"Large brother, have you told the prince?" He looked at Lu Yizhi nervously. She had been in Qinwang for almost two years. She still didn't see Qin Wang. She was afraid that she could not wait, and she had to let Lu Haozhi Everything told Qin Wang that she only wanted to see him.

Lu Hao’s dark scorpion hides his sympathy for him. He gently nods. “I have already told the prince, but the prince... Now is not back, Wang Hao, you wait a second.”

He bowed his head in disappointment. "Is he still not coming back?"

She has been married to him for two years. He still doesn't know what she looks like. They have never seen it before.

Lu Yan’s eyes looked at her faintly, and the depths of her eyes were tender and soft, which he did not find. “Wang Ye will come back soon.”

"Really?" Blinking his eyes, the heart that has been silent for a long time still has expectations.

"Really!" Lu Yizhi nodded with a smile. "At that time, you can tell Wang Ye personally, you and he met in Bai Garden in that year..."

At this moment, Lu Yuzhi was a good-minded person. He saw a bright smile on his face and a feeling that he could not bear to hurt her.

Mo Rongzhan knows that the younger one still knows nothing at all.

After a few days, the news of the emperor’s death was heard in the palace, and the prince became the emperor.

The palace was a singularity, and he was dressed in filial piety to go to the palace to cry. Her heart was very uneasy. The emperor died, but Qin Wang, who was far from the border, could not return because the new emperor ordered him to continue to guard the border.

She felt as if something was going to happen.


When I was about to leave the palace, someone stopped her and looked back. It turned out to be the prince Murong Hui who had just been enthroned.

"I have seen the emperor." He bowed his head and bowed, indifferent and alienated.

Murong Zhan stood in front of her and looked coldly at the ink Ronghui coming towards this side.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, how do you become so thin?" The face of Mo Ronghui's handsome show is difficult to conceal. "Are you wronged at the palace?"

"I am not wronged," he said.

"Hey, now you are the emperor. You want to talk to you only, you will definitely do it for you." Mo Ronghui whispered, he wants to let Qin Wang die at the border, want to let 夭夭Entering the palace became his woman.

"The emperor, I don't need anything, I just want the lord to come back." faintly said, "It's not early, I should go out of the palace."

Mo Rong Zhan looked at Mo Ronghui condensedly. When the emperor died, he was ordered not to return to Kyoto. He was immediately assassinated at night. .

He decided to niche at that time.

After the emperor's pivot was transported to the Imperial Tomb in three months, it was not long before Mo Ronghui left Kyoto. Qin Wang was in the border mutiny. In less than half a month, he had already controlled all the troops on the border. He personally took the troops to Kyoto and Kyoto. The four gates are surrounded.

When I heard the news in the palace, I felt inexplicably calm in my heart.

She looked up at the sky and whispered to the ring behind her. "Ye... It’s over, I just hope that my brother and I can save my life."

Murong is like a knife, he knows what will happen next, but how can he save it? He did not have the courage to look at her suffering the next pain.

"Wang Ye will not kneel down to the master and the young master." Hong Ling comforted him.

The news from outside kept coming, and I knew that Qin Wang had entered the palace, and the imperial court was controlled by him.

After a few days, the entire palace was immersed in joy.

Qin Wang is going to be enthroned.

Murong Zhan looked at the embarrassment of no joy, his eyes filled with grief.

The autumn rain is cold and cold, and the dark sky is so tight that it makes people feel uncomfortable. When they stand under the steps, they are pale and empty. She doesn't feel cold. The heart is already in the hail, and it will feel cold.

"Wang Hao. The emperor yesterday greeted the Lu girl into the palace with a noble ceremony..."

Murong Zhan’s heart was so painful that he almost dared not to look at the despair on his face.

"Wang Hao, the emperor's purpose... Ye Jiamanmen copying..."

"Why?" He was crumbling, and Hong Ling hurriedly held her.

"I am going to find Lu Yizhi, only he can help me." Cried, running in the rain outside the door, but was stopped by the outside guards.

She can't get out, she can't go anywhere.

"Ye Ye." Lu Yizhi appeared in time.

Murong Zhan glared at him angrily. "Lu Yizhi, you dare to hurt him, you will not let go of you."

"Hey, only you can help me, will you help me?" It seems as if you grab the last duckweed and put all your hopes on Lu Yizhi.

"I will help you." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, his eyes are mild, just like the confrontation from the front.

He took out Yu Pei, "Help me hand this over to Wang Ye. He promised me. This is the human condition that he owes me. I have nothing to ask for. Let him let go of Ye Family..."

Lu Yizhi took Yu Pei and his eyes flashed. "Okay, wait for me."

Murong Zhan screamed in pain, "Hey, don't believe him."

I waited for a glass of poisonous wine.

"Lu Yizhi, you dare!" Murong Zhan eyes red, grief and angrily looked at the cockroaches around the ring of toxic wine.

"No..." He snorted and really felt what was the pain of the arrow.

"Hey, hey!" Murong was so eager to see, "Lu Yanzhi, you **** it! Damn!"

Lu Yizhi kneels down next to her, gently touches her face, looks at her desperately resentful eyes, and ignores the pain in her heart. "Sorry, this life is what I owe you. If there is an afterlife, I must still you."

"You have been lying to me all the time." He looked at him coldly, and life passed by little by little in her body.

She is stupid, she would believe that Lu Yizhi can help him. If he can help her, he will let Qin Wang come to see him.

"The person who killed you is Murong Cham, he asked me to come close to you." Lu Yizhi whispered, "If you want to hate, hate him."

There are tears in my eyes, and I have no breath.

There were a few black people outside the door, and it seemed to be the confidant of Lu Yi.

"Burn the Qin Wangfu." Lu Hao ordered.

Murong Chan wanted to get rid of the cockroach, but he couldn't do anything, watching her swallowed by the fire.

"Oh..." He screamed in grief, sorry, sorry!

"Ah!" In the fire, suddenly there was a scream.

Murong Chong saw a sorrowful soul floating out of the flame.

"Hey!" he yelled, trying to get close to her, but a force pushed him away.

The soul of the hustle and bustle is not scattered. After drifting for a while in the Qin Dynasty, I went to the palace.

"An insignificant person will die if he dies." When he first went to the royal study room, Murong Chan heard himself say such cold and bloodless words.

He looked at the screaming screaming, and he screamed out. "Ink-Chan, if there is an afterlife, I will swear with you."

Murong Chan finally knows that there is still more pain in the pain.

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