In some respects, the Queen Mother was a resolutely popular person. After she sent Qiu Yaozong, she immediately asked the Cabinet Minister to enter the palace.

There were a total of six cabinet ministers headed by Xu Daren. Outside the palace gate, Xu Daren and Lu Shiming met. The two looked at each other and gradually came together. Lu Shiming whispered, "Xu Daren, you know that the Queen Mother is calling at this time." What are we going to do in the palace?"

"It’s a good thing to go to the palace so late." Xu Daren looked at the front with a gaze, and he had a hunch that it was definitely not a simple matter to enter the palace today.

When they were about to come to the Cining Palace, they met other cabinet ministers. Everyone’s eyes were full of confusion.

Into the hall, they saw the Queen Mother sitting on it at first glance, but the look of the Queen Mother did not look right, and the eyes were still swollen, as if they had just cried.

Xu Daren’s heart was a meal, and he went forward for a ceremony. “When the court saw the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother called us to enter the palace at this time. I don’t know why?”

The Queen Mother held the sputum in her hand. She wiped her eyes and tears, and said sadly, "Xu Daren, there was news coming from the front, the emperor fell on the cliff in Anhe, until now there is no news, I am afraid... I am afraid it is fierce. More than a few."

When she said this, all the ministers standing below were stunned.

"The Queen Mother, is this true? Anhe City has no news at all. I am afraid that someone deliberately wants to mess up the Chinese national heart. If the emperor is really in trouble, General Ye has sent people to send news back." Xu Daren Said immediately.

"Xu Daren, do you think that Ye Xiaonan is credible? Maybe the emperor's accident is related to him. What kind of scene is Anhe City now we don't know, if there is a emperor's heart to come back to death, the mourning still I don’t know anything.” The Queen Mother said with deep sorrow, she said that she was said to be the one who killed the emperor.

"Since the emperor sent General Ye to play, it proved that General Ye was credible." Lu Shiming whispered, "The Queen Mother, it matters, please be sure to check the truth."

"Yeah, the Queen Mother, who came back and told the matter?" Huang Daren also asked.

The Queen’s Eyes looked red at Lu Shiming. “Ye Yinnan hated the hatred of Ye’s family. He would not be surprised by the emperor’s hate. The mourners called you into the palace today, just want you to take your ideas. What’s next? do."

"We have to see people from Anhe City." Xu Daren said that he did not see panic on his face. In his opinion, the emperor would not be so easy to act, even if there was any accident, it would not It is possible to believe that the emperor was killed only by one-sided words.

"He was seriously injured. He was sent to the hospital for treatment. He should not wake up now," said the Queen Mother.

"The Queen Mother, the emperor martial arts high-powered, there are dark guards around, it is impossible to easily go wrong." Lu Shiming did not believe that the emperor would have an accident, he felt that this must be a conspiracy.

"The mourners don't believe that the emperor will have an accident, so they have sent people to Anhe City. They should be sent back soon," the Queen Mother whispered. "Just, we must be just in case, if it is the emperor." What should I do if you have an accident? You are the cabinet minister. In any case, you must protect the foundation of the country."

Xu Daren said, "What is the meaning of the Queen Mother?"

"The country can't be without a day. The mourner is trying to stabilize the people of the imperial court and civil servants in the time when the emperor disappeared, so as to avoid the bad news coming, causing chaos in the country." The Queen Mother said with a deep voice.

Lu Shiming and Xu Daren looked at each other. The words of the Queen Mother are too obvious. This is the meaning of the Emperor who wants to take advantage of the emperor. If there is something wrong with the emperor of Anhe City, how could it be that there is no news, even if someone To come back to report, it should be through the cabinet first, how can I find the palace, and now how seriously hurt the coma?

"The Queen Mother, if this is done, then is it not to tell the world that the emperor is missing? So, I am afraid that it will be more heart-rending." Xu Daren said quietly.

"That is only a momentary speculation. There is no child in the emperor. If this encounter is unpredictable, if the ancestral hall is a big chaos, Xu Daren, who can guarantee that the court is not chaotic?"

Since the emperor was enthroned, he has been suppressing the clan. If the news of the emperor’s accident came back, the first reaction was the clan.

Several ministers face each other and have to admit that the words of the Queen Mother are not wrong.

"Chen still does not believe that the emperor will have an accident, I believe that the emperor will soon return." Xu Daren said quietly.

The Queen Mother said with tears in his eyes, "Why did the mourners think this way? Now, Li Chujun is only preparing for the aftermath. If you have other good strategies, you can do so."

Lu Shiming used to know the attitude of the Queen Mother to confront her. I heard her say so much today, and she didn’t mention her daughter in half a sentence. He knew that the Queen Mother would not have thought that he would still be pregnant with a dragon, "The Queen Mother, Not long ago, the emperor had received the Queen's maiden. If the minister did not remember correctly, the Queen's Empress had already had the emperor's son, even if there was any eventuality, the emperor also had bones in this world, and there was no need to rush to set up the prince."

If you really want to settle the words, who else is better suited to the children in your stomach?

When the Queen’s Twilight sank, she really forgot the existence of Lu Hao. If the emperor had already had an accident, how could Lu Hao still be alive, shouldn’t he go to the funeral? "Lu Daren, the mourner knows that the Queen Empress is your daughter. If you remember correctly, the Queen seems to have not been pregnant before being taken away by the Witch King... but she is determined by the words of the Witch King. I have a dragon family? She is in the priest's house for a long time. If she is really pregnant, I am afraid that this child is also unknown! The mourning family can hand over the country to an unidentified baby, do you think the vassal will promise?"

Lu Shiming heard the words of the Queen Mother, and there was a anger in his heart. This is clearly a shame. If this is passed down, if you return to Kyoto afterwards, how can you stand in the palace? I can't think of the Queen Mother's viciousness. "The Queen Mother, the Gongyuan of the Royal Hospital has already been on the emperor. The Queen's Empress is pregnant before being taken out of Kyoto. You are humiliating the Queen and humiliating the Emperor!"

"Stop!" the Queen Mother screamed. "Even if the mourner believes that the Queen's child is the emperor, if it is born as a daughter? What's more, now is imminent, not to mention the ancestral chamber. Now the North Ming Kingdom is eyeing Jin Guo, will they wait? ?"

It’s a strong word! Lu Shiming was so angry that he turned red. When he said that he was in the Queen Mother’s words, he still thought that the child was not the emperor. This is the biggest humiliation and injury to the embarrassment.

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