At the moment of stepping into this inn, Murong Chan noticed that something was wrong. Whether it was a business or a boss, it was not an ordinary citizen. He asked Hung Hom and the sergeant to send Ye Hao upstairs, and let Wu Chong follow. Go up.

"The emperor, they are my people." Murong whispered, "Let's go with you."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and glanced at him sideways. "Good."

He knows that Murong Yu is the owner of Qianluo, and since these are his people, there are thousands of Luosha in this inn.

Behind the screen behind the innkeeper, Fujisawa slowly came out and glanced at Murong.

Inkor Chong's gaze swept like a blade to the vine, but he just looked at it. He turned and walked up to the second floor. Since he believed in Murong, he believed that he could solve the problem.

"Why are you here?" Murong looked at Fujisawa with a cold eyes. "I remember making orders and not letting you appear in front of me."

"The owner, regardless of Mr. Teng's business, is that we received a business, big business!" The woman dressed by the innkeeper looked nervously at Murong, as if she was afraid that he would be angry.

Murong’s smile is chilly, “business? Killing business?”

The innkeeper’s mother swallowed, “The owner, we haven’t killed anyone for a long time.”

"The owner, there are people who want to kill Mo Rongzhan and Lu Hao in a thousand squats." Fujiko said with a low voice, "So I came to you with Qiu Niang, fearing that the other party not only hired thousands of Luosha to start with them. ”

Murong’s face was gloomy. “Who wants to kill them?”

"I checked, it is in Kyoto, the bid is extremely high, 10 million two." Fujisawa said.

Ten million to kill the emperor and the queen, where is this high? The Queen Mother really did this kind of killing. Before, he still thought that she was a gentle and gentle person. It seems that she pretended to be really good.

“What was the original shopkeeper of this inn?” Murong asked faintly.

"In the firewood, we didn't hurt them." Qiu Niang said hurriedly, afraid that the owner was angry.

Murong looked at them and said, "Go back, I know this."

Fujisawa immediately said, "The owner, let us stay, the other person who wants to kill is the emperor and the queen, then it will certainly not only ask for a thousand Luosha, maybe there are other rivers and lakes killers, we stay There is a helper."

"No, if you let them reveal my whereabouts, can you wait for us here? Staying here is only a danger, leaving here before dark." Murong said coldly.

Fujisaki originally wanted to take this opportunity to stay with Murong Yu, but it seems that he still did not forgive him. "Yes, the owner."

Murong looked at them and asked, "Who else knows where you are?"

He doesn't go to see the vines. If it is not the vines, because they are selfish, they won't appear here because he has orders, no matter how much money, thousands of ruins can no longer pick up the murder business. They appear in the inn. In order to kill, just remind him that it is too eye-catching.

"No one else knows." Qiu Niang looked at the vines with some sympathy. It was strange. Didn't the former owner believe in the vines? How the cabinet owner does not seem to want to talk to Fujisawa now.

Murong nodded faintly. "Leave here and don't allow leaks."

Fujita looked at Murong Yu, who disappeared into the entrance of the stairs, and felt a setback in his heart.

Qiu Niang carefully looked at him. "Mr. Teng, what should we do?"

"Pick up, put the innkeeper and the guy out of the inn, and let us leave before the black money." Rattan whispered.

"That... that 10 million is so bad?" Qiu Niang rounded her eyes and felt that her heart was like cutting meat. It was 10 million.

Rattan asked coldly, "Do you want money or want to die?"

Qiu Niang was stagnant. "That is still important."

"Let's go." Fujisawa said, as early as knowing this, he might as well check who is going to kill Murong Cham and Lu Hao, maybe this will make the owner forgive him.

Speaking of it, there are not many Kyoto people who want to kill these two people, and they will be able to find out soon.

At this point, the leafhopper in the room sat down and walked for two days. This inn was the most comfortable. She finally got a good night's sleep.

"This kind of remote place even has such an inn, it is really rare." Ye Hao said with a smile to the ink-filled Zhan Zhanzhan.

"So so relieved, not afraid to meet the black shop?" Murong Zhan asked an eyebrow.

Ye Hao deliberately showed a frightened expression. "Yes, there may be a black shop. What should I do?"

"Ha ha ha." Murong Zhan laughed loudly. "Even if it is a black shop, there is no way, only those who open black shops are unlucky."

"It seems to be true." Ye Hao smiled at him.

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head. If it wasn't for Murong Yu, then the inn really became a black shop. Why did the people of Qianluozha appear here? It’s not hard to guess, it’s mostly to kill him.

"Don't you say that you want to bathe? Let Red Dragonfly give you water and have a good rest tonight." Murong said softly.

Ye Xiaoxiao nodded. "Already let the red dragonfly go to the hot water."

Murong Chan put his hand on her lower abdomen. "There is still a few months to produce, this stomach is so big, this... really no problem?"

"No problem, you see that I am still alive and kicking." Ye Hao said with a smile, she now insists on walking an hour every day, in order to make it easier to produce in the future, even if it is too tired to stick to it.

"Every time I look at you in front of you, you are scared." Murong Zhan pinched her nose.

Ye Haofu looked at his dark and deep scorpion, and there was a sweet warmth in his heart. "When I was a child, you were by my side. I heard that a woman who gave birth to a child is like stepping on a coffin... ”

"Don't say this kind of thing!" Murong Zhan's face changed. "Is it so unlucky to say anything?"

Ye Hao spit out the powdered tongue. "Everyone else said so, you will be by my side, right?"

Murong Zhan kissed her mouth. "Why don't you stay with you, who should I stay with?"

"I am going to bathe, do you want to be together?" Ye Hao blinked and asked.

“Hey...” Murong Zhan took a deep breath, “How do you fire the cockroach?”

Ye Hao bit his cheek and smiled. "Don't tell you."

The darkness of Murong Chong suddenly sank and became deeper.

"The emperor, the six kings asked to see." Outside the voice of Fu Gonggong.

The cockroaches in one room were interrupted.

Murong Chan looked helplessly at Ye Hao and kissed her on the cheek. "Let's stay next time."

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