Murong Chan sent Ye Hao back to the inn, and let Wu Chong and others keep the inn. The black people were martial arts, but where was Murong’s opponent, only two of them were caught alive. come back.

"Come on when you go, you don't want to go out again." Murong Zhan said with her little hand, just that scene really scared his heart to stop.

Ye Hao put his hand on his chest and kissed him on his chin. "I don't go out, I am here waiting for you to come back."

Murong Zhan whispered and looked at her, bowed her lips and kissed her lips slowly, and slowly kissed him until she could not breathe. He was so short of breath, and his heartbeat was a little faster. The voice hoarsely called her name, "Hey..."

"You are going." Ye Hao said with a red face.

"Yeah." Murong Chong kissed her red and swollen pink lips, and then turned and left.

Ye Hao sat down with a bit of a hearty heart. She and Murong Zhan are almost old wives, isn’t she kissing? As for this? She has just been killed outside, is it the sequela of the disaster?

"Animal, Zhao Ning is asking for help outside, if she wants to send her back to slavery." Hung Hom came in and whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao calmed down. "No, let her in. If it wasn't for her today, we might be killed by those people."

Hung Hom did not expect that it would be saved indirectly by Zhao Ning. "Yes, the goddess."

In fact, Zhao Ning will save Ye Hao today is totally an accident. She and Lin Zhiran can't find out the Queen's hobby. I feel depressed. I just want to go out and eat when I eat something in the house. Who knows just left the inn. To the Queen of the Queens in the field, she thought that she could go forward and say hello. Before she took a few steps, she found that there was something wrong in the field. When she saw one of the people holding a knife in her hand, she didn’t want to immediately Turn around and tell the emperor.

Zhao Ning walked in with her head down. She looked up and quickly glanced at Ye Hao, and hurriedly bowed down. "I have seen the Empress."

Ye Hao showed a faint smile. "Get up."

She doesn't like Zhao Ning is one thing, but she has to admit that Zhao Ning has helped her and Murong Zhan. She saved Murong Zhan before, and saved her today... If it is because of that dream, Zhao It’s really unfair to hold a disgusted attitude.

Zhao Ning followed this path. The original arrogance also converges a lot. Knowing what is outside the sky, she is so likable in Huajia Village, others don’t necessarily buy it, not to mention that she is still alone. Female, her identity is unknown. If she does not rely on others to mention her to find her biological father, she is a humble fisherwoman. There is nothing to be proud of.

"I heard that you urgently informed the emperor, the emperor only saved the palace in time, Zhao girl, this palace is very grateful to you, what do you want to reward?" Ye Hao said with a smile, she did not want to owe Zhao Ning, so I want to reward her and thank her for her timely report.

"The women actually didn't do anything, and they didn't dare to reward." Zhao Ning gently waved her hand. She didn't want anything to reward in her mind. She just thought that she shouldn't let the queen have an accident, so her brain was hot. Just tell the emperor.

Ye Hao thought that she was still a princess who was a folk. She sighed softly in her heart and pointed to the position. "Zhao girl, sit down and talk."

Zhao Ning was a little surprised. I didn't expect the Queen's Empress to let her sit down and talk. She sat down cautiously. She didn't know what the Queen Empress wanted to do.

"How could Zhao girl just go outside?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"Back to the maiden, the woman is bored in the room, wants to go outside, find the black man in the field outside the inn, thinking that something is wrong, then quickly tell the emperor." Zhao Ning said seriously, no A trace of concealment.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "You are very smart."

If it is not because of that dream, Ye Hao feels that she will actually appreciate Zhao Ning. She is interested, but she is not a malicious person, otherwise she will not save a stranger in Murong Chan, and will not remind me today. Murong Zhan came to save her. She is a clear-minded person who knows what she wants, so she wants to do her best.

Zhao Ning is a tough and clear-cut person. Such a person is a good friend and his opponent will be very bad.

Zhao Ning licked his lips and smiled. "The Queen's Mother is fine."

"No matter what, this palace still remembers your rescue today." Ye Hao whispered.

"The goddess... this, in fact, I also have a purpose." Zhao Ning said quickly, "I just want you not to hate me, so I am not too sad in Kyoto..."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "Do you think that this palace will return to Kyoto and it will be difficult for you?"

"No, no." Zhao Ning shook his head. "I don't mean this. The emperor valued the empress. If I can please the goddess, I think it is easier to find my father."

"You do so much, just want to find your father?" Ye Hao asked.

Zhao Ning nodded. "Yes, my mother said that she must find him. I am not born to be a fisherwoman, so I have to find my father and prove that I am not bad. I am not a wilderness." Kind."

"You can rest assured that the emperor and the six princes will find the biological father for you." Ye Hao whispered, low-profile eyebrows do not go to see her, Murong Cham and Murong Yu have long known Zhao Ning's identity, do not say now Just want to find a better chance, after all, Zhao Ning is also the piece that they use.

"Right, the goddess, I brought this back." Zhao Ning smiled and escaped a large number of holy fruit from her arms.

Ye Hao slightly stunned and then smiled. "Are you still picking this up?"

"I saw that the red sister did not pick it up, she went to pick some clean." Zhao Ning said with a smile, "the goddess, what is this?"

"St. Fruit." Ye Hao smiled softly. "Red dragonfly, take it and wash it."

Hung Hom looked at Zhao Ning and felt a little complicated. She had already treated Zhao Ning as a villain. Today she was saved because she was only listening to her words. It seems that she did not think so.

She quickly washed the saint fruit, "the niece, the slave has just tried, no poison."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "Who told you this is poisonous?"

"It’s so bright, I have to give it a try." Hung Ho said, and she still suspected that Zhao Ning’s eyes were bad.

"Zhao girl, you can also try." Ye Hao said with a smile.

At this time, Zhao Ning felt that she was too flattered. She did not expect that the Queen Empress would be so cheerful to her.

Is this a good start?

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