she is to the fishing village, Ye Hao’s heart is inexplicably scared, and she can’t say why.

"The goddess, the front is a big lake, the lake is a fishing village, called Huajia Village, the fishermen inside are surnamed flowers." Lin Zhiran said.

They didn't know how long they had left, and when they were about to approach noon, they finally came out of the mountains. The lake they saw in front of them surprised them, so beautiful! This lake is like a mirror, surrounded by mountains and forests, not far from the orderly houses, the beaches by the lake are also basking in fishing nets, this place is just like the paradise.

"Who are you?" Two or three women on the shore are drying the nets. They saw the appearance of Ye Hao, and their looks were tense. A little older, a little courage, stood up and asked.

"Xiu Gu, I am Xiaoran, have you forgotten me?" Lin Zhiran forcefully waved, smiled and shouted at the woman.

The woman named Xiugu looked at Lin Zhiran carefully, only to remember that this was the little girl who had been to Huajia Village in the past two years. She immediately laughed. "It’s Xiaoran, you... What is this to Huajia Village?"

"Xiu Gu, our master accidentally fell into the river, do not know if you saw a man on the shore?" Lin Zhiran looked back and looked at Ye Hao and asked.

"Oh, you know them..." Xiu Gu said, "Two people were rushed here by the river the night before, one was taken away, and one was in Ningshou."

Lin Zhiran looked at Ye Hao with surprise. "The goddess, really here."

Murong Yu looked a little heavy. He didn't ignore the fact that Xiu Gu said that two people were rushed here, and one of them has already been taken away.

"If...the person who was saved here is Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao asked him in a low voice.

"The person who was taken away should be Lu Yizhi." Murong whispered, "Let's go and have a look."

Lin Zhiran said to Xiu Gu, "Xiu Gu, can you take us there?"

"You come up first, Ning Yu’s head is in front, not very far." Xiu Gu said.



When Murong Chan was arrested by Lu Hao in his hands and fell on the cliff, the sword in his hand quickly pulled out of Lu Yizhi's body. In order to slow the speed of the cliff, he wanted to stab into the rock with a sword.

"Since it is a gamble, we are fair." Lu Yuzhi realized his move, he showed a crazy smile, used all his strength to kick the rock, and Murong Chong fell into the river together. .

Lu Yuzhi was quickly swept away by the waves. When Murong Cham was on the cliff, his forehead hit the rock. He was black in front of his eyes. He didn’t know where to drift from the broken wood. He hugged the broken wood, and soon he lose consciousness.

In the darkness, Murong Zhan looked around and he wanted to see everything in front of him, but he could not see anything clearly.

He only heard the voice of a woman who had been calling him.


"where are you?"

who is it? Who is calling his name?

The voice was so familiar, he tried hard, and the voice in his mind increased.

"Hey, you won't hurt you anymore."

"Sorry, hehe..."


Hey... Who is his jealousy? Murong Zhan’s consciousness was vague, and he did not remember who was calling him. He fell back into the darkness.

Huajia Village, by the lake.

"Flower mother-in-law, is he waking up?" A fifteen-year-old woman stood by the bed, a pair of clear eyes looking at the unconscious man, and asked the flower-woman who was boiling the medicine.

Hua Pozi had a gray hair, and she frowned at the man. "It seems to be breaking fast, so heavy injury, drifting in the river for so long, I can do it."

"I don't know who he is, his clothes look very expensive." The little girl asked curiously.

"Who is who he is, wait for him to breathe and let people go." Huapo said with a frown. "You don't always come back to the lake to save people. If it is a bad person? Your mother saved a bad person and died." Do you want to learn your mother?"

"Is my mother not sick?" the little girl asked doubtfully.

This little girl is Zhao Ning. She is a fisherwoman in Huajia Village. She grew up here and has never been to another place. This man was rescued by her.

Hua Pozi paused. "It is just that someone is sick."

"I will not be like my mother." Zhao Ning whispered, "My mother is because I am sick, according to my mother-in-law, I am a bad person."

"Where are you coming? Don't mention this person again." Hua Pozi said with a cold face, put a bowl of medicine on the table, "give him, if not awake tonight, 80% is not saved." ”

Zhao Ning whispered, "If I don't have a problem, then how can I surname Zhao?" She noticed the blink of the flower woman, and she nodded immediately. "If he is ruined, I will definitely let him bury him."

Hua Pozi looked at the man with a low sigh. "This person is afraid of falling from the mountain. He has so much blood and wants to live unless there is a god."

"Mother-in-law...he is still out of breath." Zhao Ning whispered.

"You still have something like your mother." Hua Pozi said with no anger, even the looks are exactly the same, Huajia Village is the most beautiful, but no one is Zhao Ning's mother and daughter, especially those eyes, it seems Like talking, Ying Run is as clear as spring water, but also a crystal heart. Seeing who is injured is softly brought to the home. In the past, Hua Xianer should not bring the man home.

I don't know how the man who is lying here is now. If he really woke up, it would be difficult to see Zhao Ning's appearance.

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