Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1078: Lifting position

Ye Hao left the palace for several months. She was not familiar with the business in the palace. Now she feels that she does not know where to start. In particular, there are many people who have to reward and punish them recently. How to reward them, the palace is cleared. A few people, but also to promote new palace people, like Hu Yu, they did not follow the rebellion when the Queen Mother was in chaos, but to maintain the stability of the palace, this is also credit, she must also be rewarded.

But how do you reward it?

When Murong Chong came in from outside, he didn't let people know. When he entered the room, he saw Ye Hao, who was sitting at the table and facing the smugness of a pile of books. I didn't know what was troubled by him. He didn't even notice when he came in.

When he approached and went to see it, he discovered that she had been looking at the various orders in the palace to request instructions, and many of them were booked in previous years.

"See what these things do?" Murong Cham asked with a frown.

Ye Hao was shocked by the sound of his sudden sound. "When did you come in? Scared me."

Murong Chan sat down beside her and reached out and rubbed her chest. "Not scared, not scared."

"I came back so early today, isn't it busy?" Ye Yan smiled and asked, and she was worried that she had let go of a morning break.

"For the time being, nothing happened." Murong Chong's hand glared at her chest, and gradually some of them were no longer there. They held her a soft flesh and said, "Although there is a Queen Mother, there are not many people in the court." If Qiu Yaozong was cut, it would be fine. By the way, Qiu Yaozu was also raised and asked him to support Qiu’s family. As for the inside of the cabinet, he was picking people. When he chose two people, he was just the other. It’s a matter of fact, your brother hasn’t heard back yet, but it’s just two days.”

Ye Hao gently patted his claws. "What happened to the debt collection?"

"There are more people crying in the palace recently, I don't want to see them." He ordered the ink to let them go to discuss the money. The people in the clan entered the palace and cried poorly. The implication was that they said they would not borrow now. The silver is already good, and there is still money to return to the court, which is forcing them to die.

He almost wanted to say that he was going to die.

Ye Hao thought of the things that Murong Zhan had a headache, and laughed out. "Don't you cry in front of you and hang on?"

"It’s almost the same." Murong Cham said, pointing to the table and the booklet, "What are you doing?"

"There are various kinds of rewards and punishments in the palace, you know that I am not familiar with these, so I want to see how it was arranged in previous years." Ye Hao said with some distress.

When she was a girl, the family asked her aunt to teach her to settle accounts. At that time, no one thought that Murong Cham would become the emperor. Naturally, she would not teach her things in the palace. She was an empty Wang Hao in Qin Wangfu. What she had learned was not used at all, and then she was born again. She was even less likely to manage the affairs of Lu’s family. Over time, the basics of her previous studies were invalidated. It’s really hard to pick it up again. .

Murong Zhan took a look at the fold and looked at it. "The arrangement in the palace is to look at your own mind. Which one is suitable for mentioning, don't care about the opinions of those people under the head. Sometimes they just want to test you. If you don't like it. Now let others do it. There are always so many people in the palace who can use it."

Ye Hao carefully pondered the meaning of Murong Cham, he is... want him to use other 妃嫔 to be a shield? "There is no queen in the palace now, even if I mention someone else, then what is she doing is not all my head?"

She doesn't mind how others think about her. Anyway, she does everything well. Murong Chan will definitely accommodate her. She just wants to do better. She doesn't want to leave trouble. She also wants to help him.

"It's a way to stumble, but you can't be angry." Murong Zhan whispered.

Since he said this, it must be a way that she did not like it. "How do you know that I will be angry?"

Murong Chan held her sitting on her lap, and he glared at her round shoulders. "I haven’t had any children for so many years, except you will not have any children who have given birth. There are no other people in the palace, so 朕I can rest assured, but... After the Queen Mother, I am not at ease with the outside. When you give birth to a child, you will become a target. Even if you do everything, they will pay you because you can only defeat you. of……"

Ye Hao fiercely grabbed his clothes. She had already understood his words. The Queen Mother was not in the palace. She was the only person with the greatest rights in the harem. He had more and more things to do, and he would definitely offend the clan. At that time, there will definitely be people who want to deal with him, but he is surrounded by copper walls. If you want to deal with him, the most direct way is to start with her.

If it was before, she could kill ghosts and kill Buddhas. But now she does not dare to have such an idea. She will have children soon. The child is the most vulnerable and cannot withstand a little bit of harm.

Murong Zhan kissed her cheek. "You need someone to stop in front of you and divert the attention of others."

Ye Hao buried her face in his arms, holding his hands tightly around his waist. She did not want to agree to what he said.

"Suddenly it’s impossible to lift it up. There are still a lot of girls in the palace who haven’t been waiting for them. If you want to raise their position, turn your attention away first, then let one or two come out to stop you. In front, you are embarrassed, and the children are born smoothly, and then you will be able to solve the problem outside.” Murong Zhan glared at her. In fact, he can carry her on her back. It is afraid that she will be sad when she misunderstands.

"Who do you want to mention?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

Murong Zhan laughed. "Who do you think is right? Listen to you."

Ye Hao pushed him away and didn't want to see him. "Who do you think you will pick who you want, how do I know what you like."

"If you have a favorite, do you still need to wait until now?" Murong Chong held her in her arms and refused to let her go. "Fortunately, I told you first, otherwise you will be angry with me for a lifetime." ”

"I can't stand the woman you touched." Ye Hao looked back at him and his tears rolled out.

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head, bowed his head and kissed her lips. "When did you say you want to touch them? What are you thinking about your little head, just mentioning that two people are coming up to do things for you, do you still have to grieve yourself?" ”

"Ah?" Ye Hao looked at him, for a moment did not understand what his words mean.

He doesn't mean to blame himself... isn't he going to touch those women? She remembers that he seems to be somewhat clean, but there are always exceptions.

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