When I was planning to go down, there were eunuchs outside the door to report.

The Queen Mother self-mutilated in the Cining Palace, threatening to see the Queen Empress. If the Niangniang did not go to see her, she would self-immolate in Cining Palace.

After ink-smelling, his face was gloomy. He didn't want to go to see the Queen Mother again. He believed that Ye Hao was also unwilling. What is the future of the Queen Mother? He looked at Murong, "Auntie, go to the Cining Palace."

"Yes, the emperor." Murong nodded gently, and the Queen Mother must have been crazy now. If you let him go to see him, maybe there is danger, not to see the best.

Ye Hao did not intend to see the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother did not seem to see her refused to give up, actually played self-mutilation, when the palace man panicked to find Ye Hao, Ye Haozheng was sleeping on the big welcome pillow, she also Waiting for Murong Cham, although she knew in her heart that he did not necessarily have time to come back tonight, there must be a lot of things to deal with in front.

From the palace to the palace, you should clear it all over.

"Mother, are you going to see the Queen Mother?" Hong Ling came in and saw that Ye Hao had already sat up and quickly came over to help her.

"It is difficult to watch her burn the Cining Palace, and then waste money to rebuild it." Ye Hao said faintly, she wanted to know what the Queen Mother was so desperate to see.

Hong Ling said, "The slaves look at the Queen Mother and definitely want you to plead for the emperor. She does something like this, how can I see you?"

"If she still cares about this, she won't force Xiao Wang to become a king." Ye Hao changed his clothes and said to Hong Ling, "You and I will go back to the hospital tomorrow, there are people waiting around the palace, the medical needs you guys."

Before she was taken away by Qi Ruoshui, she sent Hong Ling and Yu to the palace, let them look at the doctor for her. Later, in order to find her, Murong Zhan let her go to Qingzhou, and Hongling was also I got back to the palace.

Hong Ling said, "The niece, the slave is still waiting for you to give birth to the little prince and then go to the hospital."

Ye Hao smiled as he walked out. "What about the hospital in the palace? There are red dragonflies and frowns, don't worry, don't you bring out a few new people?"

"Slaves are reluctant to you." Hong Ling said with a smile.

Ye Hao walked out of the dormitory and saw Xiaoqi at the door. She had a sly smile on her eyes. "Let Hung Hom and Xiao Qi go to Ci Ning Palace with the palace. People go too much. People think that we are going to do something."

"..." Hong Ling and others listened silently, and the goddess brought you the little seven. Isn't it what you want to do?

Hung Hom and Xiao Qi have been together for a while, and they have already been recognized by Xiaoqi. They have come to the Cining Palace all the way, and they are scared to move the palace people they met on the road.

Whoever sees such a big wolf walking around the palace can't calm down.

The Empress Dowager was pouring in the Cining Palace. She seemed to have been out of the house. Even the Taizhao’s dignity was not able to be taken care of. The torches that I did not know where I found it were already ready to burn my own sleeping hall.

Ye Hao stood at the door and looked at her coldly. She wanted to see it. The Queen was willing to burn herself.

"Is it finally coming?" The Queen Mother saw Ye Hao, and her face showed a smug smile.

At this time, there is still the solemnity of the Queen Mother. Her hair is messy, and her makeup has already opened up. It looks like a wolverine.

"If you are not afraid that you will burn the Ci Ning Palace and waste money, do you think I want to come?" Ye Hao was faintly cold, and her last feelings for the Queen Mother had disappeared.

The Queen Mother wanted to get close to Ye Hao, the small seven block in front of her, a pair of golden sternly looked at her coldly, scared her to stop.

"The mourner knows that he has lost. Even if he loses, the mourner must lose his understanding. The news of the disappearance of the emperor was deliberately transmitted. You dug a trap to the mourner to jump, right?" The Queen Mother asked reluctantly. .

She really does not want to die, and if she dies, she means there is no way.

"Did you never care whether the emperor will be injured?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, "The emperor was indeed missing for a few days, and even suffered a very serious injury. He died outside for nine years, using blood and sweat to earn you for this. The days of Ronghua's prosperity and peace, you are not grateful, even if you want to harm him, are you his mother?" Ye Hao could not help but screamed in anger.

The Queen Mother chuckled. "After the mourning is his mother, isn't he supposed to do it for us?"

"No one should do anything for others, you don't think too much." Ye Hao said coldly, "I want to come here to see you today, not because of any love for you, just to make you awake. You hurt not only the emperor, but also the aunt...he is so respectful of his big brother, but you forced him to betray the emperor, you never thought they would kill each other?"

"The emperor is really going to send the mourning home to the palace..." The Queen Mother was asked by the leaf scorpion how to answer her. Her feelings about the emperor's son could not match the aunt's, but she used to control very well. In front of the emperor, she has always been a gentle and kind mother. Later, she didn’t know how to hide it. The beast at the bottom of her heart ran out. She wanted to get more and wanted to control an obedient emperor. She knew very well that Murong Chan Not that she can control, he has a heart on Lu Yan's body, even her mother is not comparable.

Auntie is the most listened to her, is her favorite son, if the aunt becomes the emperor, it is perfect.

The idea grew stronger in her mind until she heard that Murong Chan had disappeared.

When she wanted to get the emperor or her son, she didn't care if he would die. She just wanted to realize her embarrassment and let her aunt become the emperor.

"Let you go to the palace, it is already the best arrangement for you." Ye Hao said coldly.

"Even if the emperor let the mourner go to the palace, you should stop it. If it is not a mourning family, do you have today? You are a white-eyed wolf!" The Queen Mother did not want to go to the palace. Once she went to Lingshan, she would never want to see her son again. .

When Xiao Qi heard the words of the Queen Mother, she snorted at her teeth and scared her face too white.

Ye Hao touched the head of Xiaoqi and signaled that it was a little safe. "I am grateful to you after the Queen Mother. However, I have already repaid all your kindness. You want me to come to see you, I am here too." It’s all said, if you still want to self-immolate, then it’s light.”

The Queen Mother discovered that Lu Yi has changed personally. If it was before, she must have been soft for a long time. "The mourner must see the emperor."

Ye Hao sneered. "What face do you have to see the emperor? It's ridiculous."

"He is the son of the mourning family, he can't be so mournful!" the Queen shouted.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao has no intention of continuing to listen to her, turning and preparing to leave.

Looking back at Murong, I don’t know how long he stood here.

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