Qin Wang hates his own Wang Shuo. This is not a secret. Anyone around him knows that Lu Yizhi also knows that before he came to the Qin Dynasty, he imagined that Qin Wangxi should be a very unpleasant, temperamental and arrogant. The man, but when he saw the King of the King, the bright face of the beautiful face with a gentle smile, the pair of clear and clear eyes like the morning star he saw on the grassland.

"Excuse me, are you?" With a little comfort, she knew that Qin Wang valued her confidant, so she did not dare to stand out, but she really did not know who this person was.

Lu Yizhi’s return to God, with a smile as a tribute, “I have seen Wang Hao, the next surname Lu, called Lu Yizhi, is the aide of Wang Ye’s side. This time it’s a half-point in the name of the prince, this time I’m afraid it will be temporary. Stay in the palace to harass."

Murong Zhan is in front of the shackles. He knows too well what Lu Yizhi is doing in Kyoto. In addition to preparing for the grain, he also needs to use Qin Wangxi to deal with Ye Jia. These are the second. Lu Yizhi will stay and know her secrets. Will let Lu Shuanger replace her to get the trust of Qin Wang.

How can he watch as he is hurt by the use of Lu Hao?

"Hey, don't believe her, let him go." Murong Chong shouted loudly.

"It turned out to be Lu Gongzi." He smiled back and said, "Since you are back in the name of the prince, you have to live in the palace. You have nothing to do with me."

Lu Xin’s heart is secretly different. Qin Wangxi is such a reasonable person. Why does Wang Ye not like her? "Thank you, Wang Hao."

I didn't see the appearance of Murong Zhan almost violently. She seemed to be somewhat restrained. "Lu Gongzi, please sit down and use tea."

"Thank you for Wang Hao." Lu Yizhi sat down and his eyes flashed on Ye Hao's face.

He is not countless, but what kind of beauty has been seen in the world, and he has never seen such an extreme as the king of Qin.

Qin Wang is really a violent thing.

The same man's Murong Cham can not see the surprise in Lu Yan's eyes. He can't wait to kill Lu Yizhi. He is not allowed to look at him like this, but he can't do anything. He can only watch Lu Yizhi cheating him. Hey.

"Lu Gongzi, don't know Wang Ye, he... is it okay in the military camp?" whispered, she wanted to know the situation of Qin Wang, but no one ever told her that she did not dare to ask, Afraid to be told that she was left out by Qin Wang, he will definitely bring her back to Ye Family.

She hasn't been able to let Qin know that she was the embarrassing encounter with him in the garden. How can she retreat back like this?

Lu Yuzhi heard that Qin Wang’s tone was very concerned about Qin Wang. He said with a smile, “Qin Wang is very good. On the battlefield, Qin Wang is an invincible general.”

"He... is it busy every day?" He whispered, wasn't he too busy to think of her time, she wrote so many letters to him, and there was no one to return to her.

"Wang Ye is sometimes very busy." Lu Yuzhi said.

That is when there is still not busy, he is not too busy to see her letter, just do not want to reply to her.

Qin Wang... Is it really so disgusting to her?

"Hey, don't listen to him. I don't want to return your letter. It was too stupid and conceited. I am sorry, sorry." Murong Chong saw the light in her eyes dim and dim, his heart smashed into a ball.

"When Wang Ye was injured, did he get hurt?" He couldn't hear the words of Murong Zhan. She was all at Lu Yizhi. She was eager to know if Qin Wang would be injured on the battlefield. .

Lu Yi’s faint smile, “Wang Hao is very concerned about Wang Ye.”

He bowed his head. "He is a prince. Of course I have to care about him."

"Wang Hao rest assured that Wang Ye martial arts high-powered, he will suffer some minor injuries on the battlefield, but not heavy, all skin injuries." Lu Yizhi said, in fact, Murong Zhan did suffer a very serious injury, but he ordered Can't tell outsiders, for Qin Wang, Wang Wei is probably an outsider.

"That's good." He sighed. "Lu Gongzi, I will let you take you to the room."

"Xie Wangxi." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Murong Chong can only walk away in the side, how could he let Lu Hao come back in the past... How can he confront this way...

"Wang Hao, now you can rest assured that Wang Ye is in a good military camp. If you have a bad life, you will be the only one." Yan Huan said helplessly.

I glanced at her. "You go to the kitchen. Tonight, I will give Lu Gongzi a few delicious dishes. They are all in the military camp. They are definitely not good enough to eat."

"Yes, Wang Hao."

Inkor Zhan wants to go to the hand of the tie, "Hey, don't approach Lu Yizhi, he will harm you."

In the days that followed, Murong Zhan did not see the ambiguity away from Lu Yizhi. Instead, in order to know more about the news of Qin Wang, he would take the initiative to find Lu Yan’s inquiry, and gradually get familiar with it.

"Large brother has some days to go to Kyoto. Don't you know that the errands are all busy?" he whispered, and she wanted to send him a letter to Qin Wang.

"Today, the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of War are under the control of Ye Yisong. The grain in the Wang Yejun is really in short supply. I came back for so long, but I still couldn’t raise enough grain, hehe." Lu Yizhi sighed.

Although her heart is tight, she does not know how to fight, but she also knows that grain is important to the military camp. "What should I do?"

"Now I have to go back with the food I have raised. After a few days, I will come back and continue to think of a solution." Lu said.

"Is the uncle still awkward to Qin Wang?" She clasped her hands. "Large brother, you wait for two more days, food and grass, I will find a way."

Murong looked at him with a fierce look, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

When the land was brought back by Lu Yi, was it raised for him? He also pays special attention to Lu Hao because of this incident. Lu Yuzhi said that they were financed by Lu Jiaxuan, and he actually lied to him!

After marrying for more than half a year, she asked for Ye Yiqing for the first time. She needed to prepare food for Qin Wang.

Ye Yiqing was distressed by her daughter, but he did not think so much at the time. He knew that Qin Wang did not have a room with his daughter. He felt more relieved that Qin Wang was considerate that his daughter was too young.

In less than half a month, Ye Yiqing actually raised the grain.

Seeing all this, the mood of Murong Cham is no longer a remorse can be described.

What the **** is he doing... What did he do to him?

Lu Yizhi returned to the border with food and grass, and at the same time wrote a letter to Qin Wang. He handed the letter to Qin Wang, but he did not mention the matter of food and grass.

It is a pity that the letter was thrown into the fire by the King of Qin and did not even look at it.

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