Lu Shiming returned home and immediately called Lu Xiangzhi into the study room and told him that the Queen Mother called the cabinet minister into the palace tonight.

"The Queen Mother, what do you want to do? If there is an accident in the emperor, how can there be no news in Kyoto, and there is no movement in Anhe City. Is the Queen Mother wanting to take the opportunity to win the position?" Lu Xiang asked on the spot.

"What she wants to do is well-known. Today, the most important thing is to know the situation on the other side of Anhe City. Even if the emperor is missing, I must be careful. Now General Ye has a tens of thousands of soldiers, and he has escorted him.夭夭 Nature is not a problem, the most worry is that the Queen Mother is secretly behind the scenes." Lu Shiming whispered.

"Hey, I personally went to Anhe City to tell the emperor about Kyoto." Lu Xiangzhi immediately said.

Lu Shiming shook his head. "If you leave Kyoto, the Queen Mother will know immediately. You will go to Xue Lin and let Xue Lin go to Anhe City. You have to stay in Kyoto. Once the Queen Mother has any intentions, he can still go with Ye General. Something is worth it."

"Hey, is this just a matter of the Queen Mother's willingness or... Does Xiao Wangye have that ambition?" Lu Xiang asked in a low voice, and he really did not want to believe that Murong would betray the emperor.

At this time, Lu Shiming remembered the most crucial question. "I didn't see Xiao Wang in Cining Palace today. He didn't know if he knew it."

"Then I will go to the little prince to ask," Lu Xiangzhi said.

"Well, if Xiao Wangye doesn't mean that, it is the idea of ​​the Queen Mother." Lu Shiming whispered, thinking of the humiliation of the Queen Mother, he was still angered at this time, it seems that even if he came back, the Queen Mother Definitely won't make her better.

Lu Xiangzhi nodded gently. After coming out of Lujia, he went directly to the royal palace of Murong, and asked the doorman to know that Xiao Wangye was in the house. He immediately went to the study.

He has not known how many times he went to this palace, and those who know him know him.

In the study, Murong heard that he was coming, laughing and coming out from behind the book. "You shouldn't come to me for dinner?"

"I am going to drink." Lu Xiang said with a faint smile. "I still want to tell you."

"What?" Murong asked, sending out the eunuchs in the study room.

Lu Xiang’s voice is low. “Do you know that the emperor has an accident?”

Inkor’s look is tight. “What do you say? Who told you, I have never heard of it, and the cabinet has no news.”

"Today, the Queen Mother passed the cabinet minister into the palace..." Lu Xiangzhi told Xiao Wang Ye what the Queen Mother said today. "Auntie, you should know who the Queen Mother is doing."

"I know." Murong's face was blue and green. "The Queen Mother did not tell me about the emperor's brother. I didn't even say that I have summoned the cabinet minister today. I don't believe that the emperor will have an accident. The Queen Mother does this... In the end, it is the emperor. Where is the brother?"

Murong is very sad in the heart, how can the Queen Mother do such a thing? That is the emperor! It is his brethren's brother. If they were not the emperor, they would protect them in the past few years. Can they still have today? When the Queen Mother learned that the emperor had an accident, she actually had a mind to secretly arrange how to help him to go up. Isn’t she most concerned about the safety of the emperor?

If the emperor knows this, I don’t know how sad it is.

"I immediately went to the palace to find the Queen Mother." Murong said, his eyes were a little red.

Lu Xiangzhi took his hand. "What can you do when you enter the palace? The Queen Mother left the Jing Jinghua three people to discuss it for a long time today. Do you think she is caring for the emperor? If you can persuade her, she will not be jealous. I am here."

"Don't you look at the Queen Mother to sell the Emperor?" Murong angered. "That is my big brother. If he really has an accident, how can I sit here with peace of mind?"

"Even if the emperor is in danger, he will be ruined. Anhe City has not heard the news yet. There are only two reasons. First, the incident is illusory, and the second is deliberately concealed. The Queen Empress is now also in Anhe City. You have to believe. The Queen is the emperor, the emperor is to believe in you, will let you stay in Kyoto, when he is not, you are his eyes, his hands, you have to protect Kyoto for him."

Murong Yu calmed down from anger and pain. "The Queen Mother has been in the palace all the time. How did she know that the emperor had an accident?"

"I heard that there was an emperor's confidant who came back to tell her, but it was just who came back and didn't know. I heard that the person was seriously injured in the Royal Hospital." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"Impossible!" Murong shook his head. "If it is the confidant of the emperor, it is impossible to go to the Queen Mother first. I will go to the Royal Hospital to find out. If there is such a person, I will definitely ask." ”

Lu Xiangzhi also thinks this person is very important, "Good."

Murong 沂 let Lu Xiang follow him to the palace, first went to the Royal Hospital, in the backyard of the Royal Hospital, there are several rooms for people to live and raise, and Murong Yan called the Gong Yuan, "From Anhe City Where are the people coming back?"

"Back to the lord, the man has left, and Qiu Guofan took him away." Gong Yuan sentenced back.

Qiu Yaozong? In the eyes of Murong, there was a glimpse of a strange look, and Lu Xiangzhi looked at it.

"Do you know who it is?" It is not difficult to recognize the true confidant of the emperor's brother.

"The lower official did not recognize who the person was. It seems to have never been seen before." Gong Yuan sentenced.

"What about his injury? How was it hurt?" Murong asked quietly.

Gong Yuan did not know that Xiao Wangye asked this person's intentions, but he felt that the wound of that person was really strange, and because the person was sent by the Queen Mother, he could not say too straightforward. "It is an arrow wound, it looks like it is The newly added wounds, if they were old, could not be sustained in a few days."

That is quite suspicious! Murong snorted and said to Lu Xiangzhi, "You go to Qiujia and check out where Qiu Yaozong took people. I will check if Qiu Yaozong is in the palace today. I will meet you later." ""

Lu Xiangzhi nodded lightly, "Good!"

Murong has been managing the political affairs for some time. It is not difficult to ask for one thing in the palace. So he soon knows that Qiu Yaozong has gone to the palace to see the Queen Mother. Besides, after him, There is a person who claims to be from Anhe City to see the Queen Mother.

It seems that this person is hard to say from Anhecheng.

Murong sang called the palace screen of the Queen Mother, and carefully interrogated, only to know that the Queen Mother and Qiu Yaozong did not know what to discuss in the sleeping hall today, even the palace ladies around them sent out.

"If you go down first, if you hear any movements in these two days, you will immediately tell the king." Murong whispered.

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