Murong Cham was surrounded by a flame, and there was a great force pulling him back. He wanted to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t leave... He was trapped In the palace, he still has to accompany her, she is already lonely, if she is not with her, what should she do?

Suddenly, the huge flame bird flew over, and he could not see clearly through the light.


He felt that he was pushed out, his head was hit hard, and the so-called memory that he saw was turned into pieces, which spread out like a little bit of stars in his mind.

"No..." He can't forget, he wants to go back to find her.

"Let me go back!" Murong Zhan slammed and his eyes jerked open.

He gasped in a big mouth, his eyes sharply looked around, only to find out that he didn't know where it was. The house looked very simple, but it was clean. Why is he here?

Murong Zhan tried hard to remember the things before, but found that he couldn't even remember who he was.

He felt that his chest seemed to be pressing something, and he looked down, but it was a woman...

"Oh..." Murong Chong screamed for the exit, who is it? He couldn't remember anything. He only had the name in his mind. He was vaguely thinking of a woman's figure, but he could not see the other person's appearance.

"Azhan?" Sleeping heavily, feeling that the people around me were moving, she immediately opened her eyes, and saw that the ink-filled Zhan Zhan was looking at her in confusion, she was stunned. Then, hugged him with excitement, "Azhan, you woke up! You finally woke up!"

Murong Chong only felt that the person in his arms was soft and warm, as if she was in his arms, all his anxiety and uneasiness could be calmed. He gently hugged her and suddenly felt the bulge of her lower abdomen. Stuck up, slammed up, frowning and staring at her belly.

"Azhan, what's wrong with you?" He finally found out his strangeness and looked at him nervously. He didn't know what happened to him.

"Hey... child?" Murong Chan reached out and touched her belly gently, hey? He habitually claimed to be jealous, so to speak, he is the emperor.

Ye Hao’s heart hung up. “You don’t remember? Azhan, don’t you remember?”

"You are called Azhan?" Murong Zhan Qing's face is confused. Since he is an emperor, how dare she call his name?

"Who am I? Do you know who I am?" Ye Hao's eyes filled with tears, fearing that he had forgotten her.

Murong Chan raised a pair of dark and dark scorpions to look at her. He didn't know who she was, but he felt that she should be the only one in his mind who could only think of it. "Hey? Are you yelling?"

Ye Hao showed an excited smile. "You remember me! You know that I am..."

"You are just awkward." Murong Zhan gently touched her face, he is sure that she is a figure in his mind, it should be his very important person, otherwise he will not forget himself. Just remember her.

"Azhan, don't you scare me, what's wrong with you?" Ye Hao held his face in both hands and looked at his familiar dark eyes. How could he seem to remember him at all?

Murong Chan gently slammed her, "Can you believe in you?"

When Ye Hao heard this, she suddenly burst into tears, "Azhan..."

At this time, Murong’s voice came from outside. “Hey, is the emperor awake?”

Murong Zhan's face sank and his eyes looked sharply out.

"Alright... not yet." Ye Hao lived in his mouth and said calmly.

"You have a good rest, maybe the emperor will wake up tomorrow." Murong said in a low voice outside.

Ye Hao said, "Six princes, you and your brother will also go to rest. You have been here for a few days, and you are tired of thinking."

Murong Yu and Ye Yinan outside the door looked at each other. Their ears were unusual. They just heard the sound of swearing. Now I heard her say so. Although there are doubts in my heart, I know that this is awkward. Send them.

"Good." Murong replied.

Ye Hao turned his head and looked at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, slowly letting go, "A Zhan, you really don't remember anything?"

"Hey, remember you." Murong Zhan whispered, when he woke up, he had a great panic in his heart, as if he was afraid of losing something important, until he saw her around, he felt calm.

He remembers the name of a woman in her mind, that is her.

If it weren't for his extremely important person, he would not be able to remember her only.

Ye Hao didn't know what to say at all. What she was most afraid of was that he would forget her. Now he remembers her name, but everything else has been forgotten. She feels bitter in her heart.

"What about the other?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Although Murong Chong does not remember anything, it does not mean that he will reduce his vigilance. It does not mean that he will change his original temper. He told Ye Hao to lie next to him and whispered, "I don't remember the past, Even your appearance is just a blur, but you know... you can't lose you."

He felt that only when she was around, he was able to feel at ease. There was a voice in his mind that told him that he must not lose her.

"It must be because you hit your forehead when you fell on the cliff, so you don't remember anything." Ye Hao knew that this was the situation that Huo Huang said. Its feathers still affect him. He forgot everything. But only remember her name.

And she is convinced of her, at least it is a glimmer of hope, she can still find a way to remind him.

Ink Murray's eyebrows picked up, "Is it a cliff?"

Ye Hao didn't know how to talk to him about her things from the beginning. She still had the secret of rebirth. She didn't know what kind of trust Murong Zhan had for her. I really couldn't dare to surprise this. The secret is said.

"It’s Lu Yuzhi..." Ye Hao whispered the reason why he fell on the cliff. "He is still missing, and his brother said that he may have gone to Qi."

When Murong Chan heard the name of Lu Yizhi, there was a strong anger and killing in his heart. He believed that what he said was that this Lu Hao must be someone who could not wait to kill.

"Hey, tell everything about you." Murong Zhan said quietly, holding her little hand tightly.

"That will be said for a long time." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't know... I will believe if I say it, Azhan, I am a person who has died once."

Murong Cham is a suspicious person, but somehow, he feels that he will definitely believe what she said, "I believe you."

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